1. VALIE EXPORT Art, Bio, Ideas | TheArtStory
Jul 16, 2018 · VALIE EXPORT's work is expressly political, questioning the ways in which society functions, and particularly how women are perceived and treated.
VALIE EXPORT's work is expressly political, questioning the ways in which society functions, and particularly how women are perceived and treated.
2. Encountering Bodies: VALIE EXPORT's Cinematic Experiments
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Analysing VALIE EXPORT's ...Remote...Remote... (1973), Filser ponders on the deeper meaning of the disturbing, visceral on-screen body images.
3. Valie Export by Gary Indiana - BOMB Magazine
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On the trials and tribulations of making cinema in Austria and the attraction of the “dead” city of Vienna.
4. VALIE EXPORT at C/O | Spike Art Magazine
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At C/O, Berlin, a documentary exhibition of the Viennese Actionist VALIE EXPORT underscores the shock of her meta-media performances fifty years ago and their interim saturation of our visual language.
5. VALIE EXPORT Insists on Taking Up Space - Hyperallergic
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EXPORT’s urban interventions in her exhibition Embodied alert us to the risks of being read as femme in a highly visible, public space.
6. Review: 'Valie Export: The 1980 Venice Biennale Works' at Ropac
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Review of Thaddaeus Ropac's restaging of Austrian artist Valie Export's 1980 Venice Biennale installation, which addressed feminist themes.
7. Georgia Lassner on VALIE EXPORT - Artforum
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Taking place inside a century-old house built of concrete wedges, the exhibition “VALIE EXPORT: Embodied” was installed with such a light, effervescent touch that at moments you could squint and miss it.
8. VALIE EXPORT-Body Configurations 1972-76 - Dreamideamachine
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Since the late ‘60s, VALIE EXPORT has concentrated on the body in her work, with the intention of challenging – in a society characterized by a false egalitarianism of gender – contradictions, pressures, and violence toward women. In her practice, performance is a means of investigating physical and psychological limits or is used as a device to destabilize sexist ideologies.
9. VALIE EXPORT – Art Blart _ art and cultural memory archive
Her hair was cut fashionably into a short bob and was frequently bright red, as in 1925 when the German painter Otto Dix painted a portrait of her, titled “The ...
Posts about VALIE EXPORT written by Dr Marcus Bunyan
10. Who Is Valie Export? Just Look, and Please Touch - The New York Times
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This artist’s works were among the most radical feminist statements in Europe of the ‘60s and ‘70s.
11. Seeing VALIE EXPORT Photographically
VALIE EXPORT, VALIE EXPORT – SMART EXPORT, 1970, self-portrait. Collection ... black, white and transparent liquids correspond to the colour values of ...
Border Crossings is a cultural magazine edited and published in Winnipeg. A local, international magazine, it is now in its 35th year of continuous publication. Edited by Meeka Walsh, it investigates contemporary culture through a combination of articles, reviews, interviews and portfolios of photographs and drawings.
12. VALIE EXPORT – interview: 'My artworks are still a rebellion against ...
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The pioneering Austrian feminist artist talks about breaking taboos and provoking aggressive responses – in the 1960s and now – ahead of a reinstallation of her 1980 Venice Biennale works at London’s Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac
13. VALIE EXPORT: Strike of the Raw Female Experience - Azure Arts
Oct 20, 2022 · This black and white photography series expresses the tension between the individual and the societal forces. EXPORT defines landscape as the ...
Born Watraud Lehner in 1940, the Austrian performance artist abandoned her predetermined identity by creating her own, on her terms. Her self-determined name served as a manifesto and a logo, written only in capital letters to announce her presence: VALIE EXPORT. Export meaning, “always and everywhere” and to her exporting herself into anew. Her name ...
14. Identity Transfer 1-3 - MOCA
Here, for example, it documents how makeup, jewelry, hair, clothes ... For VALIE EXPORT, this was an aesthetic matter as well as a feminist one ...
Established in 1979, we are the only artist-founded museum in Los Angeles. We are dedicated to collecting and exhibiting contemporary art.
15. File Note #11: Valie Export - Camden Art Centre
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Essay by Malcolm Le Grice
16. Valie Export: Strategies for Resistance - ELEPHANT
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In the 1960s, way ahead of her time, Valie Export invited visitors at her Touch Cinema performance to view and touch her bare breasts through an open box strapped to her chest. [author]Jessica Saxby[/author] heads to Berlin to meet the Austrian radical feminist, performance artist and creator of “expanded cinema”.