Thermomix ANZAC Balls - ThermoFun | Recipes & Tips (2024)

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These Thermomix ANZAC balls are a bit of a twist on an Anzac biscuit! These no bake balls are so quick, easy and yummy. They're also rather addictive so I'd suggest you double the batch!

Recipe inspired byand tweaked to be made in the Thermomixfrom emerald + ella.

Thermomix Anzac Balls

Serving Size

Makes 18 balls

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Thermomix ANZAC Balls - ThermoFun | Recipes & Tips (1)


  • 100g almonds
  • 60g rolled oats
  • 30g desiccated coconut + extra for rolling
  • 20g chia seed
  • pinch sea salt
  • 70g golden syrup
  • 2 teaspoon ThermoFun Vanilla Bean Paste
  • 1 tablespoon water


  1. Place almonds, oats, coconut, chia seed and salt into TM bowl and mix 3 sec / speed 8.
  2. Add golden syrup, vanilla and water and mix 6 sec / speed 8.
  3. Roll into balls and coat in coconut and place in fridge.


If you are wanting to make it nut free - use half pepitas and half sunflower seeds instead of the almonds.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Sylvia Halden says

    Love these, so easy I made them very small so made a whole lot. Added cocoa to some of the mixture as some people are hard to convince that healthy is tasty. Both tasted really good.
    Took them to Bowls early morning to have with a cuppa.


  2. Krystal says

    Any idea on what I can use instead of oats? Wanting to make it gluten free


  3. Christine says

    Can I use honey instead of syrup?


    • thermofun says

      Hi Christine, honey should be fine to use. :)


  4. Katrina says

    Can you use a substitute for the vanilla paste? Can you just use vanilla essense? Many thanks for your help


    • thermofun says

      Yes you can use vanilla essence Katrina :D Enjoy!


  5. Annette Bowers says

    Yum!! I could have sat here just eating out of the bowl. I cheated though and have put mine in bars as I'm too lazy to roll them lol. Do these freeze?


    • thermofun says

      Hi Annette, yes they freeze great and also it does make it a little hard not to eat it out of the bowl! Also bars that's a cool idea.


    • thermofun says

      Linda as there is only 20g chia seeds you can leave them out if you wish. :)


  6. Kylie says

    These are so easy to make. Kids scored them 8/10 and they are fussy when it comes to snacks


    • thermofun says

      Thanks Kylie! Always great to hear that fussy kids can be satisfied! :)


  7. Darra says

    Yum! These are so delicious. Gotta love the fact that something so yum is also healthy.


    • thermofun says

      Thank you Darra. Yes amazing how addictive they are! :)


  8. Merren Stockdale says

    Fantastic recipe, I have made it so many times and never tire of it. Great to take on camping trips.. Thank you for sharing.


    • thermofun says

      Thanks for the comment Merren :D Wonderful to hear :)


  9. Bdc says

    These sound delicious!
    I don't own a thermomix, so was wondering if there was another method?
    Many thanks :)


    • thermofun says

      Hi BDC, Thanks for dropping by - Just having a look over the recipe I would suggest a food processor to make these balls. Let me know how you go :D


  10. Romina says

    Leonie these are absolutely delicious!!!! My kids cant stop eating them, which is good because otherwise id eat them all lol.

    Thank you!


    • thermofun says

      Thank you Romina - yes I totally agree they are very addictive! :)


  11. Ami says

    Yum, yum, yum!! I just made these and instead of the 100g almonds and 20g chia seeds, I just chucked in a mix of 120g of almonds, chia seeds, linseeds, seasame seeds, poppy seeds, and sunflower seeds! Deliciousness!


    • thermofun says

      Thanks Ami - yes a very versatile but always yummy recipe! :)


  12. Frogdancer says

    These are fantastic!


    • thermofun says

      Thanks! Pleased you enjoyed them! :)


  13. Donna says

    These look amazing! What could i substitute the almonds with as i have a nut allergy child?


    • thermofun says

      Hi Donna - a mix of sunflower and pumpkin seeds would be a good substitute (although I haven't tried it). I'd love to hear how they go with these subs. Enjoy! They are rather addictive! I've made 3 batches in the last 3 days!! lol! :)


  14. Sandra says

    I just made these, so easy and tasty.


    • thermofun says

      Pleased you enjoyed them Sandra - they don't last long hey! ;)


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Thermomix ANZAC Balls - ThermoFun | Recipes & Tips (2024)
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