Organizational Meeting
January 2, 2014 – 2:00 pm
The Henry County Board of Supervisors held its organizational meeting on January 2, 2014, at 2:00 pm in the Summerlin Meeting Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The following Board members were present: Jim Adams, Chairman; Tommy Slaughter, Vice Chairman; Debra Buchanan; Milton Kendall, Joe Bryant, and H. G. Vaughn. Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; Richard Stanfield, Deputy Director of Finance; George Lyle, County Attorney; and Susan Reynolds, Director of Human Resources/Public Information Officer.
Also present were Deputies Mark Jamison and Troy Easter of the Sheriff’s Office; Ben Williams and Mike Wray of the Martinsville Bulletin; and Ron Morris of B99. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE
Mr. Lyle gave the invocation and Mr. Slaughter led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Adams called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. He stated anyone who wishes to be on the Agenda for the Board’s regular business meeting held at 3:00 pm must contact the County Administrator’s Office seven days prior to a scheduled meeting. Anyone who wishes to speak at the Board’s public meeting starting at 6:00 pm may do so under Agenda Item - Matters Presented by the Public without contacting the County Administrator’s Office.
Before beginning official business, Mr. Adams addressed fellow Board members and staff and said it was an honor to serve as chairman for the last two years. “I was told when I was a young person and went to get my driver’s license that it wasn’t a right; it was a privilege,” Mr. Adams said. “I consider being this board’s chairman a privilege, not a right.”
Mr. Vaughn spoke highly of Mr. Adams’ service as chairman saying he treated everyone with fairness and equity. Other Board members echoed Mr. Vaughn’s comments. Mr. Vaughn then moved the County Administrator chair the meeting during the election of Chairman and Vice Chairman, seconded by Mr. Bryant and unanimously carried. Mr. Hall reviewed the procedures for nomination of Chairman and Vice Chairman and noted that nominations do not require a second.
ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN FOR 2014 Mr. Hall opened the floor for nominations for Chairman. Mr. Adams nominated H.G. Vaughn. There being no further nominations the floor was closed for office of Chairman. The vote carried 6-0. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN FOR 2014 Mr. Hall opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chairman. Mr. Bryant nominated Mr. Slaughter. Mr. Vaughn nominated Ms. Buchanan. Ms. Buchanan thanked Mr. Vaughn but declined the nomination. There being no further nominations the floor was closed for office of Vice Chairman.
The vote carried 6-0. Mr. Hall congratulated Mr. Vaughn and Mr. Slaughter on their election as Chairman and Vice Chairman and turned the meeting over to Chairman Vaughn. Mr. Vaughn thanked the Board for their confidence and said he feels optimistic about the coming year. Mr. Vaughn said some of his main goals for 2014 include supporting Commonwealth Crossing Business Centre, the construction of a new shell building at the Patriot Centre and making sure the new marina at Philpott Lake gets on track and pays for itself. SETTING OF REGULAR BOARD MEETING DATES FOR 2014
Mr. Hall said a proposed calendar of meeting dates for 2014 was included in the Board’s working papers. The dates are based on the schedule of meeting every fourth Tuesday, with the exception of December as to avoid the holidays. Ms. Buchanan moved the Board approve the proposed Board Meeting Dates for 2014, seconded by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously carried. ADOPTION OF 2014 BOARD BYLAWS Mr. Hall stated the Board traditionally adopts bylaws each year at its annual organizational meeting. A copy of the existing bylaws adopted January 2, 2013, was included in the Board’s package.
Mr. Adams moved the Board approve the Bylaws as presented, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried.
Mr. Hall said for the past several years the Board has held an annual Planning Session, usually in late January or early February. Mr. Hall said staff is still working on details of this year’s meeting, but it most likely would be held at the Administration Building after a short tour of nearby businesses. Mr. Hall requested any specific dates that would not work for the Board. Mr. Hall also reminded the Board of a joint meeting
already scheduled with the School Board on January 13 at 5 p.m. to hear a facilities study report from Dr. Jared Cotton.
Mr. Adams stated February 10 and 14 would conflict with his schedule. Mr. Hall said he will inform the Board of the meeting once he is able to secure a workable date with the businesses.
In addition, Mr. Hall said as part of the unveiling of the new County website,
staff has arranged for a photographer to take photos of Board members and asked that they arrive by 4 p.m. on January 13 prior to the 5 p.m. meeting.
Lastly, Mr. Hall said Senator Mark Warner will be in Henry County on January 22 to speak about a public safety grant the County recently received from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Mr. Hall said the event is scheduled for 5 p.m. but the location has not yet been set. There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Slaughter moved to adjourn at 2:21 p.m., seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried.
January 13, 2014 – 3:00 pm
The Henry County Board of Supervisors and the Henry County School Board held a joint Work Session on January 13, 2014. The following Board members were present: Chairman H.G. Vaughn, Vice Chairman Tommy Slaughter, Jim Adams, Debra Buchanan, Joe Bryant, and Milton Kendall. Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; George Lyle, County Attorney; Susan Reynolds, Human Resources Director; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; and Richard Stanfield, Deputy Director of Finance. Members of the School Board present were Chairman Joseph DeVault, Vice Chairman Betsy Mattox, Terri Flanagan, Merris Stambaugh, Curtis Millner, and Francis Zehr. Staff members present were Dr. Jared Cotton, School Superintendent; DeWitt House, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction/Accountability and Student Achievement; William Bullins, Assistant Superintendent of Administration and Human Resources; and Keith Scott, Supervisor of Facilities/Maintenance. Officer Troy Easter of the Henry County Sheriff’s Office was present. Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin was present. Chairman DeVault called the School Board meeting to order at 5:20 pm and thanked the Board of Supervisors for attending the meeting.
Chairman Vaughn called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 5:20 pm and congratulated the new members of the School Board. Dr. Cotton welcomed everyone in attendance and discussed the recent efforts of school administration to develop a long range facilities plan. Dr. Cotton introduced Jim McCalla with Moseley Architects to present the plan. A copy of the presentation is included in the file. Mr. McCalla highlighted the various issues with each school and compared the student capacity needs to those recommended by the Virginia Board of Education. In general, the greatest facility needs exist at the elementary level, with the highest priority need being in the Collinsville area. Mr.
McCalla recommended a path forward that could eventually lead to five elementary zones with fewer schools. He indicated a logical first step to address the most imminent facility needs would be to build a new school to replace John Reed Smith and Collinsville Primary Schools or significantly renovate and add on to Collinsville Primary School.
Mr. Hall briefly discussed the projected impact on the real estate tax rates that will be necessary to fund debt service on new building projects. A copy of the handout is included in the file.
Following general discussion, members of both Boards asked Dr. Cotton and Mr. Hall to further explore potential site locations for a new school in the Collinsville area, acquire an sales appraisal of the John Redd Smith and Collinsville Primary Schools, and to investigate various debt service options for building a new school.
Dr. DeVault and Mr. Vaughn expressed their appreciation to everyone in attendance for their willingness to work together.
The meeting of the School Board adjourned.
On a motion by Ms. Buchanan, seconded by Mr. Slaughter, and unanimously affirmed, the meeting of the Board of Supervisors was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
January 28, 2014 – 3:00 p.m.
The Henry County Board of Supervisors held its regular meeting on January 28,
2014, at 3:00 p.m. in the Summerlin Meeting Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The following Board members were present: Chairman H.G. Vaughn, Vice-Chairman Tommy Slaughter, Debra Buchanan, Jim Adams, Milton Kendall, and Joe Bryant.
Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; Richard Stanfield, Deputy Director of Finance; Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant; Susan Reynolds, Director of Human Resources; and George Lyle, County Attorney. Deputy Mike Hooper of the Sheriff’s Office was present. Also present was Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin.
Mr. Adams gave the invocation and Mr. Slaughter led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CALL TO ORDER:
Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. He stated that anyone who wishes to be on the Agenda for the Board’s regular business meeting held at 3:00 p.m. must contact the County Administrator’s Office seven days prior to a scheduled meeting. Those wishing to speak at the Board’s public meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. may do so under Agenda Item - Matters Presented by the Public without contacting the County Administrator’s Office. ITEMS OF CONSENT:
Confirmation of Minutes of Meetings Copy included in Board’s File
December 17, 2013 January 2, 2014 January 13, 2014
Approval of Accounts Payable Copy included in Board’s File Resolution Supporting Completion of U.S. 58 Four-lane Project Copy included in Board’s File
Mr. Adams moved the Items of Consent be adopted, seconded by Mr. Bryant. The motion carried 6 to 0. UPDATE BY ERIC DEATON, MARKET CEO FOR LIFEPOINT HOSPITALS
Eric Deaton, Market Chief Executive Officer for LifePoint Hospitals, was present to update the Board on the recently formed South Central Virginia market, which includes Memorial Hospital and Danville Regional Medical Center. Deaton said that creating this market structure will allow LifePoint to do a lot of things differently and better across that market as well as enable them to be more financially viable going forward in the future. Deaton also discussed the national search for a new CEO of Memorial Hospital after the recent resignation of Skip Philips. Deaton said they feel it is important to have an executive here representing our hospital locally. Additionally, Deaton said LifePoint has spent approximately $6 million on capital improvements between Memorial Hospital and Danville Regional and noted that Memorial Hospital is either the first or second largest employer in Martinsville-Henry County. PROCLAMATION ESTABLISHING FEBRUARY 2014 AS “TEEN DATING VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND AWARENESS MONTH” IN HENRY COUNTY
Mr. Slaughter read aloud a proclamation declaring February 2014 as “Teen Dating Violence Prevention and Awareness Month” in Henry County. On a motion by Mr. Slaughter and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously adopted the proclamation. A representative of Citizens Against Family Violence was unable to attend due to the weather. REPORT ON DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTION EFFORTS
Mr. Scott Grindstaff reviewed the monthly reports on delinquent tax collection efforts. Mr. Grindstaff noted that 97.36% of 2012 personal property taxes have been collected; 94.53% of 2012 real estate taxes; and since January 1, TACS collected approximately $595,171. In addition, Mr. Grindstaff said 249 VRW stops were collected in 2013 and eight in January 2014.
Mr. Mark Heath, President of the Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corporation, was unable to attend today’s meeting. Mr. Hall distributed a summary of activities by division (Copy included in Board’s File). ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: ATTORNEY GENERAL’S OFFICE GRANT - SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to appropriate a grant of $205,000 from the Virginia Attorney General’s Office. The grant will be used to help fund a
CBRNE armored personnel carrier, personal protective equipment, tactical bullet proof vests, and upgrades to the mobile command unit.
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board unanimously approved the appropriation of grant funds as requested. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION AND AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: ASSET FORFEITURE FUNDS - SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to appropriate state asset forfeiture funds of $126,178 and federal asset forfeiture funds of $35,617. Additionally, Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to approve various transfers of $42,271 in the Sheriff’s Office current budget. When combined with the Attorney General’s Office grant, the Sheriff’s Office will use these funds to purchase the armored personnel carrier and tactical bullet proof vests.
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry is also asking the Board to approve purchase contracts to the Virginia State Police for $242,685 for the purchase of Lenco BearCat armored personnel carrier and to Town Police Supply, Inc. of Collinsville, Virginia for $44,712 for 23 tactical bullet proof vests.
On a motion by Mr. Bryant and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board voted unanimously to approve the additional appropriations from asset forfeiture funds and award contracts to the Virginia State Police and Town Police Supply as outlined. ADOPTION AND APPROPRIATION OF THE LINDEN ROAD HOUSING REHAB PROJECT BUDGET (FORMERLY CALLED SOUTH STREET NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - PHASE 2)
Mr. Hall said last year, the Board approved a community improvement grant application for the South Street Neighborhood Improvement Project – Phase 2 and Henry County was awarded the grant for this project.
Mr. Hall said staff is currently finishing pre-contract activities which include the need to appropriate and adopt the budget for this project. Per VDHCD’s request, the project name has been changed to the Linden Road Housing Rehabilitation Project. DHCD has requested this change in order to simplify their recordkeeping.
On a motion by Ms. Buchanan and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board unanimously approved adoption and appropriation of the Linden Road Housing Rehab Project Budget. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: CONTINUATION OF HOUSING REHAB SPECIALIST CONTRACT FOR THE LINDEN ROAD HOUSING REHAB PROJECT
Mr. Hall said the County has been awarded an additional $993,020 in Community Development Block Grant Funding (CDBG) for the Linden Road Housing Rehab Project. The goal of this project is to provide housing rehabilitation for up to an additional twenty-two units and demolition and clearance of two blighted structures.
Mr. Hall said as part of the original South Street Neighborhood Improvement grant, a housing rehab specialist was retained to ensure construction supervision, quality, lead testing, cost control and the implementation of DHCD/HUD Housing Quality Standards requirements. Staff recommends an additional contract award, not to exceed $79,500, as a continuation of contracted services with Howerton Inspection Services. On a motion by Mr. Slaughter and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved an award of contract not to exceed $79,500 to Howerton Inspection Services. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Comments from the Board There were no comments from the Board or staff. CLOSED MEETING Ms. Buchanan moved that the Board go into a closed meeting at 3:20 p.m., seconded by Mr. Adams and unanimously carried to discuss the following.
1) §2.2-3711(A)1 for Discussion of Appointees to the Patriot Centre Advisory Board, Industrial Development Authority, and the Dan River Alcohol Safety Action Program Board.
2) §2.2-3711(A)7 for Discussion of Pending Legal Matters.
3) §2.2-3711(A)3 for Discussion of the Acquisition/Disposal of Real Estate. 4) §2.2-3711(A)5 for Discussion of As-Yet Unannounced Industries.
OPEN MEETING The Board returned to an open meeting at 4:05 p.m. on a motion by Ms. Buchanan, seconded by Mr. Adams and unanimously carried. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED MEETING:
Mr. Wagoner read the Certification of the Closed Meeting and took a roll call vote. Those voting in the affirmative were Mr. Bryant, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Adams, Ms. Buchanan, Mr. Slaughter, and Mr. Vaughn. Patriot Centre Advisory Board – On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously appointed Richard Hall to a two-year term expiring December 31, 2015.
There being no further business, Mr. Vaughn recessed at 4:06 p.m. until the 6:00 p.m. evening meeting.
Mr. Vaughn called the meeting back to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed
everyone present.
Ms. Buchanan said the Jack Dalton Community Service Award is presented annually to the Henry County resident who best exemplifies the standards for community service set by the late Mr. Dalton.
Ms. Buchanan proudly announced that Barry Nelson is the recipient of the 2013 Jack Dalton Community Service Award. Mr. Buchanan listed many of Nelson’s philanthropic acts in the community, including supporting area sports, such as American Legion baseball, Patrick Henry Community College (PHCC) baseball and the Henry County Recreation Association; starting the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at PHCC; sponsoring the Teacher of the Year Award; providing automobiles for PHCC’s Middle College program for students with transportation difficulties who are attempting to earn GEDs; and supporting numerous other civic organizations, booster clubs, churches and schools in the community.
Members of the Board and Ms. Lois Dalton, wife of the late Jack Dalton, then presented Mr. Nelson with a plaque. Nelson thanked the Board for the honor and said having known Jack Dalton personally, this award “means as much to me as any award I’ve ever won.” GENERAL HIGHWAY MATTERS
Ms. Lisa Hughes, Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation, was unable to attend today’s meeting due to the inclement weather. MATTERS PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC There was no one present who wished to speak. PUBLIC HEARING – REZONING APPLICATION R-14-01 – ARTHUR EDWARD AND ESTHER LEA TUSINGER
Mr. Hall said the property is located on the north east end of Tomahawk Trail in the Ridgeway District and is shown on Tax Map 72.1/3K. The applicant is requesting the rezoning of approximately 15.5-acres from Suburban Residential District S-R to Agricultural District A-1. The rezoning will enable the applicant to keep livestock on the property. Mr. Hall said following a public hearing, both the Planning Commission and staff recommended approval of the rezoning request.
Mr. Vaughn opened the public hearing at 6:08 p.m. There being no one present who wished to speak, the public hearing was closed at 6:08 p.m. On a motion by Mr.
Adams and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved the rezoning request.
Mr. Hall said Public Safety Director Rodney Howell is requesting the Board to appropriate $1,355,829 received from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s SAFER grant to fund thirteen emergency responder positions. The grant must be used to cover salaries and benefits of the new positions for two years. In addition, Mr. Howell is requesting an additional appropriation of $45,000 from the Board’s contingency fund to cover the costs of firefighting and personal protective gear for the new positions.
Mr. Hall said since the requested appropriation is greater than 1% of the total County budget, a public hearing is required before the Board can take action on the request.
Mr. Vaughn opened the public hearing at 6:10 p.m. Darrell Emberson, a 37-year veteran of the Collinsville Volunteer Fire
Department, spoke in favor of the SAFER grant and the benefits to the citizens of Henry County.
There being no one else who wished to speak, Mr. Vaughn closed the public hearing at 6:15 p.m. On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board unanimously approved the additional appropriation as outlined.
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Adams moved at 6:17 p.m. to continue the meeting until January 31, 2014 at 10:45 am, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and carried 6 to 0.
January 31, 2014 – 10:45 am
The Henry County Board of Supervisors and the Henry County Industrial Development Authority held a joint meeting on January 31, 2014 at 10:45 am in the Fourth Floor Conference Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The following Board members were present: Chairman H. G. Vaughn, Vice Chairman Tommy Slaughter, Debra Buchanan, Milton Kendall, Jim Adams and Joe Bryant. The following Industrial Development Authority members were present: Chairman Len Dillon, Vice Chairman Barry Helmstutler, Wesley Caviness, Rodney Thacker, Wade Nelson, Steve Isley, and Marshall Stowe. Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator and Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant. Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin was present. CALL TO ORDER
Board of Supervisors
Chairman Vaughn called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 10:45 am.
Industrial Development Authority
Mr. Hall presented two Performance Agreements for consideration by the Board of Supervisors and Industrial Development Authority (Copies included in Board’s File). One agreement is between the County of Henry, the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission, and Kilgour Industries Ltd. for grant funds in the amount of $1,155,000. The second agreement is between the County of Henry, the Henry County Industrial Development Authority, and Kilgour Industries Ltd. /Kilgour Aerospace, LLC for grant funds in the amount of $250,000 from the Governor’s
Development Opportunity Fund. Both agreements include similar requirements: capital investment of approximately $27,300,000 of which approximately $23,300,000 will be invested in machinery and equipment, and approximately $4,000,000 will be invested in the construction of a new building; creation of at least 155 new jobs; and meet both capital and employment obligations within 36 months after the end of the base period.
As an additional incentive, Mr. Hall said the County will convey Lot 17A in the Patriot Centre, consisting of +/- 17 acres and assessed at $685,000, to Kilgour Industries.
Mr. Hall introduced Ray Kilgour, President and CEO of Kilgour Industries, and Jamie Kilgour, Vice President, and asked them to explain what their company does. Mr. Ray Kilgour said they have three facilities in the UK which machine, treat and test aerospace components. Mr. Kilgour said what makes his company unique and desirable is the fact that they machine and perform surface treatments for both soft and hard metals such as aluminum and titanium. Mr. Joe Anwyl with the Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CCAM) said much of the credit for Kilgour’s move to Virginia can be attributed to aerospace engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce’s decision to locate facilities in Virginia. Mr. Anwyl said several other factors made the area appealing for Kilgour including its proximity to other aerospace firms in North and South Carolina, Washington, D.C. and much of the East Coast, as well as the low cost of living and dedicated workforce. Additionally, Kilgour officials’ interest in the area was piqued when they learned of the advanced manufacturing equipment that will be in the new NCI building which includes a Mazak machine that they currently use in the UK. Lastly, Mr. Anwyl said the Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corp. played a major role in the company’s location decision as well. Mr. Anwyl commended the EDC as possibly the best he has worked with from all over the world.
Board of Supervisors Mr. Adams moved that the Board of Supervisors approve both performance
agreements as outlined, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and carried 6 to 0. Industrial Development Authority Mr. Helmstutler moved that the Industrial Development Authority approve both
performance agreements, seconded by Mr. Nelson and carried 7 to 0. There being no further business, Mr. Adams moved that the Board of
Supervisors continue its meeting until February 6, 2014 at 2:45 pm, seconded by Mr. Bryant and unanimously carried.
Mr. Nelson moved that the Industrial Development Authority continue its meeting
until Tuesday, February 4, at noon, seconded by Mr. Helmstutler and unanimously carried.
Annual Planning Session
February 6, 2014 – 2:45 pm
The Henry County Board of Supervisors held its annual planning session on February 6, 2014 at 2:45 pm at the Henry County Administration Building. Prior to the start of the meeting, members of the Board of Supervisors and several members of County staff traveled to and toured Bassett Furniture Industries and PHCC Motorsports in the Patriot Centre Business Park. The following Board members were present: H. G. Vaughn Chairman; Tommy Slaughter, Vice Chairman; Debra Buchanan, Jim Adams, Joe Bryant and Milton Kendall. Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; George Lyle, County Attorney; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; Richard Stanfield, Deputy Director of Finance; and Rodney Howell, Director of Public Safety.
Also present was Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin.
CALL TO ORDER Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. CONSIDERATION OF FY 2013 COUNTY AUDIT – ROBIN JONES, CREEDLE, JONES & ALGA
Mr. Hall said the firm of Creedle, Jones and Alga, P.C., has completed its audit of County accounts for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2013.
Robin Jones of the CPA Firm Creedle, Jones, and Alga presented the FY 2013 Henry County Audit. Ms. Jones said during the course of the audit, it was determined there is an opportunity for strengthening internal controls and operating efficiency, specifically with regards to timely payment and submission of invoices as well as the timeliness of making and posting deposits.
Debra Buchanan moved the Board accept the audit report, seconded by Milton Kendall and carried 6 to 0. CONSIDERATION OF BASSETT FURNITURE INDUSTRIES PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT Mr. Hall presented a performance agreement between the County of Henry, the Industrial Development Authority and Bassett Furniture Industries for consideration.
The IDA approved the agreement on February 4, 2014. In exchange for investing $1.5 million dollars and creating 25 new jobs, Bassett Furniture Industries will be eligible for state and local grants totaling $125,000.
On a motion by Joe Bryant and seconded by Milton Kendall, the Board unanimously approved the performance agreement with Bassett Furniture Industries. A copy of the agreement is included in the file. CONSIDERATION OF MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WITH NATIONAL GUARD FOR PATRIOT CENTRE INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT AND AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: PROJECT DESIGN
Mr. Hall detailed how Henry County applied for and was successful in obtaining an Innovative Readiness Training grant with the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense. An agreement with the Army National Guard will allow them to rough grade the remainder of Beaver Creek Drive to Barrows Mill Road and Lots 11 and 14 in the Patriot Centre Industrial Park. The National Guard will deploy resources in May for this project. The IDA will be responsible for some of the costs such as engineering design, timber clearing, geotechnical study, erosion and sediment installation and construction materials. Because the National Guard is providing manpower and equipment, the total cost will be significantly less than if the IDA hired a firm to do all of the work.
On a motion by Milton Kendall and seconded by Tommy Slaughter, the Board unanimously authorized the County Administrator to execute a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Army National Guard for the project. A copy of the MOU is included in the file.
Additionally, on a motion by Jim Adams and seconded by Debra Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved a contract of approximately $196,000 to Wiley & Wilson for engineering and design work for the project. REVIEW OF CURRENT YEAR BUDGET
Mr. Hall presented a brief review of the general fund balance. In the year
ending June 30, 2013, the total general fund balance increased to $28,974,361. The unassigned portion of the fund balance has increased to $18,459,968, up from $17,599,959. Mr. Hall presented a chart illustrating Henry County has the 3rd lowest taxes per capita in Virginia. Only Lee and Nottoway Counties have a lower tax burden. Henry County has the 9th lowest debt per capita in Virginia.
A copy of the presentation is included in the file.
Mr. Hall reviewed the Board’s priorities from last year’s planning session, and the progress made on those goals. The report included:
Economic Growth o Lot 2 at the Patriot Centre has been graded and currently
being marketed o Construction is underway of a new shell building on Lot 8 at
the Patriot Centre o Cautiously optimistic about permitting at Commonwealth
Crossing o New Jobs and Investments
Monogram Foods – 100 jobs, $1.2 million Commonwealth Laminating – 60 jobs, $5.45 million Eastman – 25 jobs, $40 million Bassett Furniture – 25 jobs, $1.5 million Kilgour Industries – 155 jobs, $27.3 million
o Retail Development Building permits for 8 new commercial buildings valued
at $1.5 million Building permits for 43 commercial
renovation/expansion valued at $4.1 million Dollar General/Family Dollar growth Ribbon cutting for Tractor Supply on February 15, 11
a.m. o Eco-tourism
Marina near completion Open House on February 16, 2-4 p.m. Smith River Fest – Over 2,400 attendees from 14 states Smith River Sports Complex Significant use of trails and river access points
Raise Education Levels o Collinsville Primary and John Redd Smith Schools
Proposal by School Officials “New Tech” program at Magna Vista
o Support New College Institute New building set to open in 2014 Collaborating on economic development/workforce
readiness o Support Patrick Henry Community College
Collaborating on economic development/workforce readiness
Firefighter and EMT programs (dual enrollment) Public Safety
o Fire & EMS Committee formed and work is on-going Consensus CIP for fire departments SAFER grant (13 new career positions) Will be able to add an additional crew and supervisor -
Provide additional fire dept. assistance Firefighter and EMT to be offered to high schools with a
dual enrollment agreement with PHCC o Economic solutions for jail overcrowding – no progress o School security – on-going
Improving community appearance / litter issues o Inmate litter program
Picked up 5,745 bags of garbage from roadway in 2013 134 bags more than in 2012
o Volunteer efforts Gateway Streetscape, DRBA, Trout Unlimited, etc.
o Sponsor Gardens Harvest Foundation sponsored our first near City
hydroelectric plant FISCAL PREVIEW OF FY’15 BUDGET Mr. Hall gave a brief presentation of what to expect as the FY ’15 budget is developed. Issues presented included revenues projections, possible legislation, school issues, employee retirement issues, garbage disposal costs, healthcare costs, and capital improvement needs.
The Board and staff divided into two groups each to discuss and develop a list of priorities for the upcoming year. Each group presented its discussion to the entire group of participants. Priorities discussed for 2014 include:
Economic Development Begin grading at Commonwealth Crossing Business Park Support the EDC, including efforts of industry recruitment, retail
recruitment, and tourism. Support I-73 and completion of U.S. 58 to I-77 Further develop infrastructure at Patriot Centre and CCBC
Support NCI & PHCC and continue collaboration on industrial recruitment and workforce readiness efforts
Develop a path forward to address school facility needs in Collinsville Support pre-K-12th grade education
Public Safety
Improve recruitment and retention of fire and EMS volunteers Deploy SAFER grant and improve overall response to fire and EMS
calls Explore ways to improve jail facility
Quality of Life Support recreational activities including expansion of walking trails Improve curb appeal Decrease litter Support recreational tourism (SRSC, Smith River Fest, etc). Mitigate possible deterioration of employee benefits
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Slaughter moved to adjourn at 7:15
p.m., seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried.
February 25, 2014 – 3:00 p.m.
The Henry County Board of Supervisors held its regular meeting on February 25,
2014, at 3:00 p.m. in the Summerlin Meeting Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The following Board members were present: Chairman H.G. Vaughn, Vice-Chairman Tommy Slaughter, Debra Buchanan, Jim Adams, Milton Kendall, and Joe Bryant.
Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; Richard Stanfield, Deputy Director of Finance; Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant; Susan Reynolds, Director of Human Resources. Deputy Mike Hooper and Lt. Troy Easter of the Sheriff’s Office were present. Also present was Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin and Ron Morris of B99.
Mr. Hall gave the invocation and Ms. Buchanan led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CALL TO ORDER:
Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. He stated that anyone who wishes to be on the Agenda for the Board’s regular business meeting held at 3:00 p.m. must contact the County Administrator’s Office seven days prior to a scheduled meeting. Those wishing to speak at the Board’s public meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. may do so under Agenda Item - Matters Presented by the Public without contacting the County Administrator’s Office. ITEMS OF CONSENT:
Confirmation of Minutes of Meetings Copy included in Board’s File
January 28, 2014 January 31, 2014 February 6, 2014
Approval of Accounts Payable Copy included in Board’s File Resolution Recognizing Fontaine Ruritan’s 60th Anniversary Copy included in Board’s File
Mr. Slaughter moved the Items of Consent be adopted, seconded by Mr. Kendall. The motion carried 6 to 0.
Ms. Buchanan read aloud a proclamation declaring March 22, 2014 as Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Day in Henry County. The Martinsville Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority will host the regional Founders Day Celebration with over 200 members representing chapters from Blacksburg, Charlottesville, Danville, Farmville, Lynchburg, Martinsville and Roanoke attending the celebration to be held at the Quality Inn/Dutch Inn in Collinsville. On a motion by Ms. Buchanan and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board unanimously adopted the proclamation.
Ms. Brenell Thomas and Ms. Joyce Staples were present to accept the proclamation on behalf of the sorority. Ms. Thomas thanked the Board for acknowledging the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and its service to the community. CONSIDERATION OF PROCLAMATION ESTABLISHING MARCH 2014 AS “AMERICAN RED CROSS MONTH” IN HENRY COUNTY
Mr. Adams read aloud a proclamation declaring March 2014 as “American Red Cross Month” in Henry County. On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously adopted the proclamation. Ralph Lawson with the American Red Cross was present to receive the proclamation. APPROVAL OF THE BOARD’S PRIORITIES FOR 2014
Mr. Hall said at the planning session on February 6, the Board discussed priorities for 2014; staff consolidated the various items into one concise list for consideration by the Board.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously approved the priority list for 2014 as presented. REPORT ON DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTION EFFORTS
Mr. Scott Grindstaff reviewed the monthly reports on delinquent tax collection efforts. Mr. Grindstaff noted that 88.9% of 2013 personal property taxes have been collected; 88.66% of 2013 real estate taxes; and since January 1, TACS collected approximately $45,867. In addition, Mr. Grindstaff said 11 VRW stops were collected in January and four to date collected in February.
Mr. Mark Heath, President of the Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corporation, was present to make the monthly update to the Board. Mr. Heath reviewed a summary of activities by division (Copy included in Board’s File). REQUEST TO RETAIN FY 2013 CARRY-OVER FUNDS – SCHOOL BOARD
Mr. Hall said Dr. Cotton is asking the Board for permission for the School Board to retain $784,386 in carry-over funds from the FY 2013 budget. Dr. Cotton indicates that the School Board would use the funds for HVAC/lighting upgrades at Bassett High School and to implement phase 2 of the Magna Vista new tech center project.
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board unanimously agreed that the request be tabled until work on the FY 2015 County Budget is farther along. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Comments from the Board Mr. Bryant thanked everyone for their thoughts and prayers during the recent loss of his mother. Mr. Hall reminded the Board of the Fast Track 2014 Trade Show with VIP night scheduled on March 4. Mr. Hall said tickets were to be mailed directly to Board members. Mr. Hall said during the Planning Session, there was some discussion about the convenience center program and the Stoney Mountain site, the only unmanned site remaining. On a related matter, Mr. Hall said he and Ms. Buchanan had recently discussed funds for unsafe structure demolition. Mr. Hall said there is $55,000 in the Board’s contingency fund and staff recommends using those funds to staff/upgrade the Stoney Mountain convenience center site at an approximate cost of $37,000 and allocate the remaining balance of $18,000 equally among the six magisterial districts for unsafe structures.
Mr. Adams noted that staffing the Stoney Mountain site will essentially pay for itself in the long-term by saving the County money on tipping fees going forward. Ms. Buchanan said Lee Clark is currently working on four or five unsafe structures and the Board needs to continue adding money to this fund because these structures are a safety hazard.
Mr. Adams moved the Board appropriate $37,000 from the contingency fund to the convenience center program, and the remaining $18,000 divided equally among the six districts for unsafe structure demolition, seconded by Mr. Kendall and unanimously carried.
CLOSED MEETING Mr. Slaughter moved that the Board go into a closed meeting at 3:27 p.m., seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried to discuss the following.
1) §2.2-3711(A)1 for Discussion of Appointees to the Industrial Development Authority and the Dan River Alcohol Safety Action Program Board.
2) §2.2-3711(A)7 for Discussion of Pending Legal Matters.
3) §2.2-3711(A)3 for Discussion of the Acquisition/Disposal of Real Estate. 4) §2.2-3711(A)5 for Discussion of As-Yet Unannounced Industries.
OPEN MEETING The Board returned to an open meeting at 4:09 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Bryant, seconded by Mr. Kendall and unanimously carried. George Lyle, County Attorney, arrived at 4:09 p.m. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED MEETING:
Mr. Wagoner read the Certification of the Closed Meeting and took a roll call vote. Those voting in the affirmative were Mr. Bryant, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Adams, Ms. Buchanan, Mr. Slaughter, and Mr. Vaughn. Industrial Development Authority – On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously reappointed Rodney Thacker, Ridgeway District representative, and Wesley Caviness, Collinsville District, to a four-year term expiring March 31, 2018. Dan River Alcohol Safety Action Program Board – On a motion by Ms. Buchanan and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board unanimously reappointed Rik Vaughn to a three-year term expiring March 31, 2017.
There being no further business, Mr. Vaughn recessed at 4:13 p.m. until the 5:00 p.m. joint meeting with the School Board.
Mr. Vaughn reconvened the Board of Supervisors meeting at 5:00 p.m. The School Board convened for a joint budget work session with the Board of
Supervisors. Chairman Joseph DeVault called the meeting of the School Board to order at 5:00 p.m. Members of the School Board present were: Joseph DeVault, Merris Stambaugh, Francis Zehr, Curtis Millner, and Betsy Mattox; Terri Flanagan was absent.
Superintendent Jared Cotton and Chief Financial Officer Dawn Lawson were also present as well as other staff members of the School Board.
Dr. Cotton made a presentation and reviewed the FY 2015 Budget with members of the Board and staff (Copy of Presentation included in Board’s File). Dr. Cotton highlighted a number of achievements and recognitions of the school division in academics, effective and efficient use of resources, technology and high-quality staff. Dr. Cotton said among the budget challenges are continuing the 2 percent pay raise for all employees, an 8 percent increase in health insurance premiums, an increase in the employer contribution rate to the Virginia Retirement System and some retirement costs related to a hybrid plan. Dr. Cotton said other budget challenges include continued increase in utility costs and instability of fuel costs, and the continued challenge to find funding to meet increasing capital needs. The school division is requesting a total of $17,028,428 in county funds for FY 2015, an increase of $450,533 over FY ’14.
There was some general discussion including concerns about the security of students in modular/annex buildings at Collinsville Primary, Stanleytown, Sanville and John Redd Smith elementary schools. Dr. DeVault asked the Board to consider funding to the school division as an investment. Mr. Vaughn said the Board of Supervisors has a record of being pro-education noting providing funding for such things as a laptop computer initiative in schools and the development of Warrior Tech Academy at Magna Vista High School.
Mr. Hall said the county government faces many of the same challenges as the school division, including higher retirement and health insurance costs. Mr. Hall said new revenue is virtually nonexistent but he will do everything possible to recommend funding the school division to enable it to continue its current operations and to help the school division grow.
Mr. Vaughn recessed the meeting of the Board of Supervisors at 5:45 p.m. until the 6:00 p.m. evening meeting.
On a motion by Mr. Millner and seconded by Mr. Aucker, Chairman DeVault adjourned the meeting of the School Board at 5:45 p.m.
Mr. Vaughn called the meeting back to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed
everyone present.
MATTERS PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC There was no one present who wished to speak. GENERAL HIGHWAY MATTERS
Ms. Lisa Hughes, Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation, was present to update the Board on General Highway Matters.
Ms. Hughes said she would like to schedule the public hearing for the Six-Year Secondary Road Plan for the April 22 meeting.
Ms. Hughes reported that the railroad will be doing track repairs on Pulaski Road March 5 and will have the crossing closed for about six hours. Ms. Hughes said the first
phase of the Carver Road safety project is underway and flashing signals should be up in about 30 days. Additionally, Ms. Hughes said the US 220 South safety project in Oak
Level has been awarded and work should begin in the next 60 days. Lastly, Ms. Hughes said bridge repairs should begin soon on Route 609 in Fieldale near the Bypass.
Mr. Adams asked Ms. Hughes who emergency workers should contact during inclement weather if they need assistance in having a road cleared. Ms. Hughes said all calls should go through 911 Dispatch because they work directly with VDOT when there is an emergency situation.
Mr. Vaughn inquired about snow removal contractors. Ms. Hughes said VDOT does contract out some snow removal but approximately 75% is in-house. Mr. Vaughn said he received quite a few calls during the recent snowstorm because operators came through several neighborhoods and plowed all of the streets but one and in some cases only plowed half of the street. Ms. Hughes said in a heavy snow, operators will sometimes go through and try to open up a path and plan to come back and possibly the street was just missed. Ms. Hughes said VDOT did evaluate their response to the latest storm and found some areas where they could improve on.
Mr. Hall said the Economic Development Access (EDA) Program is a state-funded incentive designed to assist Virginia localities in attracting sustainable businesses that create jobs and generate tax revenues within the locality. The program makes funds available to localities for road improvements needed to provide adequate access for new or substantially expanding qualifying establishments. Mr. Hall said with the recent announcement by Kilgour Industries, staff began discussions with VDOT about EDA funding for improvements along Barrows Mill Road. Mr. Hall said a resolution asking the CTB to consider an allocation of $650,000 toward these initial road improvements was included in the Board’s working papers. Mr. Hall said this funding would require a County match of $150,000.
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously approved the resolution. RECOMMENDATION BY THE FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION FOR FY ’14-‘15 FUNDING
Mr. Jerry Adams, President of the Martinsville-Henry County Firefighter’s Association, requested time on the agenda to discuss the Association’s FY ’14-’15 budget requests. Mr. Adams said the Association is recommending that the capital improvement contribution of $175,000 from the County be granted to Bassett Volunteer Fire Department to go towards the purchase of a Class A custom rescue truck. Mr. Adams said the department has already sold one engine and plans to dispose of one or two more to help offset the cost of the new truck.
Mr. Adams moved the Board consider the request along with all other requests for the FY ’14-‘15 Budget, seconded by Mr. Kendall and carried 6 to 0.
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Adams moved at 6:17 p.m. to
continue the meeting until January 31, 2014 at 10:45 am, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and carried 6 to 0.
March 25, 2014 – 3:00 p.m.
The Henry County Board of Supervisors held its regular meeting on March 25,
2014, at 3:00 p.m. in the Summerlin Meeting Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The following Board members were present: Chairman H.G. Vaughn, Vice-Chairman Tommy Slaughter, Debra Buchanan, Jim Adams, Milton Kendall, and Joe Bryant.
Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; Richard Stanfield, Deputy Director of Finance; George Lyle, County Attorney; Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant; Susan Reynolds, Director of Human Resources. Deputies Mike Hooper and Mark Jamison of the Sheriff’s Office were present. Also present was Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin and Ron Morris of B99.
Mr. Bryant gave the invocation and Mr. Kendall led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CALL TO ORDER:
Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. He stated that anyone who wishes to be on the Agenda for the Board’s regular business meeting held at 3:00 p.m. must contact the County Administrator’s Office seven days prior to a scheduled meeting. Those wishing to speak at the Board’s public meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. may do so under Agenda Item - Matters Presented by the Public without contacting the County Administrator’s Office. ITEMS OF CONSENT:
Confirmation of Minutes of Meetings Copy included in Board’s File
February 25, 2014
Approval of Accounts Payable Copy included in Board’s File Day of Recognition for National Service Proclamation Copy included in Board’s File Ms. Buchanan moved the Items of Consent be adopted, seconded by Mr.
Slaughter. The motion carried 6 to 0.
Mr. Adams read aloud a proclamation establishing April 2014 as “Child Abuse Prevention Month” in Henry County. On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously adopted the proclamation. Teresa Prillaman of the Martinsville-Henry County Exchange Club was present to accept the honor. Ms. Prillaman thanked the Board for its support of the Exchange Club and their community initiatives. MATTERS PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC – WANDA KOSTERLYTZKY
Wanda Kosterlytzky requested time to discuss issues related to Milhorn Drive, a private road that connects with Deer Trail Road in the Reed Creek District. Ms. Kosterlytzky urged the Board to consider adding Milhorn Drive to the Virginia Department of Transportation’s (VDOT) secondary road system so it could become state maintained. Ms. Kosterlytzky said the condition of the road has seriously deteriorated and the residents, many of whom are disabled, do not have the financial means to maintain the road. Ms. Kosterlytzky outlined several concerns including that the steep dirt road is nearly impassable in inclement weather; it is not easily accessible for emergency vehicles; there is no outlet for escape in the event of a fire; and it is not consistent with GPS units or online maps, which incorrectly claim that it connects with Oak Level Road.
Lee Clark, Director of Planning, Zoning and Inspections, was asked to address Ms. Kosterlytzky’s request. Mr. Clark said adding a road to the VDOT secondary road system is a long, drawn-out process and the Board cannot do it alone. Mr. Clark estimated paving the road could cost between $60,000 and $100,000 and that does not include the necessary survey and design work. Mr. Clark also responded to Ms. Kosterlytzky’s inquiry about the Rural Rustic Road and Rural Addition programs. Mr. Clark said the Rural Rustic Road Program is intended for roads already in the state system and the Rural Addition Program has not been funded for 14 years. Mr. Clark explained the Rural Addition Program is a partnership between both the county and the state where you can take 5 percent of your state secondary road allocations and put it toward rural additions; Henry County’s allocation this year was only $150,000.
Mr. Clark said the most viable option for the road would be to develop it as a private road, paid for by the residents and then VDOT can accept it into the state system at their discretion. Mr. Clark noted the road long built way before the county had any ordinances dealing with subdivisions and zoning.
Mr. Slaughter asked how many other roads were in similar condition throughout the County. Mr. Clark estimated that there were 12 to 18, several of them likely in worse condition than Milhorn Drive. PRESENTATION REGARDING ACCREDITATION OF THE MARTINSVILLE-HENRY COUNTY 9-1-1 CENTER
Mr. Hall said the Martinsville-Henry County 9-1-1 Center, under the direction of J.R. Powell, has worked diligently the past few years toward public safety answering point (PSAP) accreditation from the Virginia Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services. Mr. Hall said accreditation indicates a high level of professionalism
and achievement within a department and demonstrates a commitment to providing emergency medical dispatch and pre-arrival instruction to callers. The State’s Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board recently endorsed accreditation for the local center. Mr. Hall noted there are only thirty-one other accredited 9-1-1 centers in Virginia.
Ken Crumpler of the Virginia Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services, formally presented accreditation to Mr. Powell and the Martinsville-Henry County 9-1-1 center staff. Mr. Crumpler added that providing emergency medical dispatch information to the caller is not mandated by the state, it is a voluntary effort by the locality to do so. Mr. Powell said it took a lot of work and training and our staff deserves all the credit for this tremendous accomplishment. REPORT ON DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTION EFFORTS
Mr. Scott Grindstaff reviewed the monthly reports on delinquent tax collection efforts. Mr. Grindstaff noted that 90.94% of 2013 personal property taxes have been collected; 89.57% of 2013 real estate taxes; and since January 1, TACS collected approximately $91.647. In addition, Mr. Grindstaff said four VRW stops were collected in March.
Mr. Grindstaff said he met with John Rife last week and delinquent accounts for 2011 real estate and 2012 personal property have been turned over to TACS. Mr. Rife at that time reported there are 23 real estate litigation suits currently filed in circuit court valued at $134,000; 36 suits pending notification of interested parties valued at $153,000; and 19 properties in title review valued at $155,000.
Mr. Mark Heath, President of the Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corporation, was present to make the monthly update to the Board. Mr. Heath reviewed a summary of activities by division (Copy included in Board’s File). ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: ASSET FORFEITURE – COMMONWEALTH’S ATTORNEY’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said Andrew Nester is asking the Board to approve an additional appropriation of $1,279 from his asset forfeiture fund for the purchase of computer hardware and software. Mr. Nester indicates the equipment and software is necessary because of new requirements by the Virginia State Police for running criminal histories and driver record inquiries by the office.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved the additional appropriation as outlined. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: MITIGATION CREDITS – COMMONWEALTH CROSSING BUSINESS CENTRE
Mr. Hall said the initial development at Commonwealth Crossing Business Centre will require the purchase of mitigation bank credits to compensate for impacts to streams and wetlands. Mr. Hall said bids were received and staff recommends the
Board award contracts contingent upon receiving the necessary permits to Roanoke River Wetlands & Stream Mitigation Bank, LLC in the amount of $1,136,640.75 for 4,137 stream credits; Banister Bend Mitigation Bank in the amount of $106,258 for 251 stream credits and .43 wetland credits; and North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program in the amount of $81,281.50 for 253 stream credits and .10 wetland credits in North Carolina; contracts total $1,324,180.25.
Mr. Adams moved the Board award the contracts for mitigation bank credits as outlined, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: ASPHALT PAVING – PHILPOTT MARINA
Mr. Hall said staff is asking the Board to award a contract to Adams Construction, Inc. of Danville, Virginia in the amount of $51,876 for asphalt paving work at the Philpott Marina. Mr. Hall said funding for this project is included in the marina fund.
On a motion by Ms. Buchanan and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board voted unanimously to award a contract to Adams Construction in the amount of $51,876 for paving at Philpott Marina.
Mr. Hall said Rodney Howell is asking the Board to award a contract to Municipal Emergency Services, Inc. of Chesapeake, Virginia in the amount of $29,474.53 for firefighting gear for use by Public Safety supplemental staff. Mr. Hall said the Board appropriated funds for this purpose at its regular meeting in January.
Mr. Bryant moved the Board award a contract to Municipal Emergency Services in the amount of $29,474.53, seconded by Mr. Kendall and unanimously carried. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: GRANT FOR GENERATORS – PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY
Mr. Hall said Henry County has been awarded a competitive grant of $366,246 from the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program for the purchase and installation of generators at three Public Service Authority booster pumping stations. Mr. Hall said this will help ensure a reliable water supply even during electrical outages. The Public Service Authority will reimburse Henry County for the required 25% grant match.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board unanimously approved the additional appropriation as outlined. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Comments from the Board Ms. Buchanan said she will be having a community meeting on April 29 at 7 p.m. at the Horsepasture Ruritan Club. Mr. Vaughn reminded everyone of the upcoming race weekend. Mr. Hall noted several deputies present as part of their training requirements: Bruce Young, Matt Duffy, Joe Knight, Everett Harper, and Ed Clark. Mr. Hall reminded
the Board of the upcoming budget meetings on April 2 and April 3 and the public hearing on April 14.
Mr. Hall said the official ribbon cutting for Philpott Marina is scheduled April 29 at 2 p.m. Mr. Hall said operations at the marina will commence Monday, including the store/gas pumps and added that all boat slips have been rented. CLOSED MEETING Ms. Buchanan moved that the Board go into a closed meeting at 3:59 p.m., seconded by Mr. Kendall and unanimously carried to discuss the following.
1) §2.2-3711(A)1 for Discussion of Appointees to the Patrick Henry Community College Board and the Henry-Martinsville Social Services Board.
2) §2.2-3711(A)7 for Discussion of Pending Legal Matters.
3) §2.2-3711(A)3 for Discussion of the Acquisition/Disposal of Real Estate. 4) §2.2-3711(A)5 for Discussion of As-Yet Unannounced Industries.
OPEN MEETING The Board returned to an open meeting at 4:56 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Adams, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED MEETING:
Mr. Wagoner read the Certification of the Closed Meeting and took a roll call vote. Those voting in the affirmative were Mr. Bryant, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Adams, Ms. Buchanan, Mr. Slaughter, and Mr. Vaughn.
There being no action taken out of closed meeting, Mr. Vaughn recessed at 4:56 p.m. until the 6:00 p.m. evening meeting.
Mr. Vaughn called the meeting back to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed
everyone present.
MATTERS PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC There was no one present who wished to speak. GENERAL HIGHWAY MATTERS
Ms. Lisa Hughes, Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation, was present to update the Board on General Highway Matters.
Ms. Hughes reminded the Board that the public hearing on the Six-Year
Secondary Road Plan is scheduled for the April 22 meeting and she distributed a draft plan for the Board’s consideration. Ms. Hughes said last year, legislation recently had
passed which she had hoped would give VDOT a funding increase beginning in fiscal year 2017; however, that increase has not materialized. Therefore, Ms. Hughes did not recommend adding any new projects. Ms. Hughes noted estimates for two of the projects, Routes 650 and 687, continue to rise but she is still hopeful they will be advertised by the end of the year. Mr. Hall inquired about the Board’s request to the CTB for industrial access funds pertaining to Kilgour Industries. Ms. Hughes said that request would go before the CTB in April.
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Buchanan moved at 6:03 p.m. to
continue the meeting until April 2, 2014 at 5 p.m., seconded by Mr. Slaughter and carried 6 to 0.
April 2, 2014 – 5:00 p.m.
The Henry County Board of Supervisors met on April 2, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. in the Fourth Floor Conference Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The purpose of the meeting was to present the FY 2014-’15 County Budget. The following Board members were present: Chairman H.G. Vaughn; Vice Chairman Tommy Slaughter; Debra Buchanan; Jim Adams; Joe Bryant; and Milton Kendall. Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; Richard Stanfield, Assistant Director of Finance; George Lyle, County Attorney; and Susan Reynolds, Director of Human Resources. Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin was present. Also present was Sheriff Lane Perry; Superintendent Dr. Jared Cotton, Dawn Lawson, Bill Bullins, and Keith Scott of the Henry County School Board. Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. He stated this is a continuation of the Board’s March 25 meeting. PRESENTATION OF COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S PROPOSED 2014-2015 BUDGET Mr. Hall gave an overview of the Management Discussion and Analysis for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Proposed Operating Budget for the County of Henry. (Copy of presentation included in Board’s file) Mr. Hall opened by telling a story about an elderly couple who asked him to take their picture at the marina’s recent open house event. Mr. Hall said the couple told him that the marina was one of the nicest things they had ever seen in Henry County. Mr. Hall said, “They were proud of where they lived at that moment, and we’ve got a lot of things to be proud of. We need to celebrate those things.” Mr. Hall also mentioned the many contributions to the marina by the late Jeff Turton, who served as project manager on the marina. Mr. Hall said Jeff treated this project like he was building his own house and he really wishes he could see it today. Mr. Hall highlighted several areas of the proposed budget as follows: Total proposed County Budget up 1.4% - $117,238,114 No tax increase in the upcoming fiscal year, but discussion may need to take
place in the future School recommendation - $73,119,097, up 2.6%; School Board requested
increase of $476,847 in local funding, County staff recommended increase of $75,000
Change to self-insurance for health care
No pay raise for employees beyond required 1% increase for the Virginia Retirement System; consideration of a one-time stipend for county employees before the end of the calendar year, depending on how fiscal 2015 looks at that point
Eliminate annual surplus auction and transition to online auctions through govdeals.com
Addition of parks and recreation maintenance position to accommodate growing park system
Outside agency requests o Recommended adding Piedmont Virginia Dental Health Foundation o Recommended discontinuance of funding to The Launch Place
Current-year budget recommendations o Replacement of Administration Building roof, estimated cost $300,000
from the fund balance and an additional $75,000 from the operations budget
o Purchase three replacement vehicles totaling $91,000; vehicles will be used by Parks and Recreation, Building Inspection and the Fire Marshal
o Allow school system to retain $784,386 in carry-over funds from FY 2013
FY 2013-’14 Highlights Expansions/openings at Monogram Foods, Commonwealth Laminating, Eastman
Chemical, Bassett Furniture and Kilgour Industries, totaling $75.45 million in investments and 365 jobs
School system achievements o Rich Acres Elementary named 2014 Title I Distinguished School o Magna Vista High School’s Warrior Tech Academy, the first of its kind in
Virginia Ongoing partnership between Patrick Henry Community College and the New
College Institute
Mr. Hall said the budget will be available on the County website and also at all four branches of the Blue Ridge Regional Library. Mr. Hall reminded the Board of the budget work session scheduled on April 3, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. in the Fourth Floor Conference Room. Mr. Hall requested that the Board review the budget and on Thursday, staff will go through each category and answer any questions. Advertise FY ’14-’15 Budget Following the presentation, Mr. Kendall moved that the Board advertise the FY 2014-’15 Budget on Sunday, April 6, 2014, for a scheduled public hearing on April 14, 2014, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and carried 6 to 0.
There being no further business to discuss Mr. Bryant moved at 5:51 pm that the Board continue the meeting to April 3, 2014 at 5:00 p.m., second by Mr. Kendall and unanimously carried.
April 3, 2014 – 5:00 p.m.
The Henry County Board of Supervisors met on April 3, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. in the Fourth Floor Conference Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The purpose of the meeting was to hold a work session on the FY ’14-’15 Total County Budget. The following Board members were present: Chairman H. G. Vaughn, Vice Chairman Tommy Slaughter, Debra Buchanan, Jim Adams and Joe Bryant. Milton Kendall was absent. Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; Richard Stanfield, Deputy Director of Finance; and Susan Reynolds, Director of Human Resources. Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin was present. Sheriff Lane Perry was also present. Superintendent Dr. Jared Cotton, Ms. Dawn Lawson and Dr. Joe DeVault of the School Board were present. Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. He stated the meeting is a continuation of its April 2, 2014 meeting. WORK SESSION ON FY 2014-2015 PROPOSED HENRY COUNTY BUDGET
Mr. Hall reviewed the budget by category and asked the Board to intervene if they had any questions.
There were some general inquiries about various line items in the revenue and expenditure categories.
Mr. Hall commented that the Stoney Mountain convenience center site is complete and will be staffed and running by Monday.
Mr. Hall noted an additional full-time position added in the recreation portion of the budget. Mr. Hall said the number of sites that parks and recreation is responsible for has increased from eight to 26. Mr. Vaughn pointed out this position is not related to the marina operation.
Mr. Hall directed the Board’s attention to the Comprehensive Services Act budget. Mr. Hall said other localities are experiencing skyrocketing costs in this area but due to the superb job by Bud Sedwick who manages the program for at-risk youth, Henry County has been able to maintain level costs.
Mr. Adams inquired about the County’s financial obligation for stormwater management regulations. Mr. Hall said the General Assembly and state made changes to legislation that altered the size requirement of the locality. Henry County was categorized as Class 4 which falls below the threshold; therefore, Henry County’s stormwater program can remain under the state-managed plan.
Mr. Hall asked the Board if they had any questions regarding staff recommendations to move to a self-insurance program for employees and the transition from a yearly surplus auction to an online auction through govdeals.com.
Mr. Bryant said he thought the online auction system was a good idea. Mr. Adams agreed but asked that staff publicize the transition so that residents would know where to go to bid on auction items. Mr. Hall said that an extra effort would be made to promote the online auctions within the county. Mr. Adams commented on the proposed self-insurance and said that in his experience, a self-insurance system likely was a smart financial move for the County. REQUEST TO RETAIN FY 2013 CARRY-OVER FUNDS – SCHOOL BOARD
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously approved the School Board request to retain $784,386 in carry-over funds from the FY 2013 budget. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS RE: ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ROOF – BUILDING AND GROUNDS
On a motion by Mr. Bryant and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board unanimously approved an additional appropriation of $300,000 from the fund balance and the transfer of current operating funds of $75,000 for replacing the Administration building roof. TRANSFER OF FUNDS RE: PURCHASE OF VEHICLES
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved using current year budget funds to purchase three replacement vehicles totaling $91,000 for use by Parks and Recreation, Building Inspection and the Fire Marshal.
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Slaughter moved to adjourn at 5:33 p.m., seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried.
April 14, 2014 – 7:00 pm
The Henry County Board of Supervisors met on April 14, 2014, at 7:00 pm in the Summerlin Meeting Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The purpose of the meeting was to hold public hearings on the FY ’14-’15 School Budget and Total County Budget. The following Board members were present: Chairman H. G. Vaughn, Debra Buchanan, Jim Adams, Joe Bryant and Milton Kendall. Vice Chairman Tommy Slaughter was absent due to an illness. Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; George Lyle, County Attorney; Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; Richard Stanfield, Deputy Director of Finance; and Susan Reynolds, Director of Human Resources. School Superintendent Dr. Jared Cotton, Chief Financial Officer Dawn Lawson, and several School Board members were present. Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin was present. Also in attendance were Lt. Troy Easter and Deputy Mike Hooper of the Sheriff’s Office. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE
Mr. Hall gave the invocation and Ms. Buchanan led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
CALL TO ORDER Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order. He welcomed everyone present
and stated there are two public hearings scheduled; the first public hearing is on the FY ’14-‘15 School Budget and the second public hearing is on the FY ’14-’15 Total County Budget. He stated if anyone wishes to address the Board to come to the podium, state your name and the district in which you live. He stated those who wish to speak will agree to exhibit respect to the Board and they would receive the same level of respect.
Mr. Vaughn opened the public hearing at 7:05 pm. School Board members speaking were Chairman Dr. Joseph DeVault and Curtis
Millner. Also present to address the Board was Dorothy Carter, President of the Henry County Education Association. Each urged the Board to consider fully funding the School Board’s request, citing the funds are critical to meet the needs of the students’ education, safety in the schools, and unfunded state mandates.
There being no further comments the public hearing was closed at 7:16 pm. PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED FY ’14-‘15 TOTAL COUNTY BUDGET Before opening the public hearing, Mr. Vaughn explained there is no money left in the current year contingency fund; therefore, any significant additional funding either would have to be taken from another budget item or new revenues would have to be identified.
Mr. Vaughn opened the public hearing was opened at 7:16 pm. Eva Doss, President of The Launch Place (formerly Southside Business
Technology), made an appeal to the Board to reinstate funding for her organization. Ms. Doss said that since opening in 2005, Henry County has contributed roughly $35,000 in funding, which has allowed The Launch Place to leverage $813,522 in grant funding. Ms. Doss said receiving no grant funding from the County will make it difficult for the organization to continue obtaining many of the state and local grants it has received in previous years.
Others who spoke at the public hearing included Rick Ward, Director of Blue Ridge Regional Library; Dr. Mark Crabtree, President of Piedmont Virginia Dental Health Foundation; Kathy Rogers, Executive Director of Piedmont Arts Association; Dr. Joe Keiper, Executive Director of the Virginia Museum of Natural History; and Nicole Harris, Executive Director of the Martinsville-Henry County SPCA, all of whom thanked the Board for their support.
There being no further comments the public hearing was closed at 7:44 pm.
Mr. Hall said at the conclusion of tonight’s meeting, staff will need any changes the Board wishes to make to the proposed FY ’15 budget, as it will be included in the Board package for adoption at the April 22 meeting and scheduled for appropriation at the May meeting. Mr. Hall said any changes the Board wishes to make to the current FY ’14 Budget may be done any time prior to the end of the fiscal year.
Mr. Vaughn asked Board members for comments and suggestions on the FY ’15
Budget. There was some general discussion and all Board members commended staff for their diligence in preparing a well-balanced budget with no tax increases. Board members agreed they would like to see more funding for the schools but the only option would be to take money from the Fund Balance which is not recommended for recurring expenses.
After continued discussion, the Board made only one change to the proposed FY ’14-’15 Total County Budget. On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Ms.
Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved an allocation of $500 to The Launch Place to be appropriated from the Contingency Fund. There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Buchanan moved at 8:07 pm to adjourn its meeting, seconded by Mr. Adams and unanimously carried.
April 22, 2014 – 3:00 p.m.
The Henry County Board of Supervisors held its regular meeting on April 22,
2014, at 3:00 p.m. in the Summerlin Meeting Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The following Board members were present: Chairman H.G. Vaughn, Debra Buchanan, Jim Adams, Milton Kendall, and Joe Bryant. Vice-Chairman Tommy Slaughter was absent.
Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; Richard Stanfield, Deputy Director of Finance; George Lyle, County Attorney; Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant; Susan Reynolds, Director of Human Resources. Lt. Troy Easter and Deputy Mike Hooper of the Sheriff’s Office were present. Also present was Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin and Ron Morris of B99.
Mr. Adams gave the invocation and Mr. Bryant led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CALL TO ORDER:
Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. He stated that anyone who wishes to be on the Agenda for the Board’s regular business meeting held at 3:00 p.m. must contact the County Administrator’s Office seven days prior to a scheduled meeting. Those wishing to speak at the Board’s public meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. may do so under Agenda Item - Matters Presented by the Public without contacting the County Administrator’s Office. Mr. Vaughn introduced Sam Louis Taylor with Senator Mark Warner’s office. Mr. Taylor said he serves as Outreach Representative for the Henry County area and just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce himself to the Board and staff. INTRODUCTION OF PUBLIC SAFETY EMPLOYEES
Public Safety Director Rodney Howell introduced new personnel recently hired as part of the SAFER grant: Mark LaPrade, Alan Nunn, Corey Haynes, Adam Martin, Scotty Cassell, Tom Beer, and Volunteer Coordinator Kenny Shumate. Mr. Howell said 13 new positions were added after the County received the grant from FEMA. Mr. Howell said the new staff members were hired on three criteria: the quality of their character, their firefighting experience and their EMS certification. Mr. Howell said he was very proud of who they hired, their ability, and especially, their motivation and commitment to the community and the people they serve. ITEMS OF CONSENT:
Confirmation of Minutes of Meetings Copy included in Board’s File
March 25, 2014 April 2, 2014 April 3, 2014 April 14, 2014
Approval of Accounts Payable Copy included in Board’s File Proclamation Declaring May 2, 2014 as “Volunteer Fire & EMS Appreciation Day” in Henry County Copy included in Board’s File Mr. Adams moved the Items of Consent be adopted, seconded by Mr. Bryant.
The motion carried 5 to 0.
Tax Rates On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Kendall, the Board unanimously
adopted the following tax rates for FY ’15: Real Estate - $.488 per $100 assessed value Personal Property and Machinery and Tools - $1.48 per $100 of assessed
value for personal property, including motor vehicles, and $1.48 per $100 of assessed value for machinery and tools/business equipment.
Personal Property Tax Relief - The effective reimbursement rate for the Personal Property Tax Relief Act on a qualifying vehicle is 47.1 percent.
School Budget Mr. Kendall moved that the Board adopt the proposed budget for school
expenditures for FY 2015 by category as summarized in Exhibits A and B, subject to the state, federal, and local funds becoming available as estimated, seconded by Mr. Bryant and unanimously carried.
Total Budget Mr. Bryant moved that the Board adopt the proposed FY 2015 Budget for fiscal
planning purposes as summarized in Exhibits A and B, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and carried 5 to 0. REPORT ON DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTION EFFORTS
Mr. Scott Grindstaff reviewed the monthly reports on delinquent tax collection efforts. Mr. Grindstaff noted that 92.97% of 2013 personal property taxes have been collected; 90.64% of 2013 real estate taxes; and since January 1, TACS collected approximately $121,601. In addition, Mr. Grindstaff said 14 VRW stops were collected in March and three collected in April.
Ms. Buchanan requested that Mr. Grindstaff email the Board a list of restaurants that are behind on meals tax, along with a list of residents who are delinquent on personal property or real estate taxes. Mr. Grindstaff said he would provide those documents before the May meeting.
Mr. Bryant asked what could be done about unkempt properties that have been abandoned by their owners. Mr. Grindstaff said when a property is in arrears on taxes, his office notifies all lien holders. If a mortgage company owns the abandoned house, it may step in and pay the taxes or begin foreclosure proceedings. However, Mr. Grindstaff said due to the extensive legal procedures required before the county can offer an abandoned property at a tax sale, it sometimes can be several years before the county legally can attempt to sell an abandoned house.
County Attorney George Lyle added that residents who are concerned about a neighboring abandoned house can take the neighbor to court or contact the bank that owns the house to request action.
Mr. Mark Heath, President of the Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corporation, was present to make the monthly update to the Board. Mr. Heath reviewed a summary of activities by division (Copy included in Board’s File). AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: REPLACEMENT VEHICLE – PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT
Mr. Hall said Roger Adams is requesting that the Board award a contract for a Ford F250 truck to Colonial Ford and Truck Sales of Richmond, VA in the amount of $26,586.81. Mr. Hall said funding for this vehicle was appropriated by the Board on April 3, 2014.
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved the award of contract as outlined. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION AND AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: REPLACEMENT VEHICLE – BUILDING INSPECTION
Mr. Hall said Lee Clark is asking the Board to award a contract for a 2014 Ford Explorer to Sheehy Ford of Richmond in the amount of $24,993.80. Mr. Clark is also asking the Board to approve a transfer of $994 to cover the total cost of the vehicle. Mr. Hall said primary funding for this vehicle was appropriated by the Board on April 3, 2014.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously approved the additional appropriation and award of contract as outlined. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION AND AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: REPLACEMENT VEHICLE – SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to appropriate funds in the amount of $27,121 received from insurance proceeds to allow him to purchase a new patrol vehicle. Additionally, Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to award a contract for the new Ford Police Interceptor vehicle to Sheehy Ford of Richmond in the amount of $27,121.
On a motion by Mr. Bryant and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved the additional appropriation and award of contract as requested.
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to appropriate a grant in the amount of $5,832 from the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP). Mr. Hall said the grant will be used to improve the jail camera system and no local match is required.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Adams, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the additional appropriation. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: ASSET FORFEITURE FUNDS – SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to approve an additional appropriation of $7,000 from the Asset Forfeiture funds for the purchase of equipment and a trailer necessary for cleanup of methamphetamine labs.
Mr. Bryant moved the Board approve the additional appropriation request, seconded by Mr. Kendall and unanimously carried. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: ASSET FORFEITURE – COMMONWEALTH’S ATTORNEY’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said Andrew Nester is asking the Board to approve an additional appropriation of $1,200 from his asset forfeiture funds to cover travel expenses for the remainder of this fiscal year.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved the additional appropriation as outlined. ACCEPTANCE AND ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: PLANNING GRANT – SMITH RIVER SMALL TOWNS COLLABORATIVE
Mr. Hall said the County is assisting the Smith River Small Towns Collaborative with a planning grant. In order for the Collaborative to access Community Development Planning Grant funds, the locality must apply for and administer the planning grant. The Virginia Department of Housing & Community Development (VDHCD) has agreed to provide $35,000 to the County for this project contingent upon completion of required pre-contract activities. VDHCD is calling this the “15 Magical Miles Planning Grant” project. One of these required activities is the appropriation and adoption of the planning grant project and project budget.
On a motion by Mr. Bryant and seconded by Mr. Kendall, the Board unanimously approved the appropriation and adoption of the grant project and budget.
Mr. Hall said as part of pre-contract activities for a planning grant award, the Smith River Small Towns Collaborative in partnership with the County would like to procure technical assistance from Hill Studio of Roanoke, VA. The contract for
services, in the amount of $35,000 calls for the development of a master plan needed to move priorities previously identified forward into a plan of action. VDHCD has agreed to provide the County with planning grant funding for this project.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board voted unanimously to award a contract in the amount of $35,000 to Hill Studio contingent upon receipt of the final planning grant funding award from VDHCD.
Mr. Hall said the following low bids were received for properties in the Linden Road Housing Rehab Project and approved by the Linden Road Housing Rehab Board at its April meeting: Heritage Home Improvement of Danville, VA in the amount of $25,750 for housing rehabilitation at 26 Highland Street; Heritage Home Improvement of Danville, VA in the amount of $26,800 for housing rehabilitation at 38 Highland Street; Lester Mechanical Services of Martinsville, VA in the amount of $67,220 for substantial reconstruction at 32 Elm Street; Lester Mechanical Services of Martinsville, VA in the amount of $65,247 for substantial reconstruction at 2730 Fairystone Park Highway. Mr. Hall said funds for this project were previously appropriated from a Virginia Department Housing and Community Development grant.
On a motion by Ms. Buchanan and seconded by Mr. Adams, the Board unanimously approved the award of contracts for the Linden Road Rehab project as outlined. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: PERMIT COMPLIANCE SERVICES – COMMONWEALTH CROSSING BUSINESS CENTRE
Mr. Hall said Tim Pace is asking the Board to award a contract to Timmons Group of Richmond, Virginia in the amount of $79,500 for permit compliance services at Commonwealth Crossing Business Centre (CCBC). Timmons Group is currently providing other environmental services to the County for CCBC and the Patriot Centre Industrial Park under a previously issued request for proposal. Mr. Hall said funding is included in the CCBC expenditure budget for FY ’14.
On a motion by Mr. Bryant and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved the award of contract to Timmons Group. CHANGE ORDER RE: NATIONAL GUARD GRADING PROJECT – PATRIOT CENTRE INDUSTRIAL PARK
Mr. Hall said Tim Pace is asking the Board to approve a change order in an amount not to exceed $35,000 to Wiley-Wilson for surveying and geotechnical services as it relates to the National Guard grading project at the Patriot Centre Industrial Park. Mr. Hall said funding for this expenditure is included in the current budget.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously approved the change order as outlined. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL – PATRIOT CENTRE INDUSTRIAL PARK
Mr. Hall said Tim Pace is asking the Board to award a contract in the amount of $168,807 to Blythe Development Company of Charlotte, NC for erosion and sediment control services at the Patriot Centre Industrial Park. Mr. Hall said the County is responsible for this portion of the National Guard grading project and funding is included in the current budget.
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Kendall, the Board unanimously approved an award of contract to Blythe Development. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: VARIOUS FUNDS – PATRIOT CENTRE INDUSTRIAL PARK
Mr. Hall said staff is asking the Board to approve an additional appropriation of $124,000 from various revenue sources related to the Patriot Centre Industrial Park expansion project. The additional appropriation will cover expenses related to the National Guard project and place existing funds in the proper account.
On a motion by Ms. Buchanan and seconded by Mr. Adams, the Board unanimously voted to approve the additional appropriation of $124,000. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Comments from the Board Ms. Buchanan invited everyone to her community meeting on April 29 at 7 p.m. at the Horsepasture Ruritan Building. Mr. Hall said marina access will be closed this week for paving. Mr. Hall also reminded the Board of the ribbon cuttings on April 29; the new Fieldale Park playground at 11 a.m. and the Philpott Marina at 2 p.m. CLOSED MEETING Mr. Adams moved that the Board go into a closed meeting at 3:42 p.m., seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried to discuss the following.
1) §2.2-3711(A)1 for Discussion of Appointees to the Parks and Recreation Board, Patrick Henry Community College Board, Henry-Martinsville Social Services Board, Piedmont Regional Community Services Board and Southern Area Agency on Aging Board.
2) §2.2-3711(A)7 for Discussion of Pending Legal Matters.
3) §2.2-3711(A)3 for Discussion of the Acquisition/Disposal of Real Estate. 4) §2.2-3711(A)5 for Discussion of As-Yet Unannounced Industries.
OPEN MEETING The Board returned to an open meeting at 4:32 p.m. on a motion by Ms. Buchanan, seconded by Mr. Adams and unanimously carried.
Mr. Wagoner read the Certification of the Closed Meeting and took a roll call vote. Those voting in the affirmative were Mr. Bryant, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Adams, Ms. Buchanan, and Mr. Vaughn. Henry-Martinsville Social Services Board – On a motion by Ms. Buchanan and seconded by Mr. Kendall, the Board unanimously reappointed Willie Scales and Joan Blankenship to four-year terms ending May 31, 2018.
Patrick Henry Community College Board – On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously appointed David Martin to fill an unexpired term ending June 30, 2016.
There being no further business, Mr. Vaughn recessed at 4:34 p.m. until the 6:00 p.m. evening meeting.
Mr. Vaughn called the meeting back to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed
everyone present.
MATTERS PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC Bryan Hehl was present to address the Board concerning public access to the boat slips at the marina. Mr. Hehl requested that the Board consider keeping the gate locked at all times only allowing access to the boat slips by those who hold leases. Mr. Hehl said he had spoken with several other lessees who shared the same desire. Mr. Hall said he has met with Mr. Hehl and has spoken with him and his mother concerning public access to the boat slips. Mr. Hall said Mr. Hehl is the only individual who has contacted him with a problem and he encouraged anyone who does have a problem to contact his office directly. PUBLIC HEARING – SIX-YEAR SECONDARY ROAD PLAN, OPEN FORMAT, 6 P.M. TO 6:30 P.M. (MEETING ROOM #1 – RIGHT SIDE)
Mr. Vaughn said the joint public hearing by VDOT and the Board is in meeting room #1 from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and citizens can review and discuss the Six-Year Secondary Road Plan with VDOT officials.
Mr. Vaughn said the Board is not required to take any action at this meeting. Lisa Price Hughes will prepare minutes of the hearing, make any recommended changes to the list of projects, and submit the revised document to the Board for approval at its May 27 meeting. GENERAL HIGHWAY MATTERS
Ms. Lisa Hughes, Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation, was present to update the Board on General Highway Matters.
Ms. Hughes said the CTB will hold a public hearing to solicit public comments on the Secondary Roads Six-Year Plan on May 19 at 6 p.m. at Northside High School in Roanoke. Ms. Hughes said the draft plan is available online for review. Ms. Hughes said she did not see any additional funding for I73 or Route 58 but funding was still in place for the US 220 South safety project in Ridgeway. Ms. Hughes said the draft plan also shows two secondary projects, Routes 687 and 650 which were originally scheduled to
be advertised in December 2014. Ms. Hughes said the estimates have increased on both projects and while funding is still in the plan, it is spread out over a few years. Ms. Hughes said she is still hopeful to be able to move forward with at least one of the projects in December as originally planned.
Ms. Hughes discussed House Bill 2, new legislature that was signed into law this spring. Ms. Hughes said the new bill directs the CTB to develop a statewide prioritization process that ranks projects to be included in the plan. Ms. Hughes said the plan the Board adopts in June will be revised later in the year once they determine the prioritization process. Ms. Hughes said the CTB will work with the localities to set weights for key factors such as congestion mitigation, economic development, accessibility, safety and environmental quality. Ms. Hughes said the new process is set to begin in July 2016.
Mr. Vaughn asked Ms. Hughes if the new ranking process would be within each district or statewide. Ms. Hughes said she was really not sure at this point but believes it will be statewide. Mr. Vaughn requested Ms. Hughes to keep the Board informed as she receives more information.
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Buchanan moved to adjourn at
6:12 p.m., seconded by Mr. Kendall and carried 5 to 0.
May 27, 2014 – 3:00 p.m.
The Henry County Board of Supervisors held its regular meeting on May 27,
2014, at 3:00 p.m. in the Summerlin Meeting Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The following Board members were present: Chairman H.G. Vaughn, Vice-Chairman Tommy Slaughter, Debra Buchanan, Jim Adams, Milton Kendall, and Joe Bryant.
Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; Richard Stanfield, Deputy Director of Finance; George Lyle, County Attorney; Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant; Susan Reynolds, Director of Human Resources. Lt. Troy Easter and Deputy John Accord of the Sheriff’s Office were present. Also present was Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin, Ron Morris of B99 and Charles Roark of Cable 18.
Mr. Lyle gave the invocation and Mr. Slaughter led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CALL TO ORDER:
Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. He stated that anyone who wishes to be on the Agenda for the Board’s regular business meeting held at 3:00 p.m. must contact the County Administrator’s Office seven days prior to a scheduled meeting. Those wishing to speak at the Board’s public meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. may do so under Agenda Item - Matters Presented by the Public without contacting the County Administrator’s Office. Mr. Vaughn recognized and welcomed Legislative Assistant Gayle Barts with Congressman Robert Hurt’s office. ITEMS OF CONSENT:
Confirmation of Minutes of Meetings Copy included in Board’s File
April 22, 2014
Approval of Accounts Payable Copy included in Board’s File
Mr. Bryant moved the Items of Consent be adopted, seconded by Mr. Kendall.
The motion carried 6 to 0.
Mr. Hall said the Martinsville Exchange Club will host the annual meeting and 75th anniversary celebration of the Colonial District Exchange Clubs on the weekend of June 6-8, 2014 at the Quality Inn-Dutch Inn in Collinsville. This will bring hundreds of Exchange Club members and their families from Virginia, Maryland and Delaware to our community.
Ms. Buchanan read aloud a resolution recognizing this milestone and to welcome Exchange Club members to our community. On a motion by Ms. Buchanan and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board unanimously adopted the resolution. Ralph Lawson of the Martinsville Exchange Club was present to accept the honor. APPROPRIATION OF THE FY 2014-15 COUNTY BUDGET
Mr. Hall said the Board adopted the FY 2014-15 Total County Budget at its April meeting; however, no County funds can be expended or obligated until an appropriation has been made.
Mr. Adams moved the Board approve the Appropriations Resolution as outlined, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried. Mr. Wagoner took a roll call vote. Those voting in the affirmative were Mr. Kendall, Mr. Bryant, Mr. Adams, Ms. Buchanan, Mr. Slaughter and Mr. Vaughn. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTIONS RE: VIRGINIA RETIREMENT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS
Mr. Hall said the 2012 General Assembly mandated localities to require employees to contribute five percent toward their retirement. The mandate also requires localities to provide an offsetting salary increase to the employees. As permitted by the legislation, the County chose to phase in the five percent over five years. Mr. Hall said the Board must elect to increase the member contribution by at least one percent for FY 2015 and provide an offsetting salary increase effective July 1, 2014. The Board must certify compliance with this legislation by adopting the attached resolution.
Additionally, the Board must approve the employer contribution rates for the defined benefit retirement plan for the biennium beginning July 1, 2014. The VRS Board certified rate is 12.58%.
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously approved the member contribution resolution as presented. On a motion by Mr. Bryant and seconded by Mr. Kendall, the Board unanimously adopted the employer contribution resolution as outlined. CONSIDERATION OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE HENRY COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD REGARDING SELF-INSURANCE
Mr. Hall said as part of the process of drafting and adopting a budget for FY 2015, staff briefed the Board on a plan to implement “self insurance” for FY ’15. Essentially that would mean that the school system and all the associated entities on
the health insurance plan, including Henry County, would assume direct responsibility for providing benefits to employees while also managing assets of the plan. As part of those discussions staff recommended that the Board earmark some funds to get the initiative started, since the paying of premiums and the payout for claims often do not happen concurrently. Mr. Hall said a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was crafted by County and School Board staff to memorialize this joint effort and the payback requirements.
On a motion by Mr. Slaughter and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved the MOU contingent on similar action by the School Board. REPORT ON DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTION EFFORTS
Mr. Scott Grindstaff reviewed the monthly reports on delinquent tax collection efforts. Mr. Grindstaff noted that 96.07% of 2013 personal property taxes have been collected; 91.71% of 2013 real estate taxes; and since January 1, TACS collected approximately $141,859. In addition, Mr. Grindstaff said three VRW stops have been collected in May.
Ms. Buchanan thanked Mr. Grindstaff for providing the delinquent tax reports as requested. Ms. Buchanan asked Mr. Grindstaff to review the collection process. Mr. Grindstaff said his office works personal property for one year and real estate, two years before turning over to TACS. Ms. Buchanan said based on her calculations it appears the County is losing money from decal sales. Mr. Grindstaff said overall sales are down over the past several years but in part due to the loss of fleet vehicles. Ms. Buchanan asked staff to see if there is a correlation between food services listed on the health department’s website versus those who hold business licenses and file meals tax returns with the County. Mr. Lyle said it is also important to note that the County cannot collect on individuals or businesses who have filed bankruptcy.
Mr. Mark Heath, President of the Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corporation, was present to make the monthly update to the Board. Mr. Heath reviewed a summary of activities by division (Copy included in Board’s File). AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: REPLACEMENT VEHICLE – FIRE MARSHAL
Mr. Hall said Rodney Howell is requesting that the Board award a purchase contract for a Ford F250 truck to Colonial Ford and Truck Sales of Richmond, VA in the amount of $28,056.46. Funding for this vehicle was appropriated by the Board in April.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved the award of contract as outlined. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: DONATED FUNDS – DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY
Mr. Hall said Public Safety has received three donations designated for volunteer
fire and EMS recognition and Rodney Howell is asking the Board to appropriate the
donations totaling $1,000 to offset the costs of the annual fire and rescue volunteer appreciation banquet.
On a motion by Mr. Slaughter and seconded by Mr. Kendall, the Board unanimously approved the additional appropriation as presented.
Mr. Hall said the School Board is requesting approval of an additional appropriation of $429,013.86 received as part of the dual enrollment program with Patrick Henry Community College.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously approved an additional appropriation for the dual enrollment program. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: ROOFING DESIGN SERVICES – BUILDING AND GROUND DEPARTMENT
Mr. Hall said staff is asking the Board to award a contract to Cornett & Cundiff, Inc. of Roanoke, Virginia in the amount of $35,130 for professional architecture and engineering design, bid assistance and construction administration services for replacement of the roof on the Administration building. Preliminary tests indicate the presence of asbestos-containing materials in the existing roof and the additional expertise is needed to assure the roof is designed and managed appropriately.
On a motion by Mr. Bryant and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved the award of contract to Cornett & Cundiff as outlined.
Mr. Hall said the original contract for grading lots #1 and #2 at Commonwealth Crossing Business Centre was awarded to Blythe Development, Inc. of Charlotte, NC for $13,737,000. As part of the final negotiation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the scope of the project was changed to include lots #1 and #4 for initial development. Mr. Hall said staff is asking the Board to approve change order #1 to Blythe Development for $3,060,350 to cover the additional costs associated with developing lot #4. The total cost of grading lot #4 is $6.5 million which will be paid for with funds from the Virginia Tobacco Commission. The requested change order meets the requirements under the Code of Virginia for such transactions.
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously approved the change order in the amount of $3,060,350 as outlined, contingent on the outcome of the public hearing at 6 p.m. for the budget adjustment regarding the Tobacco Commission funding. CONSIDERATION OF REQUIRED COMMENT PERIOD FOR 2014 JAG GRANT – SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said the Sheriff’s Office has been designated to receive $24,139 for the 2014 JAG grant cycle to pay for overtime for increased enforcement. One requirement of this grant is that the governing body provides a public comment period of 30 days.
Mr. Hall said all comments should be directed to the attention of Lt. Col. Steve Eanes of the Sheriff’s Office. After the completion of the 30-day comment period, the item would be placed on a future Board agenda for action regarding acceptance and appropriation of the grant.
On a motion by Mr. Slaughter and seconded by Mr. Kendall, the Board unanimously recommended formally establishing a 30-day comment period, beginning today and ending July 22, 2014. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Comments from the Board Mr. Kendall raised the issue of excessive noise from barking dogs and recommended the Board consider an ordinance to address the issue. At Mr. Kendall’s request, Mr. Lyle drafted suggested language for an ordinance. Mr. Vaughn said he too has received complaints from constituents and agrees the matter needs to be addressed. Mr. Bryant concurred but said he did feel the ordinance should limit the hours of enforcement, for instance, from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. Mr. Adams asked if the Sheriff’s Office would be responsible for enforcement of the ordinance. Mr. Lyle said you have to regulate noise by volume or frequency and distance by which you can hear it. Mr. Lyle said it could be enforced by the Sheriff’s Office or by citizen initiation through civil action. Mr. Adams said the ordinance needs to be crafted so as to not be a burden on the Sheriff’s Office or 9-1-1. Mr. Slaughter said the hours of enforcement are still a problem for those who work night shift and must sleep during the day. Ms. Buchanan agreed with Mr. Slaughter but said the Board must be reasonable, a dog by nature is going to bark. Mr. Kendall moved the Board set a public hearing for the June 24 meeting to consider the ordinance, seconded by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously carried. Mr. Bryant discussed the issue of unkempt abandoned houses and how the County could facilitate mowing overgrown lawns, possibly using inmate labor. Mr. Lyle said the Courts would view this as a liability to have inmates perform manual labor on private property and this would be an ongoing cost at the County’s expense. Mr. Hall said staff can look at the issue and try to come up with a solution. Mr. Slaughter thanked everyone for their calls, cards and prayers during his illness. Mr. Hall said the National Guard is scheduled to arrive this week to begin the grading work at the Patriot Centre. He said the first unit will work a two-week 24/7 stint and then a second unit will follow. Mr. Hall said they will be staying onsite and arrangements have been made with Patrick Henry Community College for them to use shower facilities. Mr. Hall said “Henry County Night” at the Mustangs is June 5, if you would like to attend let staff know. Also, on Saturday, May 31, Senator Mark Warner’s office with be at Martinsville Speedway for a campaign kick-off. Please let staff know if wish to attend. Lastly, Mr. Hall addressed the state budget impasse. Mr. Hall said staff really does not know how it will affect the County if the budget is not passed by July 1. Internally, staff will have to begin preparation as to what needs to be done.
CLOSED MEETING Ms. Buchanan moved that the Board go into a closed meeting at 4:31 p.m., seconded by Mr. Bryant and unanimously carried to discuss the following.
1) §2.2-3711(A)1 for Discussion of Appointees to the Parks and Recreation Board, Patrick Henry Community College Board, Piedmont Regional Community Services Board and Southern Area Agency on Aging Board.
2) §2.2-3711(A)7 for Discussion of Pending Legal Matters.
3) §2.2-3711(A)3 for Discussion of the Acquisition/Disposal of Real Estate. 4) §2.2-3711(A)5 for Discussion of As-Yet Unannounced Industries.
OPEN MEETING The Board returned to an open meeting at 5:20 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Adams, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED MEETING:
Mr. Wagoner read the Certification of the Closed Meeting and took a roll call vote. Those voting in the affirmative were Mr. Bryant, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Adams, Ms. Buchanan, Mr. Slaughter and Mr. Vaughn. Parks and Recreation Board – On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board unanimously reappointed Scott Prillaman, Reed Creek District and Mervin Brown, Jr., Iriswood District, to three-year terms ending June 30, 2017.
Patrick Henry Community College Board – On a motion by Ms. Buchanan and seconded by Mr. Adams, the Board unanimously reappointed Barry Helmstutler and Elaine Ryder to four-year terms ending June 30, 2018; appointed Paul Geib, Jr. to a four-year term ending June 30, 2018.
Piedmont Regional Community Services Board – On a motion by Mr. Bryant and seconded by Mr. Adams, the Board unanimously reappointed Steve Eanes to a three-year term ending June 30, 2017.
Southern Area Agency on Aging Board – On a motion by Mr. Bryant and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously reappoint Mark Ivey to a three-year term ending June 1, 2017.
Access Easement – Mr. Adams moved the Board approve an access easement with Curtis Hairston, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried. (Copy included in Board’s File).
There being no further business, Mr. Vaughn recessed at 5:24 p.m. until the 6:00
p.m. evening meeting. Mr. Vaughn called the meeting back to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed
everyone present.
MATTERS PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC Mr. Chad Martin of the Give Back Foundation requested time to discuss an upcoming community event to celebrate and encourage responsible fatherhood. Mr. Martin said the Men of Standard celebration will begin at 8 a.m. June 7 with a breakfast and panel discussion at 704 E. Church Street, followed by a march to the Martinsville Municipal Building, and concluding with a fatherhood pledge ceremony. The event will end with a family fun day at Bridge Street parking lot from noon to 5 p.m. Others also spoke in favor of the event, including Martinsville Assistant City Manager/Director of Community Development Wayne Knox. GENERAL HIGHWAY MATTERS
Mr. David Kiser, Assistant Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation, was present to update the Board on General Highway Matters. Mr. Kiser noted the bridge replacement on Route 779 is scheduled to begin Monday and the road will be closed in that area for about three weeks.
Mr. Kendall said he has received several complaints about mowing on Route 58 East. Mr. Kiser said crews are in the process of mowing primary roads and should be in that area soon. Mr. Kiser said any time there is a safety concern in a particular location they will send crews to spot mow.
Ms. Buchanan said Inheritance Church on Grassy Creek is making a consorted effort to keep that area mowed but there is a bank that will require long-arm mowing equipment. Mr. Kiser said he would look at the area in question.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously adopted the proposed Six-Year Secondary Road Plan for Henry County for 2014-2020.
Mr. Hall said staff has been working with the Rural Development division of the United States Department of Agriculture to secure an Economic Impact Grant of $50,700 that would be used toward the purchase of replacement vehicles for the Henry County Sheriff’s Office. Mr. Hall said a local match of $323,300 has been included in the grant proposal, which is the amount the Board spent in FY ’14 on replacement vehicles minus this new $50,700; therefore no “new” money is required for the match.
Mr. Vaughn opened the public hearing at 6:21 p.m. There being no one present who wished to speak, Mr. Vaughn closed the public hearing at 6:21 p.m. On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board voted unanimously to accept and appropriate the grant as outlined and authorize the County Administrator to execute all necessary paperwork. PUBLIC HEARING – PROPOSED BUDGET AMENDMENT CONCERNING TOBACCO COMMISSION FUNDING FOR COMMONWEALTH CROSSING BUSINESS CENTRE
Mr. Hall said Henry County has been awarded $6.5 million from the Virginia Tobacco Commission to assist with the development of Commonwealth Crossing Business Centre. The Board will need to appropriate the funds. Since the requested appropriation is greater than 1% of the total County budget, a public hearing is required before the Board can take action on the request.
Mr. Vaughn opened the public hearing at 6:22 p.m. There was no one present who wished to speak so Mr. Vaughn closed the public hearing at 6:22 p.m. On a motion by Mr. Bryant and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board voted unanimously to appropriate the $6.5 million as outlined. PUBLIC HEARING – REZONING APPLICATION R-14-02 – PAR 3 DEVELOPMENT GROUP, L.L.C.
Mr. Lee Clark said the property is located at 3874 Stones Dairy Road in the Blackberry District. The applicant is requesting the rezoning of approximately 2.7-acres from Suburban Residential District S-R to Neighborhood Commercial District B-2. Mr. Clark said the applicant is also requesting a Special Use Permit from the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) in order to increase the allowed square footage of the building from 2,000 sq. ft. to 9,100 sq. ft. Mr. Clark said a BZA meeting is scheduled for May 28 pending the Board’s decision this evening.
Mr. Clark said there were several issues discussed at the Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Clark said the Neighborhood Commercial B-2 zoning was created for situations similar to this and there are other commercial businesses in each direction from this location. In addition, the recently re-constructed Stones Dairy Road is well designed to allow for safe creation of a commercial entrance and the property is located in the West Bassett Growth Area, in the County’s Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Clark said two older buildings (an apartment and garage) would be removed as part of this project and enhanced screening/buffering would be required on both sides of the property.
Following a public hearing, both the Planning Commission and staff recommended approval of the rezoning request. The Commission asked staff to relay their concern to the BZA relative to the increase in square footage, specifically whether this increase would defeat the character and intent of the Neighborhood Commercial District. Mr. Vaughn opened the public hearing at 6:25 p.m.
Speaking on behalf of PAR 3 was Michael Lynch with Engineering Concepts and Attorney Ward Armstrong, counsel for the applicant.
Mr. Hal Dee West, Blackberry District representative on the Planning Commission, said the commission, regardless of members’ opinions on the matter, could consider the issue only from the perspective of appropriate land use which is why he moved to recommend the rezoning request.
Others individuals speaking in opposition to the proposed Dollar General included Virginia Hoyt, Ron Howard and Wendy Campbell, all of the Blackberry District. Ms. Hoyt created a petition against the project which she said had been signed by 66 people. Each speaker shared similar concerns, the economic hardship it would cause on family-owned stores, increased traffic and safety issues, close proximity to Sanville Elementary School, and whether the store would carry alcohol.
There being no one else who wished to speak, Mr. Vaughn closed the public hearing at 6:37 p.m.
Mr. Adams asked Mr. Clark if all adjoining property owners’ concerns have been addressed. Mr. Clark said traffic safety concerns are not an issue, the re-design of the road and site distance are more than adequate and considered safe. Mr. Clark said regarding concerns that the entrances to Dollar General and the school directly oppose each other, from a traffic engineering standpoint, it is much safer to line up entrances directly across from each other. It makes the left-turn movements much safer for both parties as they can see what the intent of the person across from them at the intersection is.
Mr. Clark said the square footage of the building has not been addressed, the BZA will have to consider whether it is an appropriate request. Mr. Clark said the Planning Commission made a decision based on the intended guidelines of the Neighborhood Commercial District, not the size of the proposed structure. Mr. Adams stressed the Board’s decision should be based only on whether it is appropriate to rezone the property from Suburban Residential to Neighborhood Commercial. Mr. Adams asked Mr. Clark if he foresees any issues going forward if the BZA does grant the special use permit. Mr. Clark said if the variance is granted, certainly it would be difficult to deny a similar request if another retail operation wanted to expand in size.
Mr. Bryant said ultimately, the Board must consider the progress of the county and retail business not only creates jobs, it also builds the County’s tax base. Ms. Buchanan said she certainly understood the concerns of those who had spoken against the Dollar General, but denying zoning might set a bad precedent; the Board’s decision should only be based on appropriate land use. Mr. Vaughn added that in his experience, Dollar General has a good reputation and he sees it as a complement to the community.
On a motion by Ms. Buchanan and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board voted 5-1 to follow the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the rezoning request. Mr. Adams voted in opposition.
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Slaughter moved to adjourn at 7
p.m., seconded by Ms. Buchanan and carried 6 to 0.
June 24, 2014 – 3:00 p.m.
The Henry County Board of Supervisors held its regular meeting on June 24,
2014, at 3:00 p.m. in the Summerlin Meeting Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The following Board members were present: Vice-Chairman Tommy Slaughter, Debra Buchanan, Jim Adams, Milton Kendall, and Joe Bryant. Chairman H.G. Vaughn was absent.
Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; Richard Stanfield, Deputy Director of Finance; George Lyle, County Attorney; Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant. Lt. Troy Easter and Deputy Mark Jamison of the Sheriff’s Office were present. Also present was Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin and Ron Morris of B99.
Mr. Bryant gave the invocation and Mr. Kendall led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CALL TO ORDER:
Vice-Chairman Slaughter called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. He stated that anyone who wishes to be on the Agenda for the Board’s regular business meeting held at 3:00 p.m. must contact the County Administrator’s Office seven days prior to a scheduled meeting. Those wishing to speak at the Board’s public meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. may do so under Agenda Item - Matters Presented by the Public without contacting the County Administrator’s Office. ITEMS OF CONSENT:
Confirmation of Minutes of Meetings Copy included in Board’s File
May 27, 2014
Approval of Accounts Payable Copy included in Board’s File
Mr. Bryant moved the Items of Consent be adopted, seconded by Ms. Buchanan.
The motion carried 5 to 0.
Mr. Hall said the Martinsville-Henry County Chamber of Commerce recently received accreditation as a five-star chamber, a prestigious honor that recognizes chambers for outstanding contributions toward positive change in their communities.
Mr. Adams read aloud a resolution recognizing the Chamber’s achievement and moved that the Board adopt it as presented, seconded by Mr. Kendall and unanimously carried. Dr. Joe Keiper was present to accept the resolution on behalf of the Chamber. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE 75TH ANNUAL SMITH-FOSTER FAMILY REUNION
Ms. Buchanan read aloud a resolution commemorating the Smith-Foster family, who will be celebrating its 75th consecutive family reunion in August. The reunion will be held where it all started in 1939 – in Henry County, Virginia. On a motion by Ms. Buchanan and seconded by Mr. Adams the Board unanimously adopted the resolution. Several members of the Smith-Foster family were present to accept the honor. REPORT ON DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTION EFFORTS
Mr. Scott Grindstaff reviewed the monthly reports on delinquent tax collection efforts. Mr. Grindstaff noted that 96.61% of 2013 personal property taxes have been collected; 92.08% of 2013 real estate taxes; and since January 1, TACS collected approximately $254,787. In addition, Mr. Grindstaff said four VRW stops have been collected in June.
Mr. Mark Heath, President of the Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corporation, was unable to attend today’s meeting. Mr. Hall said the EDC office is in the process of moving to its new facility at NCI.
Mr. Hall said Carole Jones is asking the Board to award a contract to Bassett Office Supply to provide supplies to County offices. The contract is for one year with an option of four one-year extensions. The contract does not include a set amount of expenditure, because it will be based on how many office supplies are needed, but Mrs. Jones indicates that it most likely would exceed the $15,000 threshold that requires Board approval.
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously approved the award of contract to Bassett Office Supply. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: FOUR-FOR-LIFE FUNDS – DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Mr. Hall said Henry County was recently notified that it will receive $52,203.84 from the Commonwealth’s Four-for-Life, return-to-localities fund. This fund is derived from a fee charged on each vehicle registered in Henry County. The funds must be used for emergency medical services training, supplies, and/or equipment. Last year the funds were distributed equally between the five county rescue squads and the Department of Public Safety for ambulance operations. Under that distribution formula, each entity would receive $8,700.64 from this year’s allocation.
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously approved the additional appropriation as outlined. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: EMS TRAINING FUNDS – PUBLIC SAFETY
Mr. Hall said Rodney Howell is asking the Board to make an additional appropriation of $6,224 from the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services and others for the reimbursement of expenses from programs previously conducted by the Department of Public Safety. These funds will be used for compensation of part-time instructors. There is no local match required. Additionally, Mr. Howell is requesting the appropriation of $455 from memorial donations to be set aside for the future purchase of an ambulance.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Adams, the Board unanimously approved the additional appropriation.
Mr. Hall said Rodney Howell is requesting that the Board award a contract in the amount of $68,825.76 to Motorola Solutions, Inc. for the purchase of a service and warranty agreement on the County’s emergency services radio system. This is a permitted extension of the original contract on the radio system and funds are included in the FY 2015 County Budget.
On a motion by Mr. Bryant and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved the award of contract to Motorola Solutions as outlined. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE HVAC – BUILDING AND GROUNDS DEPARTMENT
Mr. Hall said staff is requesting that the Board award a contract in the amount of $28,922.00 to Trane, Inc. for providing scheduled maintenance services to heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at County facilities during the upcoming fiscal year. This is a permitted extension of the current contract and the price has not changed. Funds for this contract are included in the FY 2015 County Budget.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved the award of contract to Trane. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: ELECTRICAL LINE RELOCATION – COMMONWEALTH CROSSING BUSINESS CENTRE
Mr. Hall said as part of the development of Commonwealth Crossing Business Centre (CCBC), an Appalachian Power distribution line must be relocated. The Board is being asked to award a contract in the amount of $37,950 to Appalachian Power for power line right-of-way clearing at CCBC. Funding for this work is included in the existing budget for developing Commonwealth Crossing Business Centre.
On a motion by Mr. Bryant and seconded by Mr. Kendall, the Board unanimously approved an award of contract to Appalachian Power.
Mr. Hall said Tim Pace is asking the Board to award a contract to The Lane Group of Galax, Virginia in the amount of $228,800 for project management and inspection services at Commonwealth Crossing Business Centre (CCBC). This is necessary for the on-going development at the site. Funding for this work is included in the existing budget for developing Commonwealth Crossing Business Centre.
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved an award of contract to The Lane Group as outlined. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: REIMBURSEMENTS – SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to approve an additional appropriation of $5,000 received from the Virginia Supreme Court for transporting certain prisoners. The funds will be used for part-time salaries to compensate deputies performing these tasks.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously approved the additional appropriation as requested. AWARD OF CONTRACT AND ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: MOBILE COMMAND UNIT – SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to award a contract to LDV, Inc. of Burlington, WI in the amount of $105,000 for technical services and technology improvements to the Mobile Command Unit. The Virginia Attorney General’s Office previously appropriated $75,288 and the Sheriff is also asking the Board to approve an additional appropriation of $29,715 from existing budgeted funds.
On a motion by Ms. Buchanan and seconded by Mr. Adams, the Board unanimously approved an award of contract to LDV, Inc. and additional appropriation as outlined. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: REIMBURSEMENTS – SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to approve an additional appropriation of $16,500 from reimbursements paid to the Sheriff’s Office for various off-duty assignments worked by deputies during FY 2014. These funds will be used to offset the funds paid to deputies for overtime compensation while performing these assignments.
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously approved an additional appropriation of $16,500 as requested. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: SECURITY SERVICES – COMMONWEALTH CROSSING BUSINESS CENTRE
Mr. Hall said Tim Pace is asking the Board to award a purchase contract in the amount of $34,698 to EMI Security, LLC of Bassett, Virginia for video surveillance and security services for the Commonwealth Crossing Business Centre (CCBC). The
system will allow County staff to remotely monitor the on-going work at the park. Funding for this expenditure is included in the current budget.
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved an award of contract to EMI Security. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Comments from the Board Mr. Bryant said he had received several suggestions from residents concerning the marina: 1) annual parking pass; 2) coin-operated air pump for floats/tubes; 3) snack bar with grill vs. pre-packaged food; and 4) fish food. Mr. Hall said he would pass the information along to Roger Adams. Mr. Hall noted the upcoming July 4th Celebration at Martinsville Speedway. Mr. Hall said tickets will be mailed directly to the Board and staff will need to know who plans to represent the County at the event. In addition, Mr. Hall said the state budget was finally passed; however staff is still waiting to learn the impact on constitutional offices. Mr. Hall said it appears the School Board will receive approximately $178,000 less than anticipated.
Mr. Hall said the National Guard is finishing up the grading project at the Patriot Centre this week. Mr. Hall said the project was a great experience for both the County and National Guard and the National Guard has requested to come back next summer for additional training. Mr. Hall commended the dedication of Tim Pace, Mike Amos and Mike Ward who rotated shifts to ensure a staff member was onsite the duration of the project. Mr. Hall also praised community partners Patrick Henry Community College and Commonwealth Laminating, as well as a citizen who showed up one day with 50 pizzas for the guardsmen.
Mr. Hall followed up on Mr. Bryant’s request last month concerning mowing. Mr. Hall said he had met with staff and they concluded that using County employees to mow would be cost prohibitive and allowing employees to work on private property is a liability. Mr. Hall said inmate labor would also not be permissible. Mr. Hall said the key to trying to resolve the issue is communication with your neighbor. Mr. Bryant asked the Board to consider allocating $12,000 from the Contingency Fund to unsafe structures. Ms. Buchanan reminded Mr. Bryant that the Board just recently allocated $18,000 from the current year Contingency Fund for unsafe structures. Mr. Hall suggested that Mr. Bryant speak with Lee Clark to determine available funding for unsafe structures. CLOSED MEETING Mr. Adams moved that the Board go into a closed meeting at 3:42 p.m., seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried to discuss the following.
1) §2.2-3711(A)1 for Discussion of Appointees to the Patrick Henry Community College Board and Roanoke River Basin Association.
2) §2.2-3711(A)7 for Discussion of Pending Legal Matters.
3) §2.2-3711(A)3 for Discussion of the Acquisition/Disposal of Real Estate.
4) §2.2-3711(A)5 for Discussion of As-Yet Unannounced Industries.
OPEN MEETING The Board returned to an open meeting at 4:36 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Adams, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED MEETING:
Mr. Wagoner read the Certification of the Closed Meeting and took a roll call vote. Those voting in the affirmative were Mr. Bryant, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Adams, Ms. Buchanan, and Mr. Slaughter.
Patrick Henry Community College Board – On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously appointed Janet Copenhaver to a four-year term beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2018.
Consideration of Resolution re: Virginia Retirement System – School Board – Mr. Hall said he received a request from Chief Financial Officer Dawn Lawson just prior to entering Closed Meeting. Last month the Board of Supervisors approved a resolution regarding the Virginia Retirement System. The Board chose to pay a certified contribution rate into the VRS over the alternative rate that is lower but would require “catch-up” payments later. The Board is being asked to sign off on the School Board’s decision to also go with the certified rate, which is 11.13% for the school system. The School Board chose to go with the certified rate at its June 5, 2014 meeting.
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Kendall, the Board unanimously adopted the resolution as outlined.
There being no further business, Mr. Slaughter recessed at 4:40 p.m. until the
6:00 p.m. evening meeting. Mr. Slaughter called the meeting back to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed
everyone present. MATTERS PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC There was no one present who wished to speak. GENERAL HIGHWAY MATTERS
Ms. Lisa Hughes, Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation, was present to update the Board on General Highway Matters. Ms. Hughes’ only item of business was the proposed replacement of a box culvert over Mill Creek on Cedar Hill Drive in Henry. Ms. Hughes said since this road leads into Salthouse, it is recommended to schedule the maintenance after the summer season. Mr. Hall said County staff was in agreement.
Mr. Slaughter opened the public hearing at 6:04 p.m.
Speaking in favor of the proposed ordinance was Andrew Wright, Reed Creek District; Brad Flood, Iriswood; and Ellen Williams. Mr. Wright said the ordinance would benefit those who live where houses are in close proximity. Mr. Flood said that he has issues with a neighbor whose dogs frequently are unattended and bark for hours at a time. Ms. Williams said she lives near a kennel and often is awakened in the early morning by barking dogs.
Russell Sharpe, Ridgeway District, and Jimmy Agee, Iriswood, spoke in opposition to the ordinance, as they are both raccoon hunters who hunt with coonhounds. Both said they were concerned that if they were hunting in the evening and their dogs sighted a raccoon and began barking, it could trigger other nearby dogs to bark, leading to a noise ordinance violation. There being no one else who wished to speak, Mr. Slaughter closed the public hearing at 6:10 p.m.
Mr. Kendall stressed that the proposed ordinance was solely intended to address situations where a resident was unable to enjoy his or her home due to a neighbor’s constantly barking dogs.
Mr. Bryant asked Mr. Lyle if it would be easier to prosecute cases of neighbors with barking dogs if the ordinance was in effect. Mr. Lyle said making a violation of the ordinance a class 4 misdemeanor would be the only way that a neighbor with constantly barking dogs could receive criminal punishment. However, Mr. Lyle said residents always have the option of filing a civil suit against a neighbor who is damaging their ability to enjoy their home for any reason.
Commonwealth’s Attorney Andrew Nester was present and said a violation of a class 4 misdemeanor would become part of the violator’s criminal record, whereas a civil suit would not. Mr. Nester said he thought a violation of the ordinance should not be a criminal charge.
Mr. Adams said the majority of residents he had spoken to were concerned that passing the ordinance would place additional responsibilities on an already overworked sheriff’s department. Ms. Buchanan agreed with Mr. Adams.
After some discussion, the Board determined that the ordinance should be amended so that a violation would be a civil penalty and not a class 4 misdemeanor. Mr. Lyle read aloud the amended ordinance for the Board’s consideration:
“It shall be unlawful for any animal owner to permit or allow any dog or cat to bark, meow, screech, scream, wail, caterwaul or create noise in any residential area in the county continuously for more than 15 consecutive minutes between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. and at such a volume said noise can be heard upon property other than the animal’s owner. The creation of the noise at least once a minute for fifteen minutes shall be presumed to be continuous. Violation of this ordinance shall be punishable by a civil penalty up to $250.”
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the amended ordinance passed on a 3-2 vote. Mr. Adams and Ms. Buchanan vote in opposition.
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Buchanan moved to adjourn at
6:55 p.m., seconded by Mr. Kendall and carried 5 to 0.
July 22, 2014 – 3:00 p.m.
The Henry County Board of Supervisors held its regular meeting on July 22,
2014, at 3:00 p.m. in the Summerlin Meeting Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The following Board members were present: Chairman H.G. Vaughn, Vice-Chairman Tommy Slaughter, Debra Buchanan, Jim Adams, Milton Kendall, and Joe Bryant.
Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; George Lyle, County Attorney; Susan Reynolds, Director of Human Resources; and Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant. Lt. Troy Easter and Sgt. Brian Punturi of the Sheriff’s Office were present. Also present was Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin, Ron Morris of B99 and Charles Roark of Cable 18.
Mr. Hall gave the invocation and Mr. Adams led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CALL TO ORDER:
Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. He stated that anyone who wishes to be on the Agenda for the Board’s regular business meeting held at 3:00 p.m. must contact the County Administrator’s Office seven days prior to a scheduled meeting. Those wishing to speak at the Board’s public meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. may do so under Agenda Item - Matters Presented by the Public without contacting the County Administrator’s Office. ITEMS OF CONSENT:
Confirmation of Minutes of Meetings Copy included in Board’s File
June 24, 2014
Approval of Accounts Payable Copy included in Board’s File
Ms. Buchanan moved the Items of Consent be adopted, seconded by Mr. Bryant.
Mr. Scott Grindstaff reviewed the monthly reports on delinquent tax collection efforts. Mr. Grindstaff noted that 96.82% of 2013 personal property taxes have been collected; 92.63% of 2013 real estate taxes; and since January 1, TACS collected
approximately $322,000. In addition, Mr. Grindstaff said five VRW stops have been collected in July. Mr. Grindstaff said John Rife had planned to attend today’s meeting but was detained in court proceedings concerning 22 judicial sales scheduled for August.
Mr. Mark Heath, President of the Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corporation, was present to make the monthly update to the Board. Mr. Heath reviewed a summary of activities by division (Copy included in Board’s File). ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: FIRE PROGRAMS AID TO LOCALITIES – PUBLIC SAFETY
Mr. Hall said Rodney Howell is asking the Board to appropriate $25,361 from the Virginia Department of Fire Programs “Aid to Localities” fund. Mr. Hall said in the past Henry County has allocated its appropriation equally among the eight volunteer fire departments which would result in an allocation of $3,170.12 to each department.
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Slaughter the Board unanimously approved the appropriation of $25,361 as requested. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: FOOD FOR INMATES AT COUNTY JAIL – SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to award a contract to Dan Valley Food Service to supply food for the Henry County Jail. This contract does not stipulate a total expenditure amount because of the fluctuation in numbers of inmates; however Sheriff Perry estimates that the overall contract will be approximately $150,000.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board unanimously approved an award of contract to Dan Valley Food Service as outlined. APPROVAL OF GRANT APPLICATION RE: CALL PROCESSING EQUIPMENT – 911 COMMUNICATIONS CENTER
Mr. Hall said J.R. Powell, Director of the Martinsville-Henry County 911 Communications Center, is asking for the Board’s approval to apply for a grant from The Virginia Information Technology Agency (VITA) in the amount of $150,000 for call processing equipment (CPE). According to Mr. Powell, the CPE is used to receive all incoming emergency and non-emergency calls into the center. Mr. Hall said the maximum amount allowed by the grant is $150,000; the total cost of the project is estimated to be $319,398. The difference of $169,398 would be requested in the 911 Center FY’16 and FY’17 budget. Mr. Hall reminded the Board expenses related to operation of the 911 Center are shared by the City of Martinsville.
On a motion by Mr. Bryant and seconded by Mr. Kendall, the Board unanimously approved the request by the 911 Communications Center to apply for the VITA grant.
Mr. Hall said Linda Love, Commissioner of the Revenue, is asking the Board to award a contract to Vision Government Solutions, Inc., of Northboro, Massachusetts in the amount of $202,000 for a computer-assisted mass appraisal system. In addition, staff recommends approval of a lease-purchase agreement with Government Capital Corporation to allow the costs to be paid with three annual payments of $67,333.34. Mr. Hall said tax-exempt financing through Government Capital Corporation is being offered to the County by the vendor with zero interest and no fees.
Mr. Hall said the computer system currently used by the Assessor’s Office is over 23 years old and will no longer work with today’s computer operating systems. The package includes software, installation, training, and conversion of existing data. Mr. Hall said this item is part of the capital improvements plan and funding for year one of the financing is included in the FY’15 capital budget.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board voted unanimously to award the contract to Vision Government Solutions in the amount of $202,000 and approve the tax-exempt financing as outlined. AWARD OF CONTRACT AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS RE: GARBAGE TRUCK – REFUSE DEPARTMENT
Mr. Hall said Mike Amos is asking the Board to award a contract to Cavalier Equipment, Inc. in the amount of $209,211 for the purchase of a 2015 Mack Garbage Truck. Mr. Hall said a transfer appropriation of $20,877 from previously budgeted funds will be consolidated with budgeted funds from the FY’15 capital improvements budget to fund this item.
On a motion by Ms. Buchanan and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously approved the transfer appropriation and award of contract to Cavalier Equipment as presented. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: PRINTING AND MAILING OF BILLS AND NOTICES – COUNTY TREASURER AND THE COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE
Mr. Hall said Treasurer Scott Grindstaff and Commissioner Linda Love are asking the Board to award a contract to BMS Direct, Inc. for printing and mailing of the County’s forms for personal property, real estate and decal bills and tangible property forms. Mr. Hall said the contract price is calculated based on the actual number of mailings and billed at an approximate cost of $65,000 annually. This is a one year contract with the option to renew annually for up to five years and funds are included in the FY’15 budget.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board unanimously approved the award of contract to BMS Direct. CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASE OF I-PADS FOR SEVENTH-GRADE STUDENTS IN HENRY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Mr. Hall said the Henry County school system began an I-Pad initiative several years ago and currently has a 1:1 ratio for students in grades 3-6. Mr. Hall said this
initiative has been implemented into the every-day educational plan for these students and has proven extremely popular with students, teachers, administrators, and parents. This effort also allows us to show current and potential industries that we lead instead of follow when it comes to technology. Mr. Hall said Henry County’s program is used as a model by Apple, Inc. and we play host to many other school divisions during the year who want to see what we have and how it works.
Mr. Hall said County staff and school division staff have discussed how to move the program into the 7th grade and eventually the 8th grade; doing so would allow us to essentially cover all years 3-12 since the high schools allow students to bring their own devices to class for educational purposes. Expansion also would allow us to bridge the gap for a student who has used and learned on an I-Pad for grades 3-6 but suddenly found that in the 7th grade the learning process was different. Mr. Hall said during our discussions with Dr. Jared Cotton, we discovered that if we could purchase enough I-Pads to cover the 7th graders in the County, the 8th grade student base also could be covered by using I-Pads previously used on mobile carts. In other words, by purchasing enough for the 7th graders, we can reallocate ones we already have and also cover the 8th graders on a 1:1 ratio. Mr. Hall said Dr. Cotton has indicated that to purchase I-Pads for all 7th graders would cost $269,573. Mr. Hall said staff endorses this plan and has had some cost-sharing discussion with Dr. Cotton. Staff believes that the best approach would be to use $225,000 out of the County’s unencumbered reserves, contingent upon the school system providing the balance of $44,573 from its current budget.
On a motion by Mr. Adams and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board voted unanimously to allocate $225,000 from the County’s unencumbered reserves toward the purchase of I-Pads for seventh-grade students, contingent on the school system providing $44,573 to complete the purchase. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: HOUSE REHABILITATION - LINDEN ROAD HOUSING REHABILITATION PROJECT
Mr. Hall said Lee Clark is asking the Board to award a contract to Wood Building & Remodeling of Collinsville, Virginia in the amount of $28,700 for housing rehabilitation work at 2776 Fairystone Park Highway in Bassett. The Linden Road Housing Rehabilitation Board has approved the project and recommends awarding the contract to Wood Building & Remodeling, which was the low bidder. Funds for this project were previously appropriated from a Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development grant.
On a motion by Mr. Slaughter and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously approved an award of contract to Wood Building & Remodeling in the amount of $28,700. CHANGE ORDER RE: INSPECTION SERVICES – LINDEN ROAD REHABILITATION PROJECT
Mr. Hall said Lee Clark is asking the Board to approve a change order to Howerton Inspections Services in the amount of $54,075 for additional asbestos abatements services as part of the Linden Road Rehabilitation Project. Staff has reviewed several options for asbestos abatement for this project and has determined that using Howerton Inspection Services is the most cost effective means to do this. Mr.
Hall said funds for this project were previously appropriated from a Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development grant.
On a motion by Mr. Bryant and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board unanimously approved the change order to Howerton Inspections Services in the amount of $54,075. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Comments from the Board Ms. Buchanan said there was a grand opening for the new Subway in Horsepasture on Saturday. Mr. Vaughn announced an open invitation from Morning Star Holy Church to attend services on Sunday, July 27 at 11 a.m. with guest preacher Bishop Don Williams speaking. Mr. Hall commended County employees for a recent EAC event which raised $1,036 for the Benny Summerlin Memorial Scholarship Fund. Mr. Hall also reminded everyone of the upcoming Smith River Fest on August 9 and encouraged anyone who has never attended to come out for a fun day full of activities including a mud run, duck race and canoe/kayak race. CLOSED MEETING Mr. Slaughter moved that the Board go into a closed meeting at 3:37 p.m., seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried to discuss the following.
1) §2.2-3711(A)1 for Discussion of Appointees to the Roanoke River Basin Association.
2) §2.2-3711(A)7 for Discussion of Pending Legal Matters.
3) §2.2-3711(A)3 for Discussion of the Acquisition/Disposal of Real Estate. 4) §2.2-3711(A)5 for Discussion of As-Yet Unannounced Industries.
OPEN MEETING The Board returned to an open meeting at 4:29 p.m. on a motion by Ms. Buchanan, seconded by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously carried. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED MEETING:
Mr. Wagoner read the Certification of the Closed Meeting and took a roll call vote. Those voting in the affirmative were Mr. Bryant, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Adams, Ms. Buchanan, Mr. Slaughter and Mr. Vaughn.
There being no action taken, Mr. Vaughn recessed at 4:30 p.m. until the 6:00
p.m. evening meeting.
Mr. Vaughn called the meeting back to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone present. MATTERS PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC Teresa Thomasson was present to ask the Board and VDOT to consider installing street lights along Greensboro Road from Morehead Avenue to Mountain View Cemetery. Ms. Thomasson’s daughter was killed in January when a speeding driver in the wrong lane struck her vehicle. Ms. Thomasson said while little could have been done to prevent her daughter’s death, the lights would be a fitting tribute to her memory and help illuminate a dangerous stretch of road. David Mounce addressed the Board on concerns about Comcast’s billing practices and requested that the Board look into the matter. Mr. Hall explained that although the County is a Comcast franchise holder, it has little influence over the corporation. Mr. Hall said staff will convey Mr. Mounts’ issues to our contacts at Comcast. GENERAL HIGHWAY MATTERS
Ms. Lisa Hughes, Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation, was present to update the Board on General Highway Matters. Ms. Hughes first addressed Ms. Thomasson’s comments concerning safety issues along Greensboro Road. Ms. Hughes said VDOT has recognized a number of safety issues along that particular stretch of U.S. 220 South and a safety project is planned for next year to widen and pave the shoulders and reconstruct the guard rail. Ms. Hughes said based on Ms. Thomasson’s concerns, VDOT engineers are also looking into a variety of short and long-term improvements in that stretch of road.
Ms. Hughes reported that the safety project on the southbound lane of Oak Level Road is on schedule for completion the first part of October. In addition, Ms. Hughes said the Preston and Irisburg road projects are still scheduled to be advertised in December. Ms. Hughes said she plans to have a citizen information meeting on October 23 on the Irisburg Road project to explain a detour that will be in place for a short time.
Mr. Lee Clark said the property is located off the west side of Greensboro Road, at approximately 5968 Greensboro Road in the Ridgeway District and is shown on Tax Map 62.4/30. The applicant is requesting the rezoning of approximately 26-acres from Commercial District B-1 to Agricultural District A-1. The rezoning will enable the applicant to place a single family dwelling on the property. Following a public hearing, both staff and the Planning Commission approved the rezoning request.
Mr. Vaughn opened the public hearing at 6:18 p.m. There being no one present who wished to speak Mr. Vaughn closed the public hearing at 6:18 p.m. On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Ms. Buchanan, the Board unanimously approved the rezoning request as outlined.
Mr. Clark said the property is located at 3874 Stones Dairy Road in the Blackberry District and is shown on Tax Map 25.9/310. The applicant is requesting the rezoning of approximately 2.7-acres from Neighborhood Commercial District B-2 to Commercial District B-1. The applicant intends to develop a 9,100 sq. ft. retail store.
Mr. Clark said in May, the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors recommended approval of the rezoning of this property to Neighborhood Commercial B-2. Because the specific request was to build a retail store (9,100 sq.ft.) that exceeded the square footage allowed in Neighborhood Commercial (2,000 sq.ft.), a Special Use Permit was also required from the BZA. Following a public hearing, the BZA voted to deny the Special Use Permit.
Mr. Clark said this request to rezone to Commercial District B-1 will allow the construction of the 9,100 sq. ft. retail building as a by-right use. Following a public hearing, both staff and the Planning Commission recommend that the rezoning request be denied citing several concerns; the Commission felt the existing Neighborhood Commercial B-2 was the appropriate scale and intensity zone, concern regarding the precedent of introducing Commercial B-1 zoning on undeveloped land into a primarily residential area and the potential uses that would then be allowed. Staff also recommends denial of the request.
Mr. Vaughn opened the public hearing at 6:23 p.m. Attorney Ward Armstrong, representing PAR 3, said that due to concerns that
had been expressed about the design of the building being too utilitarian, PAR 3 has offered additional architectural proffers so as to be a better fit for the community. Mr. Armstrong said a similar store design is already in place in Mt. Airy, N.C. and features a more rural aesthetic, including a gabled and pitched metal roof, faux windows with shutters, Hardi siding, and a monument-style sign as opposed to a pole sign (Copy included in Board’s file.) Both Armstrong and PAR 3 Representative Layne Fuller pointed out that Dollar General has a 15-year lease on the site with five five-year options on the lease, indicating that the company expects to be in business a long time.
Several residents who spoke in favor of the rezoning included Cindy Donovant, Lois Ratliff (in a letter read by Lonnie Stone), Clifford Stone and David Stone. Lonnie Stone provided an un-verified petition with numerous signatures all in favor of the rezoning (Copy included in Board’s file.)
Tressi Sanchez, Virginia Hoyt, Jeff Nunley, Troy Joyce and Patty Johnson spoke against the rezoning. Their concerns included traffic into the business interfering with school traffic at Sanville Elementary School, potential retail growth in the quiet community, undue competition with Adam’s Grocery, litter in the parking lot and people loitering in the parking lot after hours.
There being no one else who wished to speak, Mr. Vaughn closed the public hearing at 7:07 p.m.
Mr. Slaughter moved the Board approve the rezoning request, seconded by Mr. Kendall. Mr. Vaughn opened the floor for discussion from the Board.
All Board members stressed their desire that the zoning decision, which has been a source of dissension in the Sanville community, would not divide neighbors. Mr. Adams and Mr. Vaughn commended everyone for being respectful of one another’s differences of opinion during the public hearing as well as in communications prior to the hearing. Mr. Adams said there is no way to predict the success or failure of the
business, and concerns over what other businesses could occupy the site should Dollar General close its doors were beyond the scope of the Board; Mr. Slaughter agreed. Mr. Adams also noted several properties in the community that were similarly zoned B-1. Mr. Slaughter added that one of the concerns voiced was the sale of alcohol in proximity to the school; however, the store currently has no plans to sell alcohol. Mr. Slaughter said if the store chooses to sell alcohol in the future, the company would have to apply for a permit through the Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
On a 5-1 vote, the rezoning was passed with the additional architectural proffers as presented. Mr. Adams cast the dissenting vote.
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Slaughter moved to adjourn at
7:31 p.m., seconded by Ms. Buchanan and carried 6 to 0.
August 26, 2014 – 3:00 p.m.
The Henry County Board of Supervisors held its regular meeting on August 26,
2014, at 3:00 p.m. in the Summerlin Meeting Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The following Board members were present: Chairman H.G. Vaughn, Vice-Chairman Tommy Slaughter, Debra Buchanan, Jim Adams, Milton Kendall, and Joe Bryant.
Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; Richard Stanfield, Deputy Director of Finance; George Lyle, County Attorney; and Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant. Lt. Troy Easter and Dep. Mike Hooper of the Sheriff’s Office were present. Also present was Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin and Ron Morris of B99.
Mr. Lyle gave the invocation and Mr. Bryant led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CALL TO ORDER:
Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. He stated that anyone who wishes to be on the Agenda for the Board’s regular business meeting held at 3:00 p.m. must contact the County Administrator’s Office seven days prior to a scheduled meeting. Those wishing to speak at the Board’s public meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. may do so under Agenda Item - Matters Presented by the Public without contacting the County Administrator’s Office. ITEMS OF CONSENT:
Confirmation of Minutes of Meetings Copy included in Board’s File
July 22, 2014
Approval of Accounts Payable Copy included in Board’s File Consideration of Resolution re: Community Dental Clinic Copy included in Board’s File
Ms. Buchanan noted a spelling correction under “Matters Presented by the
Public,” (David Mounce), and moved the Items of Consent be adopted, seconded by Mr. Slaughter. The motion carried 6 to 0.
Ms. Buchanan read aloud a proclamation establishing September 2014 as “Baby Safety Month” in Henry County and moved the Board adopt it as presented, seconded by Mr. Bryant and unanimously carried. Nancy Kennett with the Martinsville Exchange Club was present to accept the honor. REPORT ON DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTION EFFORTS
Mr. Scott Grindstaff reviewed the monthly reports on delinquent tax collection efforts. Mr. Grindstaff noted that 97.01% of 2013 personal property taxes have been collected; 92.92% of 2013 real estate taxes; and since January 1, TACS collected approximately $418,000. In addition, Mr. Grindstaff said four VRW stops have been collected in August. Mr. Grindstaff said a judicial sale of 22 parcels has been set for September 22, 2014.
Mr. Mark Heath, President of the Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corporation, was present to make the monthly update to the Board. Mr. Heath reviewed a summary of activities by division (Copy included in Board’s File). UPDATE ON ACTIVITIES AT PATRICK HENRY COMMUNITY COLLEGE
Dr. Angeline Godwin, President of Patrick Henry Community College, was present to update the Board on activities at PHCC. Dr. Godwin first recognized the loss of two employees, Cristy Reynolds and Lois Collier. Dr. Godwin said both women began their education at PHCC and went on to obtain their master’s degree through Old Dominion University.
Dr. Godwin highlighted a few areas including the rebranding of the motorsports program, now known as the Racing College of Virginia, with current enrollees from nine different states; career-driven programs such as HOPE, High-demand Occupational Programs for Employment; the Center for Advanced Film Manufacturing; and restructuring of the college to include the Workforce Development and Continuing Education Division, another level of focus to support efforts of the EDC and community. Dr. Godwin expressed her appreciation to the Board for its long-term financial support of PHCC and its mission. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: HOUSING REHABILITATION – LINDEN ROAD HOUSING REHABILITATION PROJECT
Mr. Hall said Lee Clark is asking the Board to award two contracts as part of the Linden Road Housing Rehabilitation Project: Rodney Wood Construction in the amount of $24,250 for housing rehabilitation work at 575 Woodland Rd, Bassett; and B&A Builders of Virgilina in the amount of $33,295 for housing rehabilitation work at 2740 Fairystone Park Hwy, Bassett. Mr. Hall said funds for this project were previously
appropriated from a Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development grant.
On a motion by Mr. Slaughter, seconded by Ms. Buchanan the Board unanimously approved the award of contacts as outlined. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: UNITED WAY GRANT AWARD – PUBLIC SAFETY
Mr. Hall said Rodney Howell is asking the Board to appropriate a grant from the United Way of Henry County and Martinsville in the amount of $28,660.70. The grant will be used to purchase tele-medicine equipment referred to as CarePoint. Once fully deployed, the CarePoint Project will allow EMS providers in the field to communicate pertinent medical records and diagnostic information directly to the emergency department at the hospital.
On a motion by Mr. Bryant, seconded by Mr. Kendall and unanimously carried, the Board approved the additional appropriation as requested. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: JUSTICE DEPARTMENT BULLETPROOF VEST PROGRAM GRANTS – SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to accept and appropriate a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice Bulletproof Vests Partnership Program (BVP) in the amount of $6,166.66. Sheriff Perry indicates that a required 50% local match would come from his current budget.
Mr. Kendall moved the Board accept and appropriate the grant in the amount of $6,166.66, seconded by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously carried. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: VIDEO VISITATION PROJECT – SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to make an additional appropriation of $45,619.35 into the department’s video visitation project line item. According to Sheriff Perry the money was gained from charging inmates $1.50 per day as allowed by the Virginia Code. The money would be used toward the purchase of a video visitation unit for the inmates’ use or other jail related items. The appropriation is applicable for FY ’14 budget and will be added to a previous appropriation of $147,055 for the same project.
On a motion by Mr. Slaughter and seconded by Mr. Kendall, the Board unanimously approved the additional appropriation as outlined. TRANSFER APPROPRIATION RE: ADDITIONAL DEPUTIES – SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said the Virginia Compensation Board has approved four additional Sheriff Deputies for the Henry County Jail. Additionally, the Compensation Board has approved another entry level law enforcement position that can be created as the result of two deputies retiring. Mr. Hall said even though the Compensation Board provides the primary funding for these positions, it does not cover all of the costs of salaries and benefits. Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to approve various transfers as outlined in the appropriation sheet to cover the additional costs of these positions.
Mr. Slaughter moved the Board approve the transfer appropriation as presented, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: MOBILE DATA TERMINALS – SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry and Information Services Director Christian Youngblood are asking the Board to award a contract in the amount of $43,681.50 to Daly Computer, Inc. for 18 laptops. The laptops will be used as mobile data terminals (MDT’s) by the Sheriff’s Office and will allow deputies to communicate with the dispatch center, perform criminal database inquiries, and access mapping data. Mr. Hall said funds are included in the FY’15 capital improvements budget.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Bryant, the Board unanimously approved an award of contract to Daly Computer as outlined. AWARD OF CONTRACT AND TRANSFER APPROPRIATION RE: ANIMAL SHELTER OPERATIONS – SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to award a contract to the Martinsville-Henry County SPCA in the amount of $24,000 for animal shelter operations. Sheriff Perry has indicated that this contract will allow animal control officers to provide more hours in the field instead of having to remain at the animal shelter. Additionally, Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to approve the transfer of funds as outlined in the appropriation sheet to cover the cost of this contract.
Mr. Bryant moved the Board award a contract to the SPCA and approve the appropriation as outlined, seconded by Mr. Kendall and unanimously carried. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: TRAFFIC LAWS ENFORCEMENT GRANT – SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to accept and appropriate a grant in the amount of $40,736 from the Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for traffic enforcement. These funds are pass-through from the National Highway Safety Administration. Sheriff Perry indicates that the money will be used for overtime pay for deputies working extra traffic law enforcement and radar equipment. An in-kind match will be provided by the Sheriff’s Office through use of the department’s equipment.
On a motion by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Slaughter the Board unanimously approved the additional appropriation as requested. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACCESS ROAD FUNDS – PATRIOT CENTRE INDUSTRIAL PARK
Mr. Hall said Henry County has been awarded Economic Development Access (EDA) Road funds from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to assist with road improvements to Barrows Mill Road. Mr. Hall said the project will improve a portion of the road from Nautica Way to the entrance of the proposed Kilgour Industries site to industrial roadway standards. VDOT will provide $650,000 from the EDA program toward this project and Henry County is responsible for the match of $150,000. Mr. Hall said staff recommends that the match be appropriated from the County’s general fund
balance. The total cost of this project is estimated to be $1.23 million and additional appropriations will be necessary in the future to cover the total costs.
Mr. Kendall moved the Board approve an additional appropriation in the amount of $150,000 from the County’s general fund balance, seconded by Mr. Bryant and unanimously carried. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: ENGINEERING AND DESIGN SERVICES – BARROWS MILL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS
Mr. Hall said Tim Pace is asking the Board to award a contract in the amount of $133,500 to the Timmons Group, Inc. for engineering and design services for the Barrows Mill Road improvement project. Funds for this project are part of the appropriation requested in the previous agenda item.
On a motion by Mr. Bryant and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board unanimously approved an award of contract to Timmons Group. CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER RE: LOT #8 SHELL BUILDING PROJECT – PATRIOT CENTRE INDUSTRIAL PARK
Mr. Hall said Tim Pace is asking the Board to approve a change order in the amount of $25,955 to Blair Construction for several items at the new shell building being constructed on Lot #8 at the Patriot Centre Industrial Park. Funds were included in the contingency allocation appropriated for construction of the building; however, because the change order exceeds $10,000, Henry County Code requires it to be approved by the Board.
Mr. Hall said Henry County’s code regarding contract modifications is much more restrictive than what is allowed by the Code of Virginia. Waiting until the next Board meeting for approval of certain changes has been problematic in the past, and could be even more so with large contracts such as those related to Commonwealth Crossing Business Centre and the Patriot Centre Industrial Park. Mr. Hall said given these scenarios, and the potential project delays, staff is requesting the Board to consider amending the County Code to match the State Code as it relates to contract modifications. Mr. Darrell Jones added no fixed-price contract may be increased by more than 25 percent of the amount of the contract or $50,000, whichever is greater. Mr. Hall said a public hearing is required in order to amend the County Code.
On a motion by Ms. Buchanan and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board voted unanimously to set a public hearing for the September 23 meeting to consider changes to Code regarding contact modifications. Mr. Kendall moved to approve the change order in the amount of $25,955, seconded by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously carried. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Comments from the Board Mr. Bryant said G.T. Tuggle had challenged the Board to the ALS ice bucket challenge. Ms. Buchanan said she is having a community meeting on September 16 at 7 p.m. at the Horsepasture Ruritan Building.
Mr. Vaughn thanked everyone for the cards, phone calls, thoughts and prayers during his and his wife’s recent surgeries. Mr. Hall noted several upcoming dates/events:
August 27, 9 a.m. – Memorial Hospital and Patrick Henry Community College announcement
September 12, 10 a.m. – NCI dedication ceremony September 13, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. – Community tours of NCI September 17, 2 p.m. – Shell building (Lot 8) dedication at Patriot Centre November 9, 2 p.m. – Joint County/City Veteran’s Award Service at
National Guard Armory CLOSED MEETING Mr. Kendall moved that the Board go into a closed meeting at 3:50 p.m., seconded by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously carried to discuss the following.
1) §2.2-3711(A)1 for Discussion of Appointees to the Roanoke River Basin Association and Southern Virginia Recreation Facilities Authority.
2) §2.2-3711(A)7 for Discussion of Pending Legal Matters.
3) §2.2-3711(A)3 for Discussion of the Acquisition/Disposal of Real Estate. 4) §2.2-3711(A)5 for Discussion of As-Yet Unannounced Industries.
OPEN MEETING The Board returned to an open meeting at 4:42 p.m. on a motion by Ms. Buchanan, seconded by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously carried. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED MEETING:
Mr. Wagoner read the Certification of the Closed Meeting and took a roll call vote. Those voting in the affirmative were Mr. Bryant, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Adams, Ms. Buchanan, Mr. Slaughter and Mr. Vaughn.
There being no action taken, Mr. Vaughn recessed at 4:42 p.m. until the 6:00
p.m. evening meeting. Mr. Vaughn called the meeting back to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed
everyone present. MATTERS PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC Ms. Dorothy Carter, President of the Henry County Education Association, was present to address the Board concerning school funding over the past several years (copy of Report included in Board’s file). Ms. Carter commended the Board for growing and maintaining a healthy fund balance as well as its support of the school system such as providing iPads for students and seeking ways to fund a new elementary school.
However, Ms. Carter expressed concern that the school system did not receive the full amount of funding requested by the school board for the current fiscal year and because of that, several budget categories were cut. Ms. Carter also noted teacher and support personnel salaries are less now than two years ago because of state-mandated VRS changes and social security tax increases. Ms. Carter urged the Board to consider meeting the school system’s budget needs next year, even if it means raising property taxes by 10 percent. PRESENTATION IN HONOR OF WAYNE COCHRAN, BUILDING AND GROUNDS SUPERVISOR
The Board presented Wayne Cochran, retiring Building and Grounds Supervisor, with a plaque recognizing his 24 years of service to Henry County. Mr. Cochran was present to accept the honor. PUBLIC HEARING – REZONING APPLICATION R-14-05 – FANNIE E. PENN
Mr. Lee Clark said the property is located at 940 Preston Road in the Horsepasture District and is shown on Tax Map 49.6/261. The applicant is requesting the rezoning of approximately 5.5-acres from Suburban Residential District S-R to Agricultural District A-1. Mr. Clark said the applicant intends to demolish the existing home on the property and replace it with a single-wide manufactured home. Following a public hearing, the Planning Commission and staff recommended approval of the rezoning request.
Mr. Vaughn opened the public hearing at 6:16 pm. Ms. Sandra Gentry of the Horsepasture District and also daughter of the applicant, noted the address is listed incorrectly and should be 994 Preston Road. Ms. Gentry said 940 Preston Road is her house.
There being no one else who wished to address the Board, Mr. Vaughn closed the public hearing at 6:17 pm. Ms. Buchanan moved the Board approve the rezoning request, seconded by Mr. Bryant and unanimously carried. GENERAL HIGHWAY MATTERS
Mr. David Kiser, Assistant Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation, reported on several highway matters.
VDOT is currently mowing secondary routes and will move on to primary routes once completed.
On September 8, Route 827 will be closed for two weeks to replace a pipe.
The grading project at the Route 657/655 intersection has been completed.
A traffic signal adjustment and lane painting project at the Kings Mountain Road/Daniels Creek Road intersection is on target to be completed by September.
A proposed safety project on U.S. 220 near the state line has been reduced in scale to just address the northbound lane.
Safety project on U.S. 220 just north of Bassett is expected to be completed by October 7.
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Slaughter moved to adjourn at
6:25 p.m., seconded by Ms. Buchanan and carried 6 to 0.
September 23, 2014 – 3:00 p.m.
The Henry County Board of Supervisors held its regular meeting on September
23, 2014, at 3:00 p.m. in the Summerlin Meeting Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The following Board members were present: Chairman H.G. Vaughn, Vice-Chairman Tommy Slaughter, Debra Buchanan, Jim Adams, Milton Kendall, and Joe Bryant.
Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; Richard Stanfield, Deputy Director of Finance; and Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant. County Attorney George Lyle arrived at 4:47 p.m. and Susan Reynolds, Director of Human Resources, was present for the 6 p.m. meeting. Lt. Troy Easter and Dep. Mike Hooper of the Sheriff’s Office were present. Also present was Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin and Ron Morris of B99.
Mr. Adams gave the invocation and Mr. Slaughter led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CALL TO ORDER:
Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. He stated that anyone who wishes to be on the Agenda for the Board’s regular business meeting held at 3:00 p.m. must contact the County Administrator’s Office seven days prior to a scheduled meeting. Those wishing to speak at the Board’s public meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. may do so under Agenda Item - Matters Presented by the Public without contacting the County Administrator’s Office. ITEMS OF CONSENT:
Confirmation of Minutes of Meetings Copy included in Board’s File
August 26, 2014
Approval of Accounts Payable Copy included in Board’s File Consideration of Resolution re: Citizens Awareness Week Copy included in Board’s File
Mr. Adams moved the Items of Consent be adopted, seconded by Mr. Slaughter.
The motion carried 6 to 0.
Mr. Scott Grindstaff reviewed the monthly reports on delinquent tax collection efforts. Mr. Grindstaff noted that 97.24% of 2013 personal property taxes have been collected; 93.14% of 2013 real estate taxes; and since January 1, TACS collected approximately $509,551. In addition, Mr. Grindstaff said two VRW stops have been collected in September. Mr. Grindstaff said the 2014 real estate tax bills have been mailed
Mr. Grindstaff said the judicial sale of 23 parcels was held September 22. Mr. Grindstaff said four of the parcels were redeemed prior to the sale, meaning the taxes were paid in full; two parcels received no bids; and TACS is awaiting approval from the judge on the remaining 17 parcels.
Ms. Lisa Lyle, Director of Recruiting and Marketing for the Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corporation, was present to make the monthly update to the Board. Ms. Lyle reviewed a summary of activities by division (Copy included in Board’s File). ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PROGRAM – SCHOOL BOARD
Mr. Hall said Dr. Jared Cotton is asking the Board to approve an additional appropriation of $135,047 to the schools’ nutrition budget for the fresh fruit and vegetable program at Axton, Campbell Court, Carver, Collinsville, Rich Acres, and Sanville elementary schools. The funding for the appropriation is federal money from the Department of Education.
Mr. Bryant moved the Board approve the additional appropriation as outlined, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: REPLACEMENT ROOF – ADMINISTRATION BUILDING
Mr. Hall said staff is asking the Board to award a contract for replacement of the Administration building roof to Roofing Solutions, Inc. of Chatham, Virginia. Mr. Hall said the base amount of the contract is $224,900 and staff is also asking the Board to approve a contingency of 10% or $22,490. The contingency will be used to address any additional concerns that may be discovered once the old roof is removed. Funds are included in the FY’15 capital improvements budget.
Mr. Kendall moved that the Board award the contract to Roofing Solutions, Inc. in the amount of $224,900 with a contingency allocation not to exceed $22,490, seconded by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously approved. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: EMS EQUIPMENT – PUBLIC SAFETY
Mr. Hall said Rodney Howell is asking the Board to award a contract in the amount of $23,694.60 to General Devices of Ridgefield, New Jersey for CarePoint
telemedicine equipment. Last month, the Board appropriated a grant from the United Way of Henry County and Martinsville to cover the cost of this equipment.
Mr. Adams moved the Board award the contract to General Devices as outlined, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried.
Mr. Hall said Henry County has been awarded a grant in the amount of $86,715.50 from the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services Rescue Squad Assistance Fund. The funds must be used toward 50% of the costs of a new ambulance. Mr. Hall said Rodney Howell is asking the Board to approve the necessary appropriations for the grant and match, and to award a contract to Vest Sales and Services in the amount of $174,222 for the new 2015 ambulance. Mr. Hall said the County’s commitment to this purchase would be $87,506.50.
In addition, Mr. Howell is asking the Board to appropriate $30,000 from the contingency fund to assist with the match requirements of the grant. Mr. Hall said staff expects revenue generated from EMS soft billing will exceed the FY ’15 budgeted amount and will adequately cover the remaining grant match funds.
Mr. Kendall moved the Board approve the various appropriations as outlined, including the grant of $86,715.50 and $30,000 from the Board’s contingency fund; and award the contract to Vest Sales & Service in the amount of $174,222 for a new ambulance, seconded by Mr. Bryant and unanimously carried. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: SURPLUS PROPERTY – PURCHASING DEPARTMENT
Mr. Hall said the Purchasing Department recently solicited bids for the sale and removal of surplus County property located at Public Safety on DuPont Road. Gerdau, Inc. of Roanoke submitted the high bid in the amount of $35,000.01. Mr. Hall said the Board must approve to sell the items as surplus since the revenue exceeds $15,000.
Mr. Bryant moved the Board accept the high bid from Gerdau, Inc. in the amount of $35,000.01, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried. CONSIDERATION OF EMPLOYEE PURCHASE PLAN FOR I-PADS AND LAPTOP COMPUTERS
Mr. Hall said for the past several years the Board has authorized an employee program, in cooperation with the Henry County School System, to purchase laptop computers and I-Pads through a payroll deduction plan. Employees who participate would have a monthly payment deducted from their paychecks for six months beginning in January 2015. Each participating employee would sign a contract for the transaction and would be obligated to pay the amount even if they leave employment during the six-month period.
Mr. Slaughter moved the Board approve the employee purchase plan, seconded by Mr. Kendall and unanimously carried.
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to accept and appropriate a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice Bulletproof Vests Partnership Program (BVP) in the amount of $11,535.52. Sheriff Perry indicates that a required 50% local match would come from his current budget.
Ms. Buchanan moved the Board accept and appropriate the grant as outlined, seconded by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously carried. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Comments from the Board Ms. Buchanan noted her annual Coat Drive for Kids is under way and coats can be dropped off at One-Hour Martinizing on Rives Road or Hollywood Cinema. Mr. Vaughn reminded everyone of the upcoming races at Martinsville Speedway on October 5 and October 25-26. Mr. Hall said he and Dr. Cotton recently discussed budget meetings for the next fiscal year. Mr. Hall said Dr. Cotton is going to be out of town on the regularly scheduled Board meeting date and has requested a separate budget meeting with the School Board on Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 5 p.m. Mr. Hall also reported on state budget cuts. He said staff is still waiting on details as to how the reduction in funding will affect the County but staff estimates the decrease from state funding to be approximately $170,000. Mr. Hall said cuts to K-12 education were exempted from the recent legislation and the reduction in funding will likely have the most impact on constitutional offices. CLOSED MEETING Ms. Buchanan moved that the Board go into a closed meeting at 3:28 p.m., seconded by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously carried to discuss the following.
1) §2.2-3711(A)1 for Discussion of Appointees to the Anchor Commission, Roanoke River Basin Association and Southern Virginia Recreation Facilities Authority.
2) §2.2-3711(A)7 for Discussion of Pending Legal Matters.
3) §2.2-3711(A)3 for Discussion of the Acquisition/Disposal of Real Estate. 4) §2.2-3711(A)5 for Discussion of As-Yet Unannounced Industries.
OPEN MEETING The Board returned to an open meeting at 4:47 p.m. on a motion by Ms. Buchanan, seconded by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously carried. George Lyle, County Attorney was present.
Mr. Wagoner read the Certification of the Closed Meeting and took a roll call vote. Those voting in the affirmative were Mr. Bryant, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Adams, Ms. Buchanan, Mr. Slaughter and Mr. Vaughn.
Roanoke River Basin Association – Mr. Bryant moved the Board reappoint Mike
Ward to a one-year term ending August 31, 2015, seconded by Mr. Kendall and unanimously carried.
Southern Virginia Recreation Facilities Authority – Ms. Buchanan moved the Board appoint DeWitt House and Kathy Rogers to four-year terms beginning November 1, 2014 and ending October 31, 2018, seconded by Mr. Adams and unanimously carried. On the same motion, the Board unanimously approved extending all County appointment terms to October 31.
Mr. Vaughn recessed at 4:49 p.m. until the 6:00 p.m. evening meeting. Mr. Vaughn called the meeting back to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed
Ms. Buchanan read aloud a proclamation declaring October 2014 as “Domestic Violence Awareness Month” in Henry County and moved the Board adopt as presented, seconded by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously approved.
Julia Scales with Citizens Against Family Violence was present to accept the proclamation. MATTERS PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC There was no one present who wished to speak. GENERAL HIGHWAY MATTERS
Ms. Lisa Hughes, Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation, reported on several highway matters. Ms. Hughes said the fall transportation meeting is scheduled for October 21 at Northside High School in Salem. Ms. Hughes said the new prioritization process will be discussed at this meeting. Ms. Hughes said the citizen’s information meeting concerning Route 650 will be held October 23 from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Irisburg Ruritan Building. Also, Ms. Hughes said the notice to proceed was issued today for Routes 174/609 to construct dedicated turning lanes.
Mr. Bryant said he had received a complaint from a citizen about the condition of Rosewood Avenue. Ms. Hughes said she had spoken with the gentleman and the road is in need of repairs; paving is not in the budget but some patch work will be done.
Mr. Hall said Henry County’s code regarding contract modifications is much more restrictive than what is allowed by the Code of Virginia and the Board is being asked to consider amending the County Code to match the State Code. Mr. Hall said a letter from County Attorney George Lyle and a copy of the State Code was included in the Board’s working papers. A public hearing was advertised for today’s meeting. Mr. Hall added that the current policy regarding contract modifications is codified in the Appropriations Resolution approved each year as part of the budget adoption; any changes to the policy as well as reporting requirements would be reflected in a revised Appropriations Resolution for the Board’s approval. Mr. Lyle noted that the county administrator already has authority to transfer money within the existing budget on matters other than contract changes. Mr. Lyle also pointed out the county administrator cannot go outside of the existing budget for funding to meet any change orders.
Mr. Vaughn opened the public hearing at 6:11 p.m. There was no one present who wished to speak; Mr. Vaughn closed the public hearing at 6:12 p.m.
Mr. Adams moved the Board adopt the proposed changes to the County code concerning contract modifications with the understanding staff will notify Board members via email within three days of any contract changes, seconded by Mr. Bryant and unanimously approved.
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Buchanan moved to adjourn at 6:15 p.m., seconded by Mr. Bryant and carried 6 to 0.
October 28, 2014 – 3:00 p.m.
The Henry County Board of Supervisors held its regular meeting on October 28,
2014, at 3:00 p.m. in the Summerlin Meeting Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The following Board members were present: Chairman H.G. Vaughn, Vice-Chairman Tommy Slaughter, Debra Buchanan, Jim Adams, Milton Kendall, and Joe Bryant.
Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; Richard Stanfield, Deputy Director of Finance; County Attorney George Lyle; and Susan Reynolds, Director of Human Resources. Lt. Troy Easter and Dep. Mike Hooper of the Sheriff’s Office were present. Also present was Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin and Ron Morris of B99.
Mr. Hall gave the invocation and Mr. Slaughter led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CALL TO ORDER:
Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. He stated that anyone who wishes to be on the agenda for the Board’s regular business meeting held at 3:00 p.m. must contact the County Administrator’s Office seven days prior to a scheduled meeting. Those wishing to speak at the Board’s public meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. may do so under Agenda Item - Matters Presented by the Public without contacting the County Administrator’s Office. ITEMS OF CONSENT:
Confirmation of Minutes of Meetings Copy included in Board’s File
September 23, 2014
Approval of Accounts Payable Copy included in Board’s File
Mr. Bryant moved the Items of Consent be adopted, seconded by Mr. Kendall.
Mr. Hall said the 2014 VACo Annual Meeting is scheduled for November 9-11. Each County is asked to designate a member of its elected Board and an alternate to vote on the County’s behalf on any issues that may arise. Mr. Hall said Vice-Chairman
Tommy Slaughter and Deputy County Administrator Dale Wagoner are scheduled to attend the annual meeting.
Mr. Adams moved the Board designate Mr. Slaughter as its voting representative at the annual VACo conference and Mr. Wagoner as an alternate, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried.
Mr. Vaughn welcomed Gayle Barts, Field Representative, with Congressman Robert Hurt’s office. UPDATE ON ACTIVITIES AT THE MARTINSVILLE-HENRY COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY
Ms. Debbie Hall, Executive Director of the Martinsville-Henry County Historical Society, was present to update the Board on activities of the Society and improvements to the historic Henry County Courthouse (Copy included in Board’s File). Ms. Hall said the Society has hosted numerous tour groups and exhibits over the past 3 ½ years, including over 9,700 visitors from 39 states, the District of Columbia and eight foreign countries. CONSIDERATION OF 2015 LEGISLATIVE AGENDA FOR VIRGINIA GENERAL ASSEMBLY
Mr. Hall said each year staff and the Board construct a legislative agenda of items we would like for the General Assembly to consider. Mr. Hall said staff prepared a draft list for the 2015 session and welcomes input from the Board for construction of a final list. Mr. Hall said the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) Legislative Agenda was also included in the Board’s working papers.
Ms. Buchanan moved the Board approve the 2015 Legislative Agenda to be forwarded to our representatives in the Virginia General Assembly, seconded by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously carried. CONSIDERATION OF POLICE SERVICES COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT
Mr. Hall said the Code of Virginia authorizes localities and state-supported institutions to enact cooperative agreements among localities regarding law enforcement coverage. Essentially these agreements formalize such things as mutual responses, emergency assistance, etc. Such an agreement has been in place for several years among the agencies that partner under the Piedmont Regional Criminal Justice Training Academy (PRCJTA), but it has not been updated for many years. Representatives from the localities and agencies who participate in PRCJTA have drafted a Police Services Cooperative Agreement, for the approval of the particular governing bodies. Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry has indicated he is in favor of executing the document, which has been reviewed by the County Attorney and other County staff.
Mr. Kendall moved the Board approve the Police Services Cooperative Agreement, contingent upon approval of all other affected jurisdictions, and the authorization of the County Administrator to sign and execute the agreement, seconded by Mr. Bryant and unanimously carried.
Mr. Scott Grindstaff was unable to attend today’s meeting but the monthly reports on delinquent tax collection efforts were included in the Board’s working papers. Mr. Hall said staff would forward any questions the Board may have to Mr. Grindstaff. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF A TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION RE: EXTENSION OF THE DICK AND WILLIE TRAIL
Mr. Hall said in 2013 Henry County applied for a grant from the Virginia’s Transportation Alternatives (MAP-21) grant program asking for funding assistance to extend the Dick and Willie Trail. No funding was extended at that time, but staff was encouraged by members of the CTB to submit a scaled-down version of the request for consideration this year. This year’s request is for $228,000 in MAP-21 funding to be augmented by $57,000 local match for a total project cost of $285,000. This funding would cover design and engineering, surveying, right-of-way acquisition, and utility relocation from the end of the existing Dick and Willie Trail at Mulberry Creek to Spruce Street. The goal is to ultimately extend the Dick and Willie Trail to the Smith River Sports Complex. Mr. Hall noted funding for the local match would come from reserves and/or in-kind services.
Mr. Bryant moved the Board adopt the resolution in support of the grant application as outlined, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: FIRE PROGRAMS AID TO LOCALITIES – PUBLIC SAFETY
Mr. Hall said Rodney Howell is asking the Board to accept and appropriate $144,363 from the Virginia Department of Fire Programs Aid to Localities Fund. Mr. Howell indicates the money must be used to pay for training, construction of training centers, firefighting equipment and protective clothing. In the past, Henry County has allocated its appropriation equally among the eight volunteer fire departments. That would result in a per-department allocation of $18,045.37 this year.
Mr. Adams moved the Board accept and appropriate the funds as requested, seconded by Mr. Slaughter and carried 6 to 0. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: HOUSING REHABILITATION – LINDEN ROAD HOUSING REHABILITATION PROJECT
Mr. Hall said Lee Clark is asking the Board to award a contract to B&A Builders of Virgilina in the amount of $65,764 for substantial reconstruction of 91 Linden Road, Bassett. Mr. Hall said funds for this project were previously appropriated from a Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development grant.
Mr. Slaughter moved the Board award a contract to B&A Builders in the amount of $65,764, seconded by Mr. Adams and unanimously carried.
Mr. Hall said the Henry County Sheriff’s Office has been awarded an Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in the amount of $24,139. Sheriff Perry indicates that the grant funds will be used to provide high impact law enforcement activities in areas that are experiencing increases in crime.
Mr. Kendall moved the Board accept and appropriate the JAG grant as outlined, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and carried 6 to 0. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: NETWORK EQUIPMENT – INFORMATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT
Mr. Hall said Christian Youngblood is asking the Board to award a contract in the amount of $25,734 to CentricsIT for computer network equipment. According to Mr. Youngblood, the Cisco Core Network Switch is necessary to ensure the reliability of the County’s data infrastructure. Mr. Hall said funds for this project are included in the FY’15 capital improvements budget.
Mr. Bryant moved the Board award a contract to CentricsIT as outlined, seconded by Mr. Kendall and unanimously carried. AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: CONSTRUCTION OF BATHHOUSE AT GROUP CAMPGROUND
Mr. Hall said staff is asking the Board to award a contract in the amount of $75,600 to Kurt Norris Construction, Inc. of Martinsville for construction of a bathhouse at the group campground. The new bathhouse will be an ADA-compliant amenity to the County’s group campground at Philpott Lake. Funds for this project are included in the FY’15 capital improvements budget.
Mr. Slaughter moved the Board award a contract to Kurt Norris Construction in the amount of $75,600, seconded by Mr. Kendall and unanimously carried. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION AND AWARD OF CONTRACT RE: ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE DICK AND WILLIE TRAIL EXTENSION
Mr. Hall said as part of our efforts to expand the Dick and Willie Trail, certain engineering services need to be secured as we move forward. The next step, as discussed earlier in today’s meeting, is the so-called Phase 6 which will extend the trail from its current conclusion at the Mulberry Creek down to the Smith River Sports Complex, a length of about 5 miles. Anderson & Associates provided these services with the current trail and has proposed working on the next section at a cost of $24,995. The Board can award this contract to Anderson & Associates based on the original Request for Proposal (RFP) that stated “the engineering firm selected can be retained for additional phases of this project.” Mr. Hall said funding for this portion of the project is being provided by the Dan River Basin Association ($15,000), The Harvest Foundation ($5,000), and the Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corporation ($5,000).
Mr. Kendall moved the Board approved the additional appropriation and award of contract as outlined, seconded by Mr. Bryant and unanimously carried.
Mr. Hall said at its September meeting, the Board approved a change to the County ordinance concerning contract modifications. The ordinance was changed to match the State Code. Additionally, the Board asked to be notified when a substantial contract modification is approved by the County Administrator. Staff has drafted an amendment to the appropriations resolution directing the County Administrator to notify the Board within 72 hours of contract modifications in excess of $15,000.
Ms. Buchanan moved the Board approve the appropriations resolution as outlined, seconded by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously carried. MONTHLY UPDATE FROM THE MARTINSVILLE-HENRY COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
Mr. Mark Heath, President and CEO of the Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corporation, was present to make the monthly update to the Board. Mr. Heath reviewed a summary of activities by division (Copy included in Board’s File). INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Comments from the Board Mr. Vaughn reminded everyone to please go out and vote in the upcoming election. Mr. Hall said he attended the Commonwealth Transportation Board meeting in Salem last week. Mr. Hall said House Bill 2 was discussed but we still do not know how it will affect funding for road projects locally.
Mr. Hall noted the I-73 Senate Committee will be in town November 9-10. There will be a reception at NCI on November 9 from 6-8 p.m. and the committee will meet on November 10.
Mr. Hall reminded everyone of the community Veterans Day Service on November 9 at 2 p.m. at the National Guard Armory; Ms. Buchanan will attend on behalf of the Board. Additionally, General Dennis Via will be in town and there are several events planned throughout his stay.
Mr. Hall said staff holds an annual health screening for employees and this year’s is November 21. Mr. Hall said if any Board members are interested in participating to see Susan Reynolds. CLOSED MEETING Mr. Slaughter moved that the Board go into a closed meeting at 3:41 p.m., seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried to discuss the following.
1) §2.2-3711(A)1 for Discussion of Appointees to the Anchor Commission, Ninth District Development Financing, Inc. and West Piedmont Planning District Commission Technical Advisory Committee.
2) §2.2-3711(A)7 for Discussion of Pending Legal Matters.
3) §2.2-3711(A)3 for Discussion of the Acquisition/Disposal of Real Estate. 4) §2.2-3711(A)5 for Discussion of As-Yet Unannounced Industries.
OPEN MEETING The Board returned to an open meeting at 4:47 p.m. on a motion by Ms. Buchanan, seconded by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously carried. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED MEETING:
Mr. Wagoner read the Certification of the Closed Meeting and took a roll call vote. Those voting in the affirmative were Mr. Bryant, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Adams, Ms. Buchanan, Mr. Slaughter and Mr. Vaughn.
Mr. Vaughn recessed at 4:48 p.m. until the 6:00 p.m. evening meeting. Mr. Vaughn called the meeting back to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed
everyone present. MATTERS PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC Mr. Ray Reynolds, Collinsville District, was present to address the Board alleging a number of instances in the County of contractors and photographers who either do not have licenses or have revoked licenses and continue to practice their trades without incident. Mr. Reynolds said everyone should have to abide by the same guidelines. County Attorney George Lyle said he has met with Commissioner of the Revenue Linda Love concerning the current County ordinance pertaining to business licenses. Mr. Lyle said County Code does not have a penalty clause and therefore no means to prosecute an individual for not having the proper licensure. Mr. Vaughn requested that Mr. Lyle meet with Commonwealth’s Attorney Andrew Nester, Ms. Love, Sheriff Lane Perry and Henry County Treasurer Scott Grindstaff to discuss the licensing issue in more depth, and to bring recommendations back for the Board’s consideration. GENERAL HIGHWAY MATTERS
Ms. Lisa Hughes, Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation, reported on several highway matters.
Ms. Hughes said APAC was recently awarded a contract for safety improvements on Carver Road. Ms. Hughes said although a notice to proceed will be issued in December, work will not likely begin until March.
Ms. Hughes said the Preston road and Irisburg road projects are expected to be advertised for bids in December.
Lastly, a safety project to add turn lanes in both directions at the intersection of Kings Mountain Road and Daniels Creek Road will begin once a contractor arrives to blast the old lines off of the road, which should be no later than the second week of December.
Ms. Buchanan asked if any safety measures would be taken at the intersection of U.S. 58 and 687. Ms. Hughes said VDOT was reviewing the area in light of a recent fatality at the intersection and may consider additional signs.
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Slaughter moved to adjourn at 6:18 p.m., seconded by Ms. Buchanan and carried 6 to 0.
November 25, 2014 – 3:00 p.m.
The Henry County Board of Supervisors held its regular meeting on November
25, 2014, at 3:00 p.m. in the Summerlin Meeting Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The following Board members were present: Chairman H.G. Vaughn, Vice-Chairman Tommy Slaughter, Debra Buchanan, Jim Adams, Milton Kendall, and Joe Bryant.
Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; Richard Stanfield, Deputy Director of Finance; County Attorney George Lyle; Susan Reynolds, Director of Human Resources; and Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant. Lt. Troy Easter and Sheriff Lane Perry of the Sheriff’s Office were present. Also present was Ben Williams and Tim Cox of the Martinsville Bulletin and Ron Morris of B99.
Mr. Adams gave the invocation and Mr. Bryant led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CALL TO ORDER:
Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. He stated that anyone who wishes to be on the agenda for the Board’s regular business meeting held at 3:00 p.m. must contact the County Administrator’s Office seven days prior to a scheduled meeting. Those wishing to speak at the Board’s public meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. may do so under Agenda Item - Matters Presented by the Public without contacting the County Administrator’s Office. ITEMS OF CONSENT:
Confirmation of Minutes of Meetings Copy included in Board’s File
October 28, 2014
Approval of Accounts Payable Copy included in Board’s File Resolution in Support of the Beaches to Bluegrass Trail System Copy included in Board’s File Mr. Adams moved the Items of Consent be adopted, seconded by Mr. Slaughter.
The motion carried 6 to 0.
Mr. Hall said each year the West Piedmont Regional Economic Development District compiles an updated Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). Mr. Hall said the document must contain a list of prioritized projects and the WPPDC annually requests that each locality submit its proposed future projects. It is essential that all projects the Board will consider within the next year be included in the CEDS because only projects on the list are eligible for EDA funding. Mr. Hall said it also is recommended that projects that may be funded from other sources be included in order to give the County maximum flexibility in the management of its resources.
Mr. Hall said County and PSA staff developed a proposed list of projects for the Board’s consideration. Including a project in the CEDS does not commit the County to undertake the project. It is simply a listing of potential projects from which EDA representatives choose for investment of federal funds in this district. If EDA invites the County to submit an application for a specific project from the list, the Board would then be required to commit the local funds necessary for implementation.
Mr. Bryant moved the Board approve the proposed CEDS list, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and carried 6 to 0. REPORT ON DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTION EFFORTS
Mr. Scott Grindstaff reviewed the monthly reports on delinquent tax collection efforts. Mr. Grindstaff noted that 97.54% of 2013 personal property taxes have been collected; 93.98% of 2013 real estate taxes; and since January 1, TACS collected approximately $653,676. In addition, Mr. Grindstaff said seven VRW stops were collected in October and two to date in November.
Mr. Grindstaff also reported that the judge confirmed the sale of 15 parcels of real estate sold at a judicial sale in September. The County collected $31,045 in taxes, penalties and interest through the sale. Mr. Grindstaff said another sale will be scheduled for the first quarter of 2015.
County Attorney George Lyle added that after questions were raised at last month’s meeting regarding the enforcement of business licenses, he set up a meeting in December between several County officials to determine the best way to address the concerns and better enforce existing ordinances. MONTHLY UPDATE FROM THE MARTINSVILLE-HENRY COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
Mr. Mark Heath, President and CEO of the Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corporation, was present to make the monthly update to the Board. Mr. Heath reviewed a summary of activities by division (Copy included in Board’s File).
Mr. Hall requested that Mr. Heath inform the Board of Mike Randle’s recent visit to Henry County. Mr. Heath said Mike Randle is the publisher of Southern Business and Development Magazine and an expert on the Southern economy. Mr. Heath said Randle visited the area last week, one of many visits he has made to the area over the last 15 years. Mr. Heath said Randle was impressed by Commonwealth Crossing, the new shell building at the Patriot Centre and the manufacturing education partnerships between New College and Patrick Henry Community College. Randle told the EDC
Board he believes Henry County is poised for success and that manufacturing once again is on the rise. Mr. Hall recalled that Randle said Henry County was one of a handful of localities in the southeastern United States that understands economic development. Mr. Hall said to hear someone like Mike Randle, who does this for a living, tell us that we are doing it the right way really made him feel good about the path we are on. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION TO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RE: REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM FOR BARROWS MILL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS
Mr. Hall said in August, the Board appropriated funds from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Economic Development Access program to assist with road improvements to Barrows Mill Road. This project will improve a portion of the road from Nautica Way to the entrance of the proposed Kilgour Industries site. As part of the ongoing effort to secure funding for this project, staff is asking the Board to approve a resolution authorizing an application to VDOT’s Revenue Sharing Program for the remaining costs of this project. The remaining costs are projected to be $1,400,000, with VDOT covering $700,000 of these costs. Henry County will be responsible for the other $700,000.
On a motion by Ms. Buchanan and seconded by Mr. Slaughter, the Board unanimously approved the resolution. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: EQUIPMENT ASSISTANCE GRANT – SCHOOL BOARD
Mr. Hall said Dr. Jared Cotton is asking the Board to approve a grant of $68,090 from the Virginia Department of Education to purchase updated cafeteria equipment for Magna Vista High School.
Mr. Slaughter moved the Board approve the additional appropriation as requested, seconded by Mr. Kendall and unanimously carried. REQUEST FOR CARRYOVER FY’14 COUNTY FUNDS
Mr. Hall said the Board is being asked to approve committed carryover funds from the FY’14 budget year to the current FY’15 budget. Staff has prepared the attached list of carryover items by cost center. Items on the carryover list are committed items encumbered or obligated from the prior budget year but the item was not received or the service was not performed prior to June 30. It also includes unexpended grant funds that may have been awarded in the prior fiscal year and other commitments not completed prior to June 30. This year’s carryover request totals $35,902,096.06, including interfund transfers of $5,288,375.32.
Mr. Adams moved the Board approve the request for carryover funds from the FY’14 budget to the current year, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried.
INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Comments from the Board Mr. Slaughter said he recently attended the annual VACo Conference and it was very informative. Mr. Hall reminded the Board that County offices would close at noon Wednesday for the Thanksgiving holiday and reopen Monday, December 1. Mr. Hall also reminded the Board that the December meeting is on the 16th. Mr. Hall said staff will begin accepting nominations for the annual Jack Dalton award to be given in January. Mr. Hall noted the deadline for financial statements is now December 15 and the filing requirements are now semi-annual. Additionally, Mr. Hall said staff has learned that the County’s reduction in funding from state revenues is $138,311. Mr. Hall said the money must be cut from the current budget and schools are exempted. Mr. Hall said staff has met with constitutional officers as these cuts will have a significant impact on their departments, particularly the Sheriff’s office. Mr. Hall said staff will have recommendations on where to make the cuts at the December meeting. Lastly, Mr. Hall said HD Web Studio, a local web design company, has placed in the final four in a national competition on the re-design of school report cards. Mr. Hall said HD has worked with Melany Stowe, a former Henry County Public Schools employee on the design, and people may go online at www.myschoolinfochallenge.com and vote for the design as many times as they wish. CLOSED MEETING Ms. Buchanan moved that the Board go into a closed meeting at 3:36 p.m., seconded by Mr. Adams and unanimously carried to discuss the following.
1) §2.2-3711(A)1 for Discussion of Appointees to the Public Service Authority, Anchor Commission, Henry-Martinsville Social Services Board, Ninth District Development Financing, Inc. and West Piedmont Planning District Commission Technical Advisory Committee.
2) §2.2-3711(A)7 for Discussion of Pending Legal Matters.
3) §2.2-3711(A)3 for Discussion of the Acquisition/Disposal of Real Estate. 4) §2.2-3711(A)5 for Discussion of As-Yet Unannounced Industries.
OPEN MEETING The Board returned to an open meeting at 4:38 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Slaughter, seconded by Mr. Bryant and unanimously carried. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED MEETING:
Mr. Wagoner read the Certification of the Closed Meeting and took a roll call vote. Those voting in the affirmative were Mr. Bryant, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Adams, Ms. Buchanan, Mr. Slaughter and Mr. Vaughn.
Anchor Commission – On a motion by Mr. Kendall and second by Mr. Adams,
the Board voted unanimously to appoint Linda Burnette Fain to an unexpired term ending December 31, 2014 and an additional four-year term beginning January 1, 2015 and ending December 31, 2018.
Ninth District Development Financing – Mr. Bryant moved the Board reappoint
Barry Jarrett to a two-year term ending December 31, 2016, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried.
West Piedmont Planning District Commission Technical Advisory Committee –
Ms. Buchanan moved the Board reappoint Tim Pace and Cecil Stone to three-year terms ending December 31, 2017, seconded by Mr. Bryant and unanimously carried.
Mr. Vaughn recessed at 4:41 p.m. until the 6:00 p.m. evening meeting. Mr. Vaughn called the meeting back to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed
everyone present. MATTERS PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC There was no one present who wished to address the Board. GENERAL HIGHWAY MATTERS
Mr. David Kiser, Assistant Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation, reported on several highway matters. Mr. Kiser said the safety project to add turn lanes in both directions at the intersection of Kings Mountain Road and Daniels Creek Road is complete; the Route 58/Carver Road project is still on schedule to proceed in December; and VDOT crews and equipment are ready should there be any winter weather this evening.
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Slaughter moved to adjourn at
6:02 p.m., seconded by Ms. Buchanan and carried 6 to 0.
December 10, 2014 – 1:30 pm
The Henry County Board of Supervisors and the Henry County Industrial Development Authority held a joint meeting on December 10, 2014 at 1:30 pm in the Fourth Floor Conference Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The following Board members were present: Chairman H. G. Vaughn, Vice Chairman Tommy Slaughter, Jim Adams, Debra Buchanan, Milton Kendall, and Joe Bryant. The following Industrial Development Authority members were present: Chairman Len Dillon, Vice Chairman Barry Helmstutler, Marshall Stowe, Rodney Thacker and Wade Nelson. Wesley Caviness and Steve Isley were absent. Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; George Lyle, County Attorney; and Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant. Debbie Hall of the Martinsville Bulletin was present. CALL TO ORDER
Board of Supervisors Chairman Vaughn called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 1:30 pm.
Industrial Development Authority Chairman Dillon called the IDA meeting to order at 1:30 pm.
Introduction of Monogram Officials Mark Heath, President and CEO of the Martinsville-Henry County Economic
Development Corporation introduced Karl Schledwitz and Ches Jackson of Monogram Snacks. Mr. Schledwitz addressed Board members detailing Monogram’s acquisition of the plant in 2009 which was losing money and employed only between 115 and 125 employees. Mr. Schledwitz said today’s announcement will mark Monogram’s third expansion since 2009 and there are now 333 employees. Mr. Schledwitz said construction of a 58,000-square-foot addition is set to begin tomorrow and should be complete by the spring. Mr. Schledwitz said he anticipates a June or July opening and estimated that 150 to 175 people will be hired a month or so before the expansion is complete. In addition, Schledwitz said Henry County and Martinsville is being
considered for a new distribution and packaging center the company plans to build. The new facility will need an additional 100 employees and a decision about the location of that center is expected within the next three months.
Mr. Hall outlined two Performance Agreements for consideration by the Boards
(Copies included in Board’s File). Mr. Hall said one agreement is between the County of Henry, the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission, and Monogram Meat Snacks, LLC for grant funds in the amount of $835,000. The second agreement is between the County of Henry, the Industrial Development Authority of Henry County and Monogram Martinsville Snacks, LLC for grant funds in the amount of $400,000 from the Governor’s Development Opportunity Fund (GOF). Mr. Hall said the company will also qualify for additional Enterprise Zone incentives. Mr. Hall said each agreement includes similar requirements: capital investment of approximately $36,475,750 and creation of at least 200 new jobs; and meet both capital and employment obligations within 36 months after the end of the base period.
Board of Supervisors Mr. Adams moved that the Board of Supervisors approve the Performance
Agreements as presented, seconded by Mr. Bryant unanimously carried. Industrial Development Authority Mr. Helmstutler moved that the Industrial Development Authority accept the
Performance Agreements as presented, seconded by Mr. Nelson and carried 5-0.
There being no further business, Ms. Buchanan moved that the Board of
Supervisors adjourn at 1:45 pm, seconded by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously carried.
Mr. Helmstutler moved the Industrial Development Authority adjourn its meeting at 1:45 pm, seconded by Mr. Nelson and unanimously carried.
December 16, 2014 – 3:00 p.m.
The Henry County Board of Supervisors held its regular meeting on December
16, 2014, at 3:00 p.m. in the Summerlin Meeting Room of the County Administration Building, King’s Mountain Road, Collinsville, Virginia. The following Board members were present: Chairman H.G. Vaughn, Vice-Chairman Tommy Slaughter, Debra Buchanan, Jim Adams, Milton Kendall, and Joe Bryant.
Staff members present were Tim Hall, County Administrator; Dale Wagoner, Deputy County Administrator; Darrell Jones, Director of Finance; Richard Stanfield, Deputy Director of Finance; County Attorney George Lyle; Susan Reynolds, Director of Human Resources; and Michelle Via, Administrative Assistant. Lt. Troy Easter and Deputy Mike Hooper of the Sheriff’s Office were present. Also present was Ben Williams of the Martinsville Bulletin and Cable 18.
Mr. Hall gave the invocation and Ms. Buchanan led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CALL TO ORDER:
Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. He stated that anyone who wishes to be on the agenda for the Board’s regular business meeting held at 3:00 p.m. must contact the County Administrator’s Office seven days prior to a scheduled meeting. Those wishing to speak at the Board’s public meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. may do so under Agenda Item - Matters Presented by the Public without contacting the County Administrator’s Office. ITEMS OF CONSENT:
Confirmation of Minutes of Meetings Copy included in Board’s File
November 25, 2014
Approval of Accounts Payable Copy included in Board’s File
Ms. Buchanan moved the Items of Consent be adopted, seconded by Mr.
Slaughter. The motion carried 6 to 0.
Ms. Amanda Witt, Executive Director of the Martinsville-Henry County Chamber of Commerce, was present to provide an update on the West Piedmont Business Development Center (WPBDC). The Chamber’s Partnership for Economic Growth (C-
PEG) began managing WPBDC on April 1, 2014. Ms. Witt thanked the Board for its support and reported that since the Chamber began managing the WPBDC, tenant occupancy has grown from 50% to around 83% and now has 15 tenants. Ms. Witt said they are really trying to educate the community and make people aware of what the incubator has to offer. UPDATE ON ACTIVITIES AT CITIZENS AGAINST FAMILY VIOLENCE
Mr. Warren Rodgers, Executive Director of Citizens Against Family Violence (CAFV) was present to update the Board on activities at CAFV and to introduce himself as the new executive director. Mr. Rodgers said he came to CAFV from CONTACT and has since realized the need to consolidate resources and eliminate duplication of services. Mr. Rodgers said the CAFV and CONTACT boards have now merged operating under CAFV. Mr. Rodgers noted they still maintain all of the CONTACT programs. Mr. Rodgers added that since July, CAFV has implemented a transportation program for shelter guests to assist in job and housing search. In addition, CAFV was recently awarded a grant from the Virginia Department of Social Services which will enable CAFV to expand services and open a satellite office and hire a case manager whose sole job will be to provide services to shelter guests to ensure their needs are being met. CONSIDERATION OF DATE FOR 2015 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING
Mr. Hall said the Board is required to have an organizational meeting at or soon after the first of the year. During this meeting the Board will set its meeting dates for the 2015 calendar year and elect a chairman and vice chairman for the 2015 calendar year. Mr. Hall reminded the Board County offices are closed Thursday, January 1 and Friday, January 2 in observance of the New Year’s Day holiday.
The consensus of the Board was that the organizational meeting be set for Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 3 p.m. CONSIDERATION OF FY 2015-16 BUDGET CALENDAR
Mr. Hall said a proposed calendar for preparation of the FY 2015-16 County Budget was included in the Board’s working papers. The calendar provides for preparation, adoption, and appropriation of the budget in accordance with the deadlines provided in the Code of Virginia.
On a motion by Mr. Bryant and second by Mr. Kendall, the Board unanimously adopted the budget calendar for the FY 2015-2016 County Budget. REPORT ON DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTION EFFORTS
Mr. Scott Grindstaff reviewed the monthly reports on delinquent tax collection efforts. Mr. Grindstaff noted that 97.8% of 2013 personal property taxes have been collected; 94.24% of 2013 real estate taxes; and since January 1, TACS collected approximately $731,802. In addition, Mr. Grindstaff said two VRW stops were collected in November.
Mr. Hall said Sheriff Perry is asking the Board to award the following purchasing contracts for replacement vehicles for use by the Sheriff’s Office: Sheehy Ford of Richmond in the amount of $81,877 for two unmarked and one marked patrol vehicles; R K Chevrolet of Virginia Beach in the amount of $95,299.50 for the purchase of three Chevrolet Tahoes with police package; and Capital Auto Group of Richmond in the amount of $99,170 for the purchase of five Jeep Compass Sport vehicles.
Mr. Hall said the Board previously appropriated $50,700 from a USDA rural development grant to cover part of the costs of these items. The remaining funds are included in the current budget.
Ms. Buchanan moved the Board award the contracts totaling $276,346.50 as outlined, second by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously carried. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RE: SALE OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT – SCHOOL BOARD
Mr. Hall said Dr. Cotton is asking the Board to approve an additional appropriation of $49,646 received as part of a buyback program of 1st generation iPads. The additional proceeds will be used to purchase new and replacement interactive whiteboards for classrooms.
On a motion by Mr. Bryant and second by Ms. Buchanan, the Board voted unanimously to approve the additional appropriation as requested. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Comments from the Board Mr. Lyle reported that he has a meeting scheduled with County officials December 22 to discuss business licenses. Mr. Hall updated the Board on the County’s reduction in funding from state revenues. As reported last month, the County’s reduction is $138,311. Mr. Hall said staff recommends the cuts be allocated between the Sheriff’s office, $111,046; Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office, $17,083; and the remaining $10,182 from the Treasurer’s office. CLOSED MEETING Mr. Slaughter moved that the Board go into a closed meeting at 3:25 p.m., seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried to discuss the following.
1) §2.2-3711(A)1 for Discussion of Appointees to the Public Service Authority, Anchor Commission, and Henry-Martinsville Social Services Board.
2) §2.2-3711(A)7 for Discussion of Pending Legal Matters.
3) §2.2-3711(A)3 for Discussion of the Acquisition/Disposal of Real Estate. 4) §2.2-3711(A)5 for Discussion of As-Yet Unannounced Industries.
OPEN MEETING The Board returned to an open meeting at 4:16 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Adams, seconded by Ms. Buchanan and unanimously carried. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED MEETING:
Mr. Wagoner read the Certification of the Closed Meeting and took a roll call vote. Those voting in the affirmative were Mr. Bryant, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Adams, Ms. Buchanan, Mr. Slaughter and Mr. Vaughn.
Public Service Authority – On a motion by Mr. Kendall and second by Ms.
Buchanan, the Board voted unanimously to re-appoint Stuart Bowman and Gerry Lawicki to four-year terms ending January 5, 2019.
Anchor Commission – On a motion by Ms. Buchanan and second by Mr. Adams, the Board voted unanimously to re-appoint Christy Spencer to a four-year term ending December 31, 2018.
Mr. Vaughn recessed at 4:18 p.m. until the 6:00 p.m. evening meeting. Mr. Vaughn called the meeting back to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed
Ms. Buchanan read aloud a resolution recognizing Ginny Wray and Mike Wray who plan to retire after four decades with the Martinsville Bulletin. Ms. Buchanan moved the Board adopt the resolution, second by Mr. Slaughter and unanimously carried. Board members and staff praised Ginny and Mike for their professionalism and dedication to the community and Martinsville Bulletin. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION IN HONOR OF THE MAGNA VISTA HIGH SCHOOL JROTC RAIDERS TEAM
Mr. Slaughter read aloud a resolution recognizing the Magna Vista High School Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Raiders team, who dominated the 2014 Virginia State Championship, competing against 35 other teams to win its eighth state title in twelve years. Mr. Slaughter moved the Board adopt the resolution as presented, second by Mr. Bryant and unanimously carried.
Major Phil Corbo, Sergeant First Class John Truini, and several team members were present to accept the honor.
MATTERS PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC There was no one present who wished to address the Board.
Ms. Lisa Hughes, Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation, reported on several highway matters. Ms. Hughes said safety projects on Irisburg Road, Preston Road and Route 650 are scheduled to be advertised this month and work should begin in the spring. Ms. Hughes added that Virginia Secretary of Transportation Aubrey Layne will host an informational meeting at 1 p.m. January 8 at the VDOT Salem District office. The meeting will cover House Bill 2 and its road work prioritization process.
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Slaughter moved to adjourn at
6:16 p.m., seconded by Ms. Buchanan and carried 6 to 0.