Anderson Herald from Anderson, Indiana (2024)

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Anderson Heraldi

Anderson, Indiana

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SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 18 1966 ANDERSON SUNDAY HERALD Homemakers Club Calendar Needed Beauticians 2 SPECIALS! TUES WED THURS SEPT 19 20 21 22 69 AUTGARMENTS ARE SPOTTED REGULAR CLEANING 69 A ESTIVAL LIGHT AT BUDGET RIGHT PRICES (Reg 791 Just Born EARLY AMERICAN STYLE LAMPS compare at 1099 888 Antique wood finish china jug with eagle" Drum shade of tan mesh fabric I Sale I9TH CENTURY VICTORIAN LAMPS compare at 1599 Since when? in carpet by Since More Value rom YARD 1222 DIAL MERIDIAN 644 8811 CLEANERS 21 EAST 23RD MonTuesWedSPECIAL 11 0x hi The Qven (outfit Be fresher! KNOWN OR VALUES HERCULON Tlie US is producing more than 10000 computers a year A A jet black wrought iron rooster crowing atop an old fashioned maple bucket Drum shade Sisters Of TIia SkilJpf 120 i Mrs Charles Church Kt 1 Summitville Lesson 2 LOCATIONS MOUNDTMALT NICHOL ARROW Retiring Officers Plan Ice Cream Antiqued wood finish china on cast metal mounting Linen finish drum shape shade NO MONEY DOWN125 Weekly will meet Wednesdays evening at? 7:30 Bemadine Rod ecap iiistiuctorYWCA there are also open in in ksewing art and bridge andmoming knitting classes Be sure and come to a class at the YWCA turning the switch on one of ow brightest lamp fairseved We have lamps for every decor Early American Viclorianr Conteniporary 'all beautifully dcsignecband expertly crafted 5o light up! Get your new lamp at Grants now 'and save Come see these and many others! der Roll call Apron Exchange riday i stMethodisLChurch12th and JacksonSt Anderson at 12:30 pm On Monday evening the American Association of Uni versity Women will hold its first meeting of the 1966 67 vear An open event will be held at the YWCA from 7 to 9 in Each of the various studv groups within the local branch will have a display showing ac tivities of the group Active numbers and those wishing to become members of AAUW are invited to four the exhibits Any woman holding a degree from an accredited college or uni versity is eligible for member ship and invited to attend the orientation program NO MONEY'DOVN 1 25 weekly The Mediterranean influence is in the delicate wrought iron trim on the wood finished chin: vase Burlap drum shade CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 2 PC SUITS DRESSES nA'N LONG COATS TABLE LAMP pi sneaker Patricia Lanier MD IHUUIUVI OU Cl 1 H1VOVH 1LVU1 the past presidents Mrs A vice president of the borthcem Rowe Miss Angelina Bellisio Area of AAUW a Enroll Now or Oct Nov Classes DONALDS Beauty School 205 12ih 6J 3z1t Job Placement Guaran te Placement' Serv ice Remember thatjthekey to tree quality is a good vigorous root system ranind Pur(kie University nibrticul i jurists Leading Mrs Wessel 7121 Hendries St Les son Creative With Leader Mrs: RolKcalVOur favorite rtsehool subiect Election Live And Learn Mervil Small 307 West Monroe St Lesson Creative With Sal Leader Mrs Mae Hamel Roll call avoriteTV Ruth Woodruff Mi Crowthers 2328 "East Tenth St Crcative i MrSOraTT Swartz Roll call School day Classesat YWCA YWCA Creative Embroidery Class Mrs William Sherbrooke instructor Will meet Wednesday morning at 9:30 am Use Bulletin Herald Classifieds i 1 Brown toile print shade is a lovely accent note to the white china pitcherbowl base Wood and green finish china base with bress eagle trim smart drum slidde of natural burlap Gulistan i Mrs Rice 5008 Dawn St The president Mrs Clifford I Savage was in charge of the business session Lrheollowing arenewmem bers of the club: Mesdames Rex Oyler Clarence Keller' Robert Savage 1 and Don Houser Kew Officers New officers elected for 1967 are as follows: president Mrs Clifford Savage Ist vice pres ident Mrs HK Rice 2nd vice president Mrs Ped Rowe recording secretary TL 0 Howerton corresponding sec rotary Mrs Emil Quear: treas urer juesM axxiAJQtaeri parliamentarian Mrs William Grimes librarian MrsThom as Thompson Brooks Yost was speaker for the afternoon and ANDERSON 1 HOUR It's here' carpet with a wondrous glow lustre and brilliance made possible only by a new kind of HERCULON olefin fiber And all tins extra beauty is in addition to the many practical reasons that make HERCULON one of today's most desirable carpet fibers Long wear Easy cleaning" Unsurpassed spot and stain resistance Unexcelled colorfastness More actual yarn per pound of fiber But why read about it when you can see for yourself just how beautiful practical' and economical it can be to own carpet with pile of 100 HERGULON Let us show you today 'SHOP AT HOME PHONE 644 6811 Our docorator trainod eitimator will gladly visit your home or office with samples See and there is no obligation BUY NOW! No paymert unfit October on approved credit 80 60 90 days cash or up to' 36 months to pay! SATISACTION GUARANTEED! Installation by our own carpot installation crows Plant daffodilBearly the memories i 4 i i i a mtn ft irirvrr i rtrt svs t'es Jig Ml WAIJL GV sib cording to Purdue University extension nor'icuiuinsts erMrs Judith McGinnis Indianapolis Chairmen" of the local branch this season include: Area chair nien Community problems Mrs Roland Maine cultural I interests Mrs rancis Green berg education Mrs William jE rasch world problems i Mrs Joe Dye Implementation i chairmen daw and the citi izen Mrs Joan Bashaw educa I Hon an antidote to novortv Bj'MissLois revolution in and Miss Lois Saffer the out modern China Miss Helen Har going officers Mrs David GnLrell fitiis and Mrs Peder Herreid standing committees the chairmen of all tlie com Progranij rs Robert Larson nutters the chairmen of Mesdames William study groups the hucikin apdpMeirilt Dpn Brandon Robert Lie paiuamentaiian i orbes Haold Wenzel Miss nffuMrc a itnA Anrtarw I branch for the 966 67 season are Mrs Dorothy Hill presi dent Mrs Robert Larson first vice president Mrs Victor Se right second vice president Mrs Waugh secretary Mrs Eugene Yates treasurer Mrs Eugene Bock historian Miss Erma Van Hook parlia mentarian I SCHEDQLE The program for the coming year is as follows: Oct 12 Dinner meeting at the Anderson Country Club Beflrs Lettre's roup hostess The in Roll call Your teenage respon sibility st Thrifty: 12 noon 'Mrs Charles Govette 7313 Plantation Dr Lesson of Madi son County Leaders Mrs John Hatfield and Mayme No blitt Roll call Bring an item for craft Toll Gate Mrs Charles Landes 815 Alexandria Ave Co hostess Mrs? rank Cook Lesson Teen agers Treader Mrs Joe Williams Roll Call School day memories Town And CountryTTanTMT Rooms Mrs Ray Gorman Host ess Lfeson Teen agers Leader Mrs Don Rinker RollcallIn Victory Mrs William Rich of Madison Leader Mrs Troy Shaffer Roll cajl Individual Welcome Wagoneers Mrs Meryl Bausman 163 Ringwood Way Teen agers Leader Mrs Alice Schick Roll call Health and Safety Thmsdav Cooperative Homemakers Mrs Oren Clyfrier Rt 4 El wood of Mad ison Leader Mrs Walter Mays Sparklers Mrs Wilbur Wal ford 134 Mulberry St Chester field Lesson Whats Mrs Glen Gn Schei i CARPETS AND LOOR COVERINGS Retiring officers of the College Cxirner Chib Mes dames Jack Hanson Don Burk Chester Kreegar and Charles' Parks were hostesses to mem bers in the multi pur posc room Monday i Mrs Jack Graham presided at the business meeting during which time plans were made for the club to sponsor an ice cream social at the school from 5:30 7 pm riday Sept 23 The door prize was won by Msr Chester Kreegar Attending were the hostesses a nd Mesdames Larry etz McCord George Speedy Donald Vandergrift Jack Song er Biob Gray Donald Adams Hardld Harris Jack Castor Olveiy RileyWa'kins Ches ter Abel Sam Ashby Edward rank Clarence Walker Jack Graham Wade Howard i SotuiiardJack Wilson Jess Lamborme Robert Dasher Charles Carlson Carter Charles Henry Thomas Hay den" Robert Campbell Nancy Weston Sue Purdue Everett Wood and Janelle Pottorf hum Baxter Roil call Where I met my husband 1 1 Tuesday Beulah Parkers MrsCarl Allen 111 West Berry St' Les son With Leader Mrs Charles Stan Roll about your vacation Cheaper "ByrThe Dozen Mrs Williaip Baksa Rt 3 Pendle ton Lesson VSew Whats New Lead eryMrs am es Willy ard Roll call School Memory Evening Tide nMrs Henry McLain Rt 5' Box 177 Les son Creative With Nina Coyner Roll as school girl Virginia 0 Meredith Arden Madren Rt 3 Box 320 Anderson Lesson New Leader Mrs OrvilleTranbargerRolI call Auction of home made articlesWilling Workers Cliff Swanson 7427 Columbus Ave Lesson" Madison Leaders Mrs Ward Thomas and Mrs Joe Lines Roll callr Madison County his torical fact Rural dav meet ing starting alls Park Pendleton tory of Madison Lead of 'officers Roll call Recipe exchange Budget Breakers roast with husbands guests Mrs Earl Radaker Miller Hills Rd As Hostess Special Interest The tailoring workshop will1 begin Tuesday Sept' 20 and will meet each Tuesday for eight weeks from 1:00 to 4:00 pm the 'K and MRoomsinAlex andria Wednesday Comer Mrs alter McCarty 125 West 13th St son of Madison Leader' Mrs George ish Roll call Vacations 1:30 pm Mrs Brooks Short 39 Colony Rd Special Interest Lesson Roll Evening Knit fin? Class caU lat might have been vvva isve mug ruuuung VldSS COEE CAKE Real butter danisli cinnamon cream filling icedand generouslyzc Trprinkled with Pecans CLEANERS 21 I ITH ANDERSON 1 UfillP DOWNTOWN I i n0Vs 14 YWCAr Bibliopnile Group hostess program I New in Anderson speaker Dr Harold I r1 1 1 rv ZVK VTaxxagAivi Monday ling Teenagers Housl'oW Engineers MrslLeader Mrs Chester Cullen James Landmann 121 North Coventry Dr Lesson on Jewelry Making Leader Mrs Peggy Landmann Roll call avorite accessory trick 1U11AA3 DUV1U fTUUCt Uldd Angehne Bellisio membership i itiwooa Mrs ujhs Horton Mis Vctoi Sengh' chairman 904 16tli St Elwood Jre Mesdames Harrv Kume Ken son Teaching Teenagers Re neth Clark Junies Teeters Leadei Mis Wil uauoencspcK raneis Greenberg Ralph Reynolds Thomas Bailey Jerry Herod Harmsen Thomas Pltt Donald Maxstadt Marti Wetmore fellowship Mrs Wayne Moore chairman Mrs i ranter AllispMrsr Robert" "Nich olson DrGertrude Little Miss es Rive Todd Helen Holton Irerelie Lacy legislative Mrs Peder Herreid chairman Mes dames Robei Wil liam Carter William Harmsen Prank AUisHafiyKurrie7 Miss Barbara Hutton Other chairmen xBudgetMrs Eugene ates bulle tin Miss Darlene Miller cour tesyMrs Marguerite Hale li brary Mrs Helen Baumer play Omnibi's Study Group post high" school' project Mrs Rhynearson publicity Mrs John Hiday public re lations Mrs Russell Johnson social Mrs James Hunter tel ephone Mr? Nicholas arris study groups Mrs George Do herty Jr Study chairmen An tiques Charles Gaus Athenaeum Mrs JR ft er Belles Lettres Mrs Wayne Everman Bibliophile Mrs JB 1 D41 in ter ion decor a ting rs ar tinJWetmore Omnibus is Mary Linda Thomas um Miss Lueile Strawn: Early Americana Mrs Lula Young Renaissance Mrs John alge Revolution in Mod ern China Miss Helen Harrell Trebleaires Mrs 'Bernard Goen Problems Sheldon Scottfr or Id Problems Mrs Joseph Ketner Tlie hostess committee Mes dames Thomas Thompson Rob ert Clark Beryl Jenkins Paul Gtossestieuiei served refresh mentg to the foltowing mem bers Mesdames HtobcrtrA ams Ralph Adams "Ralph Arnold Cottingham Beecher DeVaney George ox Paul Herman Hallett OHowerton Beryl Jenkins I Kirkman Oris McCoy Carl McWilliams O2a Niccum And rank Jlecords Walter Ross Clifford Savage a Revoiullon in Modern Chi ouyeis kjjiuige iv rei Taylor "Thomas Thompson Wrigley" Brooks Yost Emil Quear and the hostrMrRice? The be Tuesday Oct 11 at one o'clock the meeting place toJieA IU nounced later 1 Ca pe with a I stre a nd luxury you on a ve to ba by and "Science a Creative are the topics for study for this AAUW pro gram The ectors con sists re three members at large chosen from Anderson Garden ciub Meets AAUW Begins New Season tzieers urricers i or ivo The Garden Club of Anderson her i was The i met recently at the home of Word Jah? 16 YWCA: Early Am ericana" Group hostess nw gram Africa" speaker Mrs Glenn England I March' 13 YWCA Treble 'aires Group hostess in Modem play presented by Proscenium I Study re 29 Edgewood Coun try Club sprin luncheon so cialre committee andzp Interior Decorating Group hostesses program Success Spoiled i bl the American speak phile Mrs EdwarcTToggs JB SV 1 I I 5 7 'I re re 9 irn (i IC I HmobI B'dll' i Iff1 I Il i' i ir I I lirlL IJl li I III Jrj I 'Cst i Hi I nr 4 1 I 1 u' 4g TJXLLJ I rg rrrr iTrrv "wM7irri mill I innnrraiMMnfmMinnManm wmmnmnnMBmrriMMBmniflnni ssnrev ciiin iiri riinrnmnruTnninii 1 willC i vwi re xnin i narn rr amok Zuxaac' ww innrr so i a iim th rTrir': irjMwrsnEi a XRJiit'i to' Mac dlr? I ti "re BIT TbBKZ 7 I IL I JHB x7WnEL a mm I naa WijJODi a 4 iA fl Jf 1 I 'JW ir A L' 3L' Ju yy I A A Vu x5z XxW A re re a re Kj A i COOMK tnr hisr Cmia jfl 1288' rzi 2 HHB j''x BMBBMMBKLr jr aM0 1 sSc li 83 12 tn KrBt rco $E88 JM PER SQUARE BBHHH WT RANT CO KOM GxarilA KNOWN OR VALUES I Sdwpt A CARPETS AND LOOR COVERINGS WT GRANT CO YtHAM ioUMiSy.

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Anderson Herald from Anderson, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Views: 6683

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.