15 Minute Avocado Basil Pasta Recipe - Nourish Your Glow (2024)

Quick and Easy Avocado Basil Pasta recipe. So creamy and only 15 minutes to throw together.

15 Minute Avocado Basil Pasta Recipe - Nourish Your Glow (1)

The easiest, quickest, most delicious creamy avocado pasta that everyone will love.

This Avocado Basil Pasta has been my go to lunch recently. It’s so yummy and creamy. Plus it only takes 15 minutes in total to throw together.

I featured this recipe in my What I Eat In Day Video. You can watch below to see exactly how I make it.

The best part about this healthy avocado pasta recipe is that there’s no cream or butter in this. All you need is simple, fresh ingredients. That’s all.

So how is this pasta so creamy? All you need are a couple of ripe avocados, fresh basil leaves, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil. Then, you can simply throw it all into a food processor and give it a whirl!

And it’s ready!

15 Minute Avocado Basil Pasta Recipe - Nourish Your Glow (2)

Toss it with your favourite pasta noodle along with some fresh veggies and more fresh herbs. You can use any veggies you like but I loved using crisp cherry tomatoes.

15 Minute Avocado Basil Pasta Recipe - Nourish Your Glow (3)

Pasta dishes are a great recipe to make for the whole family. Next time you want to make healthy comfort food that the entire family will enjoy, try this avocado pesto sauce.

This creamy avocado sauce is much healthier than what you would buy at grocery stores and taste even more delicious when served with hot pasta or cold pasta.

15 Minute Avocado Basil Pasta Recipe - Nourish Your Glow (4)

The Best Avocado Pasta Recipe Healthy benefits

Filling but not heavy and so satisfying! Bursting with flavour from the basil, lemon and garlic.Plus this Basil Avocado pasta sauce recipe is gluten free, dairy free, vegan and full of so much goodness.

Avocado – Although high in calories avocados are amazing for you. They aid fat burning, reduce inflammation and bloating and they are amazing for your skin. They also contain heart-healthy fats.

Basil–Basil is also a power house of nutrition, full of antioxidants, antibacterial and contains lots of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, C, D, B-12, B-6, Iron, Magnesium and Calcium.

Lemon Juice– Rich source of nutrients like Calcium, Potassium, and Vitamin C. It is a great immune booster and promotes healthy, glowing skin.

Garlic – Garlic helps to fight and prevent sickness. It contains high levels of Maganese, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin C and Selenium.

Love avocados? Then try avocado tomato salad.

15 Minute Avocado Basil Pasta Recipe - Nourish Your Glow (5)

Basil Avocado Pasta Ingredients

You just need the following simple ingredients to make this creamy pasta.

  • Fresh Garlic
  • Fresh Lemon Juice – use lime juice if you prefer
  • Your favorite pasta – any pasta of your choice will work from zucchini noodles to wholewheat pasta
  • Ripe avocado
  • Olive Oil
  • Your favorite seasoning – I love to keep it simple with some red pepper flakes
15 Minute Avocado Basil Pasta Recipe - Nourish Your Glow (6)

Serving Suggestions and Add Ins

This avocado basil pasta tastes amazing on it’s own, you can also add the following:

  • Baby spinach – stir through some fresh spinach or other leafy greens
  • Nutritional yeast – tastes like parmesan cheese, for a creamy avocado pesto pasta
  • Pine nuts – For protein
  • Fresh tomatoes – Fresh juicy tomatoes works so well with this creamy sauce, sun-dried tomatoes also work
  • Lemon zest – love lemon? add some lemon zest for extra zinginess
  • Garbanzo beans – For added protein
  • Green beans – Serve with a portion of green beans
  • Sweet corn – Toss some sweetcorn into your avocado pasta salad

How to make creamy avocado pasta recipe

  • In a large pot of boiling water cook pasta al dente and drain well. Whilst the pasta cooks make the green sauce
  • Place the avocado, garlic, basil, olive oil, lemon juice into a blender or food processor and blend until your desired consistency. Tastes great both chunky or smooth and creamy.
  • Season the sauce with salt, pepper and chilli flakes.
  • Toss the cooked pasta with the sauce and serve
  • I like to serve mine with extra chopped basil leaves and some cherry tomatoes, such an amazing combination.

More healthy vegetarian dinner ideas –

Vegan Tomato Homemade Pasta Sauce

Cheese Free Alfredo Sauce

Air Fryer Pasta Bake

Vegetarian Empanadas

Potato and Leak Soup

Can You Store Avocado Pasta with Basil?

Yes! Keep leftovers basil avocado pasta in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.

15 Minute Avocado Basil Pasta Recipe - Nourish Your Glow (7)

Quick and Easy Basil Avocado Pasta

Quick and easy basil avocado pasta. So creamy and ready in 15 minutes.

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  • 2 Garlic Cloves
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 300 g Gluten free pasta
  • 2 Avocados halved seeded and peeled
  • 1/3 cup Olive Oil
  • handful of basil leaves
  • pinch of pink salt
  • black pepper to taste
  • 1 tsp chilli flakes


  • In a large pot of boiling water cook pasta and drain well.

  • Place the avocado, garlic, basil, olive oil, lemon juice into a blender or food processor and blend until your desired consistency. Tastes great both chunky or smooth and creamy.

  • Season the sauce with salt, pepper and chilli flakes.

  • Toss the pasta with the sauce and serve

  • I like to serve mine with extra chopped basil leaves and some cherry tomatoes, such an amazing combination.

I hope you enjoy this Basil Avocado Pasta recipe as much as I did, it’s so yummy and satisfying and so easy and affordable to make! Don’t forget to tag me in your creations!

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Love Hayley x

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15 Minute Avocado Basil Pasta Recipe - Nourish Your Glow (8)
15 Minute Avocado Basil Pasta Recipe - Nourish Your Glow (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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