10 Elderflower Recipes and Uses (2025)

The elegant elderflower – if you’ve been noticing large, creamy blossoms on forest edges, then you’re probably seeing the flower of the elder. In this post, we are sharing an assortment of elderflower recipes to try yourself. Like us, we hope you find the flower an alluring early-summer resource!

It seems appropriatethat the elder is under the sign of Venus. When you begin working with itsaromatic blooms, it’s easy to understand why the elder means purification and love in the language of flowers. In fact, when standing amid an elder in full bloom, one almost feels the presence of the goddess Venus herself.

Fittingly, the delicateflower helps women remain beautiful; it has been used since ancient Egyptian times for reducingwrinkles and age spots. It also inspired the poet Seamus Heaney when he wrote his Glanmore Sonnets:

He lived there in the unsayable light.

He saw the fuchsia in a drizzling noon,

The elderflowers at dusk like a risen moon

And green fields greying on the windswept heights.

Shamans and medicine people worldwide believed elder was a supportive plant and commonly used it for upper respiratory ailments and topically for skin problems. Traditionally, our herbalist elders, such as Hippocrates, Dioscorides, and Pliney the Elder recognized its strength as a diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and more. Recent research from Israel and the United Kingdom has confirmed some of these claims.

Elder has long been a human ally – read more about this herb here. And below, you will find an assortment of elderflower recipes and uses to try yourself. Like me, I hope you find the flower an alluring early-summer resource!

When I was in England a few years ago, I ran across a non-alcoholic drink known as “Elder Flower Cordial,” and I fell in love. When I came home, I experimented until I came up with this recipe:

Elderflower Cordial

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Thirty ounces of water
Four to five elderberry umbels, with most of the stems removed


  • Bring the water to a boil and remove from heat.
  • Add the elderberry umbels to the water, cover, and let stand for several hours.
  • Strain the flowers and measure the water before returning it to a clean pot.
  • Add the same amount of sugar as you have liquid and bring to a boil.
  • Reduce heat and simmer for about 30 minutes.
  • Remove from heat.
  • Chill.
  • Add the syrup mixture to sparkling water to taste.

I fill jars 2/3 full of this syrup and freeze it for winter use. I’ve used it on pancakes and in cake mixes. It makes a wonderful punch, too.

10 Elderflower Recipes and Uses (1)

Elderflower Fritters

Making fritters is one of my favorite ways to enjoy elderflowers. All you need is fresh elder flowers and pre-made pancake mix. A variety of recipes can be found in old cookbooks, or use the one in this post:


Elderflower Vinegar

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Vinegar (apple cider, white wine, or champagne all make excellent choices)
Elder flowers


  • Fill a jar with fresh elder flowers.
  • Cover with vinegar.
  • Let sit for at least a month, strain, and pour the infused vinegar into a sterilized bottle.

When I make an elderberry oxymel, I use elder-infused vinegar. You can do the same thing with elixirs and elder flower honey.

Elder Flower Evening Beverage

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5 fresh elder flowers
A few springs of lemon balm
Peels from one lemon


  • Remove elder stems and put the flowers in a glass jar, along with the lemon balm and lemon peel.
  • Add enough vodka to cover and let sit for at least two weeks.
  • Strain flowers from vodka.
  • Add a sugar syrup (to taste) and let sit at least two more weeks.
  • Serve this delicious beverage over ice.

10 Elderflower Recipes and Uses (2)

Elderflower for Allergy Support

Allergies are troublesome for many of us, especially during this time of year. Check out these six plants that may offer support, with instructions on how to use them:


10 Elderflower Recipes and Uses (3)

Formula for Hot & Moist Cold/Flu

This cold and fever tea formula, made with five common plant allies, is one to make this summer. That way, you’ll be ready for cold and flu season when it arrives.Find instructions here:


10 Elderflower Recipes and Uses (4)

Elderflower Wine

You may have heard of elderberry wine, but there many ways to make wines using ingredients you probably have growing right in your own backyard.Check out these seven plants and let the winemaking begin!


Elderflower Tea – Always a Wise Choice

If you’ve never collected elder flowers or made an elderflower tea, you’re in for a treat. Learn how to harvest elderflowers and transform them into a lovely beverage!


10 Elderflower Recipes and Uses (5)

Three-Flower Vinegar

This vinegar is wonderful for the skin! This recipe calls for lavender buds, rose petals, and elderflowers. Learn how to make this skin-soothing vinegar here:


Elderflower Sorbet

This tasty sorbet is made with gooseberries, honey, and elderflowers. In addition to the sorbet recipe, you’ll find four more ideas for using elderflowers to make elderflower vinegar, champagne, infused almond milk, and elderflower pancakes. Get all the recipes in this post.


10 Elderflower Recipes and Uses (6)

10 Elderflower Recipes and Uses (2025)


What are the culinary uses of elderflower? ›

Elderflower is delicious mixed into cakes, tarts, trifles and jams. It pairs particularly well with tart fruits such as rhubarb and gooseberries. From casual nibbles to celebratory showstoppers, we have a whole host of fantastic floral recipes.

What does elderflower pair with? ›

Elderflower liqueurs are delicately flavoured, aromatic and floral; they mix brilliantly with pretty much every spirit, both white and brown, even combining well with the strong flavours of mezcal, peated whisky and pisco. Elderflower tends to mix better with light-coloured fruits such as pear, apple and white grapes.

What are the disadvantages of elderflower? ›

Elderflower is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when used in excessive amounts. Some parts of the elderflower plant contain a cyanide-producing chemical which can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Cooking removes this chemical. Not enough is known about the safety of applying elderflower directly to the skin.

Can you eat elderflowers raw? ›

The flowers and berries are the only edible part of the plant. They are mildly toxic and have an unpleasant taste when raw. Cooking destroys the toxic chemicals. Elderflowers are ready around late May to mid-June.

Can you drink elderflower straight? ›

Germain Elderflower Liqueur was a double gold medal winner at the 2007 San Francisco World Spirits Competition. This makes it the new hot drink you can cool off with—straight up, on ice, or in the seven recipes below.

What does elderflower do for the skin? ›

Elderflower are mildly astringent so are helpful in refining the complexion. The astringent properties cause the skin to tighten, reducing the size and appearance of pores. The reduction of pores in the skin to a healthy size has the benefit of making the skin look and feel smoother and fresh.

What is the difference between elderflower and elderberry? ›

Elderflower has a woodsy and floral taste, and their sweetness comes out when elderflower is cooked. Photo courtesy of Shadi via Unsplash. Compared to elderflower, elderberry has a more intense taste: woodsy and floral, with a dark flavor that can be bitter and earthy when the fruit is consumed raw.

Is elderflower a herb or spice? ›

Elderflower is a herb that one should always have in a home herbal first aid kit. This delicate flower is both powerfully anti-catarrhal and anti-inflammatory, making it the perfect for treatment of the common cold or influenza.

Does elderflower liqueur go bad? ›

As a natural liqueur made with fresh flowers, the color may slowly change over time due to natural oxidation (caused by light and air). We recommend that you consume St~Germain liqueur within 6 months after opening, and keep your bottle in a dry, cool space and away from bright light.

Does elderflower help with sleep? ›

Elder flower tea may also be useful against insomnia, anxiety and other nervous disorders. The flowers are a significant source of Vitamin C, as well as other antioxidants. The ripe berries also have a laxative effect in small doses, but may cause nausea and vomiting in larger amounts.

Does elderflower taste like honey? ›

Most often people will say it is like honey and flowers, but many also think it has some fruity elements (ranging from kumquats to pears),” says Van Haitsma of her customers' feedback.

What is the toxin in elderflower? ›

Elderflower is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when used in excessive amounts. Some parts of the elder tree contain a cyanide-producing chemical which can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Cooking removes this chemical.

Is elderflower a laxative? ›

As a supplement, elderflower also has diuretic and laxative properties and is helpful in relieving occasional constipation. Elderflower has antibacterial and antiviral properties and may also help alleviate some allergies and boost the functioning of the immune system.

What are some fun facts about elderflower? ›

In traditional Chinese medicine, rheumatism is treated by elder dissolved in wine. In natural medicine, it's used to treat allergies, coughs, colds, flu, and laryngitis. It's even been used as an insect repellent in the past, with farmers adding a sprig to their hat.

What does elderflower taste like? ›

By itself, the elderflower flavor profile is described as a uniquely fresh, fruity, green and slightly floral with subtle pear, lychee and tropical nuances. Such a profile that blends the different (unique floral) with the familiar (pear) and interesting (lychee) is often the foundation for broader appeal.

How do you harvest and use elderflower? ›

On a cool sunny morning, cut the elderflower clusters off, when the dew on the freshly opened individual flowers has dried off, and place them loosely in a basket. Use the harvested elderflowers as soon as possible, otherwise they will wither.

Is there a difference between elderflower and elderberry? ›

Elderflower has a woodsy and floral taste, and their sweetness comes out when elderflower is cooked. Photo courtesy of Shadi via Unsplash. Compared to elderflower, elderberry has a more intense taste: woodsy and floral, with a dark flavor that can be bitter and earthy when the fruit is consumed raw.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.